They're Your Opening Act

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They're Your Opening Act (Requested By twerkin_like_ari)


Your opening act, 5 Seconds Of Summer, were currently performing in front of your fans for the first time on the Australian leg of your tour. They seemed to love the band almost as much as they love you. You were singing along to 'Try Hard' from the side of the stage. Ashton kept glancing at you with a look that seemed as if he were asking if they were doing okay. You gave him a thumbs up and he seemed to gain more confidence, turning back to his drums with a smile. When their set ended, Ashton spoke up. "Before we go, I, on behalf of the guys, just want to thank Y/N-" the audience erupted in a thunder of screams and he laughed. "Y/N, for giving us the opportunity to play for all you beautiful people!" And they screamed some more. "So everyone, she's very excited to play for you guys tonight, have a great time!" He shouted into the microphone before they all walked to the front of the stage and bowed. Ashton was the last to run off the stage, and you greeted him with open arms. He went to hug you before he changed his mind, "I'm sweaty, don't wanna ruin your prettiness," he said, referring to your outfit. You laughed and hugged him anyway, burying your face in his tank top. He blushed and the rest of the guys wolf whistled, causing you to step away immediately. "You guys were really amazing, thank you so much," you said, changing the subject immediately. "Seems as if you thought Ashton was particularly amazing," Calum teased and you blushed.


You were hanging out with the guys backstage before they were about to go on and open for your concert. They all seemed pretty excited and pumped since this was their first performance at a stadium, that was, except, for Calum. He sat quietly and away from you and the guys simply looking down at his fiddling fingers. You let him be for a while, until you decided to go and see if anything was bothering him. You sat down beside him and he jumped slightly, "sorry," you apologised and he smiled. "That's okay, just in my own little world," he mumbled and you bit your bottom lip. "Is everything okay?" You asked and he looked up slowly. "To be honest... I'm nervous as hell," he admitted quietly. "There's no need to be nervous," you wrapped an arm around his shoulder and he looked down blushing. "You're just such an amazing performer, your fans don't want to see me," he said and you shook your head. "No, they love you. You're amazing!" You tried to comfort him but he was still visibly nervous. "I'm sorry if I don't do well," he apologised in advance and you shushed him. "Go out there and have fun. Rock out like the rockstar you are," you laughed and he smiled, this time it reached his eyes. Moments later they were called on, and you walked with him the whole way, gripping his hand right up until the moment he was about to walk out onto the huge stage. "Thank you," he whispered into your ear before he ran out to the crowd of thousands of screaming fans.


You stood centre stage in the middle of one of your slowest songs. You were nearing the end of your tour and were singing your absolute heart out into your blue microphone to your thousands of fans. The lights, the sounds and the atmosphere made you feel as if you were in another universe, and it was your favourite place in the world. Throughout the song, your earpiece and concentration prevented you from realising a certain someone had joined you on stage. As your song ended, you noticed some fans near the front pointing behind you and squealing. You turned around and saw Luke, the lead singer of the band you asked to be your opening act standing behind you with a nervous smile. You laughed and moved your microphone away, "what are you doing?" You asked and he blushed. "Uhm," he pulled a rose from behind his back and everyone in the arena was 'aww'ing. You took the rose and placed it behind your ear, "thank you," you said sheepishly and he reached over you to grab your microphone. "Sorry for interrupting Y/N's amazing show, but as I was watching her from over there," he pointed to the side of the stage, "I couldn't really wait much longer to uhm," he looked down and bit his lip ring. "To tell her that I really like her," he said and every heart in the arena was melting. Your jaw dropped and you stepped closer to him to hug him quickly. "I like you too," you whispered in his ear. When you stepped back he was blushing redder than you'd ever seen anyone blush before, "wow, I uhm. Guess I'll uh, see you later then," he said awkwardly and you nodded with a giggle. The fans screamed and cheered as he ran off the stage with the hugest smile on his face.


You ran out on stage, welcomed by screams from thousands of fans all around you. You waved left and right as your first song began to play, loving the fact that everyone started to sing along. You ran right up to the front of the stage and smiled, waving at the people in the front row. As you continued singing, you noticed a few people pointing to the empty area on the right side of the stage. You furrowed your eyebrows as you looked and saw a bright green in the corner of your eye. You walked up to the side and looked down, seeing Michael waving and singing along. You laughed and waved back. He beamed and held up one finger, signalling you to wait a moment. The whole arena was now trying to watch you two and see what was happening. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and started filming you. You sung and waved to the camera for a little while before you ran back to the centre of the stage and performed the rest of the concert with Michael constantly waving and singing along. When you and the band were hanging out back after the concert was over, you thanked and congratulated them on their performance. "But you were just simply phenomenal," Michael said and you blushed. "Thanks," you mumbled, "why did you record me?" You decided to ask. He looked down and fiddled with his fingers, nervous to say this in front of you and his band mates. "I just thought you looked really beautiful," he mumbled and all the guys 'aww'd and laughed. He glared at them and you walked up to hug him, "thank you."

A/N: I know I used to personally thank people in these but it's literally become way too much, all I can say is that if you read and actually like these you are just awesome and I can't thank you enough
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