He's A Nerd & You Reject Him (Part 2)

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He's A Nerd & You Reject Him - Part 2 (Requested by 25+ fabulous people)

A/N: here it is guys, by far my most requested thing. Hope it shall live up to your expectations! (I named the mean girl in Calum's Eleisha to make it easier to write and I added it to part 1)


You picked up your things as fast as you could, running after Ashton. You thought you were doing the right thing by protecting him, but the look on his face almost literally broke your heart. "Ashton!" You called after him. You ran as fast as you could and had to skid to a stop by his locker. Your shoulder collided loudly with the locker next to his and he flinched, probably thinking it was another bully. "Ow," you rubbed your shoulder. "Sorry," you apologised. His stance relaxed when he saw you and heard your voice, but he still had this defeated look on his face. "Ash," he blushed at what you called him. "I'll go out with you," you said. He shut his locker quickly and turned to face you. "Really?" He asked, a blush still evident on his cheeks. "No one's ever said 'yes'," he mumbled. "I only didn't because of Aiden, if it wasn't for him I'd probably would have asked you out," you told him. He bit his lip to stop from smiling. "After school?" He asked. "I can take you to a coffee shop or something? I mean, you can choose," he shuffled nervously on his feet. "That sounds great, I'll meet you after school," you agreed and he nodded. Two hours later and school had ended, you were waiting out the back when you saw him walking towards you. "My car is just up there," he motioned towards it and you followed him. "Thanks for letting me take you," he said shyly. "No need to thank me, Ash-" "Hey, Y/N?" You heard a voice from behind you and froze. You both turned around and saw Aiden walking towards you both, a look of confusion on his face. "Is he taking you somewhere?" He asked you. "Yeah, just to study," you didn't want him to get hurt. "Study what?" You said 'chemistry' but Ashton said 'maths'. "Right," he nodded. "Come with me," he took your hand and started leading you to his car. "No! I want to go with Ashton," you tugged back but his grip was strong. "You're not going anywhere with him. And you're not going to talk to him unless you want to see me break his neck," he threatened. You tugged back more forcefully and managed to break free. "I'm going with Ashton. And don't you dare touch him," you threatened. He laughed, "what I don't understand is why you'd want to hang out with this freak when you have me?" You stepped back towards Ashton who was beside his car and took his hand. "Because he'd treat me better than you ever had," you took Ashton's hand and moved it to the door handle, signalling for him to get inside. He obliged as Aiden stepped towards you. "You're going to regret this," he said quietly. "No I'm not. The only thing I regret is ever being with you. We're over." You ran around the front of the car and jumped into the passenger's seat. "Drive," you ordered. Ashton couldn't stop the smile on his face as he drove out of the school, leaving Aiden standing pathetically in the middle of the car park.


The look on his face was too much to bear, and with all the courage you could muster, you gathered your things. "Where are you going?" Eleisha asked. "Away from you," you said seriously. She laughed, "what?" "I'm done with you." You looked her straight in the eyes. "And all of you," you said to the rest of the group. "I'm done with how you treat everyone like you're better than them. You are so much worse, do you know that?" They looked at one another in confusion and shock. "How dare you treat Calum so badly and humiliate him like that?" You asked and he overheard, he and his group of friends now turning to you and your table. "You're the one that rejected him," Eleisha argued. "Well I'm going to go apologise and change my mind," you said. The group laughed and Eleisha waved her hand at you. "If you want to leave us and be a loser, that's your choice," she said as she turned back to her phone, ignoring you. "Bye," you said finally as you picked up your things and started walking to Calum and his three friends. You stood beside Calum. "I just want to say sorry, and I'd love to go out with you," you smiled and he beamed. "You're not joking?" He asked in disbelief. His three friends shared looks of amusement and shock amongst each other. "Not at all. Could I sit with you guys? Like, from now on?" You asked nervously. Calum and his blonde friend immediately started making room for you. You put down your things and sat down. They all stared at you in admiration, or like you were a new toy. You looked down nervously. "Sorry, we'd never imagine anyone wanting to join us, especially you," one with crazy hair said. "I'm sure I'd like your company more than theirs," you motioned to the girls. "Hopefully Calum will be getting a lot of your company," he nudged him and both you and Calum blushed.


