First 'I Love You'

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First 'I Love You':


You were running faster than you'd ever ran before... From your boyfriend, Ashton. After promising you weren't going to pull any more pranks, you couldn't help but tape a plastic spider on the hidden side of the toilet paper roll. When he'd pull the toilet paper, he'd see a spider roll out along with it. When Ashton walked towards the direction of the bathroom, you couldn't stop yourself from giggling quietly at your genius idea. There was a moment of silence before loud screams and profanities were uttered and the sound of fast, angry footsteps boomed towards you. You escaped from under your books and study notes to hide in your bedroom. You looked back to find Ashton stumbling with his pants halfway down his legs. "Y/N, you said you wouldn't!" He cried. "If your reactions weren't so entertaining I wouldn't." You shouted back. He eventually caught up to you and pinned you down on your bed. He panted against your lips and you could see the mischief in his eyes. "You know you have to pay, right?" He asked as he started tickling you. "Ashton no, I am not responsible for any harm that comes from this." You said through laughter as your legs and arms flailed wildly against him. He didn't stop. "Ashton!" You tried to fight back, losing your breath in the process. "I actually cannot breathe." You choked. He laughed loudly and collapsed beside you, also breathing erratically. "Someone walking in right now would get a very different idea." You joked. He chuckled lightly and sighed. "I love you." He said. You turned to face him with wide eyes. "What?" You whispered. His face reddened and he bit his lip. "Just need you to know, I love you." He repeated, looking directly into your eyes. "I love you too."


"Calum, I'm sick and tired of you not putting my feelings into consideration." You shouted at your boyfriend of 4 months. "Your feelings? What about my feelings? You're not the only one in this relationship." He shouted back. "It sure feels like it! You don't even pay attention to me anymore." You held back the urge to run into his arms and cry. "You need to stop being so clingy!" That did it. "Clingy?! At least I don't ignore you! What kind of boyfriend are you?" You yelled. "The kind that is sick of you screaming at me!" He yelled back in annoyance. "If you're so sick of me then why are you still here?!" You questioned. He stood there and shrugged. "Why don't you leave? Why are you still in this relationship?!" You walked closer and closer to him with unforgiving eyes. "Because." He stated simply. "Because what, Calum?" "Because I love you, ok?" He said with his voice breaking slightly. You stepped back. "I love the way you laugh at my jokes, the way you tell me off for doing something stupid, your blush whenever I compliment you and I just love you, so much. I don't ever want to see you look at me like you did just then." He said through his own tears. "Calum." You whispered. He wiped his eyes so he could see you. "I'm so glad you said that. I was afraid I was the only one in love here." You laughed quietly. "Come here." He held his arms out and you buried your face into his chest.


"Lucas." You smiled. "What." He said slowly, knowing you were up to something. "I don't wanna study anymore." You pouted. He sighed. "The exam is tomorrow." He whined, throwing the textbook on your bedroom floor. "That book costs like $200, Hemmings." After rolling his eyes, you threw a chip at him. He flinched when it hit just below his eye. "You're such a pain." He stood up and sat down beside you on your bed. When he rubbed his eyes, you took the opportunity to catch him by surprise by hitting him over the head with your pillow. He screamed before rolling off the side of the bed and landing on the floor. "Y/N, you're really mean." He said quietly. "We can't study the whole time, we gotta have some fun." You stated. Luke rose from the ground with one of your huge plushies. "No." You warned. "But yes." He started hitting you with the plushie. You fought back with your pillow and managed to force him back down onto the floor. He laughed beneath you. "Get off of me, you're evil." "Never!" You pinched his cheeks. "You're insane." He swatted your hands away and rolled onto his stomach. "But you like it." You said, jumping back on your bed. "I love it." You smiled. "Really?" You asked. "Your craziness is one of the many reasons why I love you." You froze. "I mean, uhm." He stayed lying on his stomach on the floor. "You said you love me." You got up and laid down beside him. He turned his face to look at you. "So." He smiled. "So I love you too."


You had broken up with Michael recently due to the complications with him touring and you never being able to spend time together. It was on the phone during an argument, so neither of you really meant it. You both have been absolutely miserable without each other. When the band returned to do a show near you, the other three guys sent you tickets and forced you to come. Considering you had nothing against them, you thought it'd be rude to turn them down.
It was nearing the end of the concert and you'd made sure to hide from Michael since you were in the front row. "Ok guys. Now this isn't planned but... Mikey. You should sing 'The Only Reason'." Calum said. Michael looked at him, "why?" He mouthed. Luke pointed to you in the crowd and it was too late for you to try and hide. He saw you and tried to run off the stage. Luke caught him and whispered something in his ear. Michael bit his lip, his eyes drifting to yours again. He walked to the middle of the stage and began singing. By now, the entire arena was silent besides the boys performing on stage and the thousands of words Michael was screaming to you through his eyes. You and he were both bawling by the end of the song. "I love you, Y/N." He said into the microphone. It seemed everyone in the arena was shocked at Michael's performance and words. "I love you too." You shouted. The crowd cheered along with the guys. "This is the first time guys. First time Michael's said those words." Ashton laughed. Michael blushed and you realised it in fact was the first time. You also realised that you were certain both of you were telling the truth.

A/N: get to know the awkward 17yo Ava from my fanfic, 'Mend Me?'

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