You Defend Him From A Girl

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You Defend Him From A Girl (Requested By Perksof_beingemily)

A/N: if you think you're going to get through this without nerdy Luke you are so wrong


Ashton convinced you it'd be a good idea to meet some fans that were gathered outside the tour bus. "They'll love you!" He assured, with a tone that said you were crazy if you thought otherwise. "Come on," he took your hand and opened the door, eliciting a few squeals from the small crowd of around twelve gathering near the door. "Hi girls!" He started making conversation with them in complete ease, leaving you feeling a little awkward and unsure. You decided to approach two girls, a blonde and brunette near the back of the small crowd. "Of course we ended up with Ashton," one girl laughed. You paused for a moment before smiling at them. "Hey," you waved shyly and they looked you up and down. "Hi," the brunette mumbled. "Ashton loves meeting you guys," was the only thing you could think of. When they didn't respond, you continued to talk. "He was excited to come out and see you," you smiled again. "Well, if only we were just as excited," they laughed. "What do you mean?" You asked. "We like Luke, so we hoped to meet him," the blonde girl told you. "Oh, but don't you like the whole band?" You chuckled nervously. "All he does is drum," the other commented. You couldn't help but laugh, "and what beat would Luke sing to without a drummer?" You replied. "Whatever, they'd be fine without him," "no they wouldn't!" You shouted. Ashton looked up. "You okay, babe?" He asked. You nodded quickly before turning back to them. "Ashton is just as important to this band as Luke," you told them and they rolled their eyes. "I'll be sure to tell Luke what you said about Ashton," you taunted, hoping to get a reaction. They turned to you, "don't," the blonde said sternly. "If that's what you think about Ashton I think you should leave," you said. "Don't tell us what to do!" The other yelled. Not a moment later, Luke appeared from around the corner, causing the two girls to run up to him. You rolled your eyes and returned to Ashton, who wrapped his arm around you quickly. "Whatever they said, don't worry about it," he kissed the top of your head. "I'm not," you assured him, deciding to photobomb a selfie he was taking with a fan. After a moment, he couldn't help but ask, "what did they say?" You paused, "it was about me, it's fine," you looked up at him and smiled to assure him everything really was fine. You didn't want to tell him the truth, "well you're perfect," he smiled and you laughed, "as are you."


Recent drama involving Calum had caused a terrible amount of hate to flood towards him on Twitter. He told you numerous times to ignore it, or to simply not read it at all. You were doing fine ignoring all the negative comments you'd seen directed at him quite well, until one in particular caught your eye. You read it over in disbelief. It was difficult to comprehend that someone had purposely typed out this hateful death threat and sent it to your boyfriend. Your blood boiled, and your brain told you to turn your phone off quickly, but your heart was screaming to finally say something that might quiet down the terrible comments. Before you could stop yourself, your thumbs were already typing frantically to reply to the tweet. 'No one with a heart like Calum's should be subjected to disgusting words like yours. To anyone bullied like this, please know you're loved.' You tweeted it before you gave yourself a chance to give it a second thought. Calum's phone went off on the other side of the room, and you knew it was the notification of your tweet. You held your breath as you watched him unlock his phone. After a few seconds, he placed his phone down and made his way over to you. He sat down beside you on the sofa and draped his arm over your shoulder. "You didn't have to defend me," he mumbled, shaking you by your shoulder gently. "There was no way I could forget what she typed," you replied and he nodded. "I'm sorry," you snuggled into his chest, and you felt him laugh quietly. "Don't be sorry, thank you for saying that, even though I told you not to," he teased. You groaned and hid your face deeper into the fabric of his tank top. "No one is allowed to say those things to you," you said sternly, causing him to laugh again. "How about we turn our phones off for the day," he suggested after hearing yours buzz for the third time. "Good idea," you agreed. "And we can make out instead." "Also a good idea."

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