It was the next day and you felt absolutely terrible for what you had to say to Luke. Truthfully, it was Tyler who you thought was pathetic. The guilt was unbelievably overwhelming, and you suddenly got an extreme urge to tell Tyler how pathetic he really was. It was before class so everyone was still lingering around the halls. You spotted Tyler around the corner and took a deep breath. The pounding in your ears and chest was painful but you continued walking up to him and his friends. You were directly behind him now and one of his friends motioned to you with his eyes. Tyler tuned around and said 'hey' before turning back to his friends. He thought dismissing you made him look cool in front of them. "Tyler," you called. He rolled his eyes and turned around again. "Yeah babe?" He asked. "You're pathetic," you spat. He was shocked momentarily before he stepped forward to tower over you. "What did you say?" He threatened. "I said you're pathetic!" You yelled, people now stopping and turning to watch the scene unfolding. A few of his friends started laughing. "Pathetic?" He asked, obviously unsure of how to respond to you. "Yes. The way you treat everyone, including me. It's horrible," you said. A few people around you agreed quietly. He looked around nervously. "What you did to Luke, and what you made me do. I'll never forgive you. You need to apologise," you told him. He laughed. "Apologise?" "Apologise to all of us!" A girl in the growing crowd said. Tyler laughed again. You noticed Luke staring at you in the crowd smiling. Tyler followed your gaze. "Y/N, you're the one who's pathetic. Standing up for this loser," he pointed to Luke and everyone in the crowd yelled encouragements to you and Luke. "It seems the whole school is behind me, Tyler." You folded your arms and he took a step back. "If you want to be with that freak then that's your choice. You're an idiot for leaving me," he said a little quieter. A few people in the crowd laughed. You walked over to Luke and took his hand, leading him to stand with you in front of Tyler. "You're right Tyler, I'm an idiot," you said before you cupped Luke's cheeks with your hands and kissed him in front of everyone. The crowd applauded and whistled as Tyler walked away quickly. "Go Hemmings!" A guy yelled. You pulled back and saw him staring at you through frantically blinking eyes. His lips were still slightly parted and the most adorable blush was on his cheeks. "I'd love to go to dinner with you," you agreed finally. He smiled and wrapped his arms around you, burying his face in your neck.


You decided to run after him. "Michael!" You yelled, the previous crowd began to surround you again. "Sunshine?" You asked him. He nodded. "You brighten up my day. Seeing you at the lockers every morning. Just so beautiful," he explained, making a few girls in the crowd 'aww'. You blushed at his compliment, which surprised him and also made him blush. "I think you're pretty cute," you admitted, making a few people giggle. He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose and looked down at his feet. "So will you go out with me?" He asked again. "Do it!" Someone yelled. You nodded and people cheered. You two decided to go to a local coffee shop after school. On the car ride there he didn't stop saying 'thank you' or that he hoped he wouldn't let you down. You took his hand in the car which made him blush furiously. You already thought he was adorable, but after the hour spent chatting in the coffee shop you realised you might actually like him. He liked the same bands and movies as you and you found out he even played guitar. "You play guitar?!" You asked in disbelief. "Yeah," he said sheepishly. "That's really hot," you said and the permanent blush on his face somehow became brighter. "H-hot?" He asked. You nodded and he chuckled. "Can't believe the most beautiful girl in school just said that to me." He shook his head. "I am so not the most-" "yes you are." He took your hand this time. There was pause before he forced himself to look into your eyes. "Wanna hear me play sometime?" He asked. "I'd love to!" You exclaimed. "I kinda wrote a song for you," he mumbled. "No way, well I'll have to hear it as soon as possible," you insisted.

A/N: hope you like these happy endings, I don't think I'll be doing a part 3 x PS IN CELEBRATION OF 100K READS I'LL BE DOING A SONG PREFERENCE! Comment or inbox me a song from the NEW 5SOS ALBUM you think would be cool and I'll do it x (WEY HEY ITS OUT NOW)

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