Your Daughter Starts Their Period

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Your Daughter Starts Their Period (Requested by NiallerzPrincezzz)


You were having a girl's day out with your friends, leaving your husband alone with your 12 year old daughter, Andrea. They were eating dinner together in front of the TV watching a cartoon. Andrea stood up. "I gotta pee." She said, placing her plate on the coffee table and walking towards the bathroom. Ashton chuckled. "Okay." He said, finishing the last of his food. A few minutes passed before Ashton became suspicious. "Andrea?" He called. No reply. He stood up. "Andrea?" He called louder, walking quickly to the bathroom. He knocked on the door. "Andrea, are you okay?" He asked. A short pause. "No.." She whimpered. He tried to open the door but it was locked. "Are you hurt?" He asked. No reply. "Darling, please tell me." He pleaded. "Let me in?" He asked quietly. "I don't want you to see. Get mum." She said. "But why can't I-" he started. "I got my period, okay?" She shouted. Ashton froze. "Oh. Uhm. O-okay just uh." His face flushed. "Get mum." She said again. "Mhmm, g-good idea." He rushed for the phone and called you. After clicking your contact you picked up. "Ashton, you know my friends said you can't call on our girl's d-" you said before you noticed Ashton breathing somewhat erratically. "You okay?" You asked. "You need to come home now." He demanded. "Why?" You asked, standing up from your table of friends and giving them a look that said 'this is serious'. They nodded as you walked to your car. "Andrea kind of, well uhm. She needs you. Girl problems." He blushed unable to say the words. You immediately understood. "Tell her I'm coming and It'll be okay." You said calmly. "Thank you." He let out a sigh of relief and hung up. He ran back to the bathroom door. "Mum's coming." He said happily. "Thank god." She mumbled.


You, Calum and your daughter Madeleine were on the couch together watching a movie. Madeleine was in the middle with a bowl of popcorn you were all sharing. She and Calum were loving the movie, but you thought it was quite boring. Hearing them laugh though made you smile. You curled up against the arm rest and drifted to sleep listening to their giggles. You were deep asleep before you were woken by your daughter leaving the couch. "I'll get more popcorn." She said casually. You closed your eyes again before Calum screamed. "AAAH." He stood up on the couch pointing at a red stain where Madeleine was sitting. "AAAAH." She shrieked, pulling back her pyjama pants to see behind her. You were now fully awake and already at her side. "C'mon let's go to the bathroom. Calum could you clean it?" You said soothingly. "Uhm, I. Yes, okay." He jumped off the couch and rummaged through the drawers beneath the sink as you led your daughter to the bathroom. "Looks like my little girl is a woman now." You smiled as you went to get her new clothes. She hid her face in her hands. "How embarrassing." She whispered. You rushed to her and knelt. "There's nothing to be embarrassed about." You smiled. "Dad looked petrified." She joked. "That's 'cause he's a man. C'mon, let's get you cleaned up." You comforted her. "IT'S NOT COMING OUT." You heard Calum yell. You rolled your eyes. "Men." You stated and you both laughed.


Luke and your 11 year old daughter Heather were home alone while you were sleeping over at your friend's house helping her through a tough breakup. Luke was watching TV when Heather slowly approached him with tears brimming her eyes. Luke immediately turned the TV off and kneeled in front of her. "What's wrong, darling?" He asked. She bit her lip. "I uhm.." She looked up. "I got my period." She said quietly. Luke's jaw dropped slightly before he composed himself for her. "That's okay Heather, let's get mum's stuff." He said, leading her to the bathroom. "Do you need new clothes?" He asked. She nodded. "Okay, you can clean yourself up in the shower, I'll get you some clothes and uhm.. " he opened the drawer beneath the sink. He pulled out a pad and looked at her hopefully. "Do you know how to use it?" He asked. "Yes, mum showed me." He sighed in relief. "Ok, I'll leave your clothes outside." He said, leaving the bathroom. "Dad?" She called quietly. He looked back at her. "Thank you." She said. He had to stop himself from crying. "You're a lady now." He whispered. "Shut up." She smiled. "I have to tell your mum." He said, running for the phone.


You were completely engrossed in the new episode of your favourite TV show. You were bundled in blankets with your headphones on staring at the dramatic scene unfolding on your laptop. Your 14 year old daughter Alli walked up behind the couch and tapped you on the shoulder. You turned around angrily. "What?" You snapped. Alli gave you an angry look. "Don't you be angry, I asked you not to disturb me okay? Please, just one hour of the day." You huffed, turning back to your show. Alli stormed away and walked through the hall to yours and Michael's room. She knocked on the door and he answered, rubbing his eyes. "What, darling?" He asked sleepily. She looked down. "Look, don't make a big deal okay. So it's my first.. Time of the month and mum yelled at me for tapping her shoulder and I don't know what to do." She said quickly. He shook his head. "Wait what?" He asked. She groaned. "I got my period." She mumbled. "Oh shit, uhm." He scratched the back of his neck. "Okay, it's okay. Get in the bathroom and I'll get mum." He said and she walked quickly, embarrassed at having to ask her father. Michael walked up behind you and took your headphones off. You jumped. "What." You groaned, pausing your show for the second time. "Alli just told me you yelled at her for tapping your shoulder." He said. "I didn't yell, I-" "she got her period." He cut you off. Your eyes widened. "Oh my gosh I'm going to hell for being the worst mother." You ran through the hall and found Alli sitting on the bathroom floor looking extremely annoyed. "Honey I am so, so sorry." You got a pad from the drawer and sat beside her. "Whatever." She mumbled. "I'm a terrible mother." You said. She looked at you and smiled. "No you're not." Tears brimmed your eyes. "My baby's a lady." You said. "Mum!" She whined. "This is too cute." Michael said from the doorway. "Get out, this is girl time." You joked. "Oh my god dad, are you crying?" Alli asked. Michael immediately wiped his eyes. "No I uhm. Dust." He said awkwardly as he walked back into the living room.

A/N: my Luke fic 'Mend Me?' Is calling from the darkness

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