You're In Labour

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You're In Labour (Requested by Maryxdxd, Poppy_XIX, Louishemmosly and others)

A/N: Hello! I'm back! The amount of notifications started really making me anxious, so I've decided to start afresh. That means I'm restarting my to-do list from scratch, as I think it will make me feel better. I'm sorry if this means I never got to your request, please message me again if I haven't. I love you all, and I hope you like this update!


Your heart started thumping aggressively against your rib cage. The reality of the situation almost made you pass out. "Ashton," you whispered at four o'clock in the morning. He stirred in his sleep. "Ashton," you repeated louder, almost unable to speak. "Mm," he groaned. "I think my water broke." His eyes flew open. That woke him up. Ashton practically tripped out of the bed, landing on the floor with a thud. Even though you've never felt more nervous in your life, you couldn't help but laugh. He stumbled for the light switch and saw that you were, in fact, correct. "Oh god, okay, the bag- uhm," he started darting around the room gathering everything you both had prepared for this very moment. "Ashton, we need to go now," "I can't find your special pillow!" He replied. "Now!" He was at your side and helping you out of bed instantly. "Okay, I got you, I got you," he held the over-packed bag over his left shoulder as his other arm supported your back. "This is happening, it's actually happening," he smiled as you made your way to the car. "Wipe that grin off your face, I'm in agony." He chuckled, "We're about to have a child, babe," he helped you into the back of the car. "Yeah, all you have to do is sit and watch," you grumbled. "I'd like to say this isn't how I imagined this moment, but it totally is," he laughed as he started the car. You cut him off with a groan. "You can do it babe, I love you," he tried to comfort you. "Love you too, Irwin."


"I'm going to kill him," you groaned from your hospital bed. "Y/N, focus on the task at hand," Ashton reminded you. "No, first he impregnates me with his child, dooming me to this state of agony, and now he's not even present for the occasion," you scowl. "You sound incredibly calm for a woman about to give birth... And extremely, bitterly vengeful," "that's because-" you cut yourself off with a scream. "Or not." The doctors were speaking to you, but your mind was such a whirlwind of emotions you could barely focus on your own thoughts. You started to panic. "Ash, I can't do this," you whimpered. "Hey, hey," he kneeled beside you. "Sure you can, you're Y/N, this is nothing compared to what you're capable of," he assured you. "Thank you, I just wish Calum was-" and that's when Calum arrived. He almost knocked himself out colliding with the door to your room. With his face flushed, Calum was at your side within a second, lungs barely able to provide him enough oxygen. "Babe," he took your hand. "Calum!" All your worries were gone, well, for that split second at least. "It's time!" The doctor announced. "What? Already?" Calum's eyes widened. The doctor nodded. You took a deep breath. "Don't blame me if you don't have a hand after this," you warned him as your grip on his right hand tightened. He bit his lip, "least I could do..." His thumb grazed over your knuckles, "you can do this."


"Luke," you entered the living room with your hand over your stomach. Luke looked up, and upon seeing the concern on your face, was standing in front of you immediately. "What's wrong?" He asked. "My water broke," you replied. His jaw dropped. "B-but, it's-" he looked at the calendar, where the date was marked. "Three weeks," he mumbled. "I guess she wants to meet us early," you smiled, before doubling over in pain. Luke held your arms. "O-okay, uhm, breathe," "check," you replied with a laugh. "I-I'll get the bag, or should I take you to the car. Can you walk? Of course you can't, in the movies they always help the woman walk. W-Where's the bag?" He looked around frantically. "Luke, if you don't hurry up soon you'll be the one delivering the baby." He gulped, "got it, taking you to the car." Turns out Luke had the bag already in the trunk of the car, this being realised after five minutes of him searching the house in a state of indescribable panic. "Are you okay?" He asked every few seconds, and even though you weren't, you tried to seem strong. His hands were shaking and his face was pale - you started to think he was even more nervous than you. Twenty minutes later, yourself and Luke were at the hospital. He was flustered and stuttering, and could barely find the right words to say to the receptionist. She got the idea though, and four hours later your gorgeous baby girl was born.


"Holy shit, I see him!" Michael shouted. "Stop looking!" You screamed through the pain. He rejoined your side and took your hand again. "You're doing great babe," he said, but you didn't hear him over your heart beat pounding in your ears. You couldn't hear anything, and started screaming from the pain. You felt Michael's lips on your hand, and it reminded you to breathe. "Push!" The doctor told you. "You're almost there babe! She's almost there, right?" He asked the doctor. You saw her nod. "Breathe with me," Michael instructed, and you focused on matching your breaths with his. Moments later, your baby boy was being placed in your arms. You immediately recognised his nose as Michael's, and broke into tears of utter joy. "This is our baby," you said, looking up at Michael. You noticed tears in his own eyes. "We're a family now," you whispered. "I can't wait," his hand carefully reached for the baby's, and his little fingers wrapped around Michael's.


LukesQueen_xo: What's the first thing you think of when you think of 5SOS?

As I read that I just imagined Luke's quiff so I'll say Luke's quiff - even though it no longer exists.

Aya_cutiepie_dimples: What is your favourite thing about Michael?

Oh gosh when he looks all damn cute with sweater paws and messy hair and then he laughs with his eyes crinkling like a kitten make him stop


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