He Admits His Feelings To You

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He Admits His Feelings To You


"Y/N, aren't you cold?" Ashton asked from under a bundle of blankets. "No, gotta get this done." You were almost halfway through your English essay. "You've been working on that for hours, you deserve a rest." He pleaded. "Plus you're shivering!" He lifted the blankets and patted the space beside him. You hesitated before you looked back at your friend's offer. You whined when you saw how warm and comfortable it looked. He smirked and held his arms out. "And we can snuggle too?" His oversized, grey jumper just screamed to be cuddled. "Fine." You practically dived onto the bed and he wrapped you up in the blankets. You were merely going to lay beside him but as soon as he got comfortable he wrapped his strong arms securely around your waist and pulled you into his chest. "Isn't this nicer?" He whispered. "Yeah, I'm glad you got me to stop working," you smiled. "No, I mean.. Isn't this nicer than you just lying beside me?" He asked hopefully. "Uhm.. I guess." He immediately let go of you. "What?" You asked, trying to grab his arms and pull him back. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have." He went to turn the other way. "Why?" You asked as you pulled his wrist back over your waist. "I thought you'd like it." He whispered. "I did." You smiled to reassure him. He slowly let his arm wrap around you again. He took in a deep breath before saying, "I really like this. You know why?" "Why?" You smiled. "Because I like you." He buried half his face into the pillow and looked at you through one eye. "I like you too." You bit your lip. He giggled quietly. "Thank goodness."


Calum was on tour and as much as you wanted to go with him, school was too much of a priority. It was customary for him to FaceTime you at 7pm every night no matter what time it was for him. So at 6:59pm you were patiently staring at your phone waiting for his contact to pop up. You were surprised when a text from him came up instead. 'I have something important to tell you. It's not bad. Well it might be bad. But don't laugh or anything ok? Even if it's stupid :(' it read. You were confused. 'I'm sure it's nothing, call me!' You replied. A second later he called you and his nervous face appeared on the screen. "Hey Calum." You smiled. "Hi." He was in his bed and had a torch shining on his face so you could see him. "Ok so, I know we've been friends for a while and I really should be telling you this in person but I really just have to let you know now because I can't hold it in anymore and I hope you don't freak out actually I hope that if you don't feel the same way you'll just forget it and-" "Calum hurry this up we need to sleep." You heard Michael say in the background. "Shut up, I'm getting there." Calum said. "So what I'm basically trying to say here is that..." He froze. "Cal?" You asked. "Just say it, I can handle it." You smiled. "Go Cal, go Cal, go Cal," you heard the guys chant in the background. "Shut up guys!" And the chanting ceased. "Y/N, I like you. A lot." He moved the torch from his face so you wouldn't see his blush. There was a huge roar of applause from the guys. "Shush, she hasn't said anything." Calum hushed them. "What is it, Y/N?" Ashton asked. "I like you too Calum." You said.


"How about this one?" You spun around. Luke looked you up and down. "They're all pretty." He mumbled. You sighed. "Please be honest." You spun again. "I'm being honest they're all amazing on you!" You blushed. It was your formal in a few weeks time and instead of asking your friends for help in finding a dress, you thought it'd be fun to torture Luke. You thought he'd be bored to death but he seemed genuinely interested which surprised you. "Thanks Luke." You smiled. "I like the blue one though." He mumbled. You picked up the blue dress you tried on a few moments before. "Me too. Done. I'm getting it. I wasn't sure because it seemed you liked it the least!" You told him. "No not at all! I was just shocked...at how good you looked in it." He suddenly became very interested in his shoes. "Really? Thanks." You smiled. You went to change back into your clothes before you felt Luke tap you on the shoulder. "Y/N, you're not going with anyone are you?" He asked. You shook your head. "You could go with me? I mean, you could take me?" He bit on his lip ring. "Because I think you're pretty amazing. And gorgeous." He didn't dare look into your eyes. "I'd love you to." You said. He looked up and smiled. "Really?" You hugged him. "Of course."


Your friend Michael had given you tickets to his band's most recent show. He'd been gone for ages and thank goodness he was finally back because you'd been missing each other pretty bad. You were first row keeping your eyes on Michael the whole time. Luke had noticed and kept on smirking at Michael nodding his head towards you. Just after your favourite song had played Michael gripped his microphone tightly. All the guys kept switching their gaze from him on stage to you in the audience. "Hey guys, I hope you don't mind but I have something I wanna say." He said to the fans. They cheered loudly anxious to hear what he was to say. "A very special someone is in the crowd tonight." His eyes flicked to you for a second. "And she means a whole lot to me." The crowd was a mixture of gasps and 'aww's. "And I need to tell her. Y/N.." He walked with his microphone to the centre of the stage so he was standing directly in front of you. "Y/N.. I like you a whole lot. Mind being my girlfriend?" He asked. The girls around you were having complete heart attacks. "Yes!" You shouted. He let out a breath he'd been holding. "Yay." He said and the crowd laughed. "I dedicate this next song to you then." He giggled.

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