He's Getting Married But Realises He Loves You (Part 2)

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He's Getting Married But Realises He Loves You - Part 2 (Requested by Jujubadr)


You took Ashton's confession outside the church as some sort of dramatic proposal. So when you pulled back from the kiss, you simply said 'yes'. He cocked his head, slightly confused. You smiled and took his right hand in yours, rubbing your thumb over his knuckles. "Yes, I'll walk up the aisle to you," you explained. His eyes widened and he hugged you again, resting his chin on your head. "We're going to get married?" He asked quietly. "I thought you were asking," you mumbled shyly. "I never thought you'd want to," he laughed quietly, pushing you back so he could look you in the eyes. "I'm so sorry for what I said to you over the phone. I regretted it straight after," he apologised. "It's okay, I understand," you smiled. "You saved me, you know," he smiled. "Actually, Calum saved us," you corrected him. "That is true. But I meant me right now. I can't imagine how I'd be right now if you weren't here," he said. "You'd get over it," you told him. "You're strong." "I hope I'm that someone you want to spend the rest of your life with," he said shyly. "You are, I hope I'm yours," you said back.


You managed to convince Calum to contact someone at the wedding and inform everyone of where he was. His phone was buzzing like crazy from all his friends and relatives, but he was ignoring it. "Should I turn it off?" You asked him and he nodded his head. You went to pick up the phone when it started ringing again, you looked and saw it was the woman he left. You gasped and showed him. He took in a deep breath before he outstretched his arm, signalling for you to give it to him. He picked up the phone and answered. You pointed to the doorway, asking if you should give him privacy, but he shook his head and patted the space next to him. You heard sobbing and screaming over the line. "Listen, I'm sorry, I just couldn't do it," he said calmly over her sobs. "Why?" He paused and his eyes looked to you quickly. "Because I love Y/N," he explained. You couldn't help but smile even though you heard her crying. Calum smirked at your smile and you quickly hid it. You then heard screaming so loud, Calum had to move his phone away from his ear. "Maybe I should marry her then?" He asked, obviously responding to what she had said. "Maybe I should." You then heard beeping on the line. He breathed out heavily and turned his phone off just as he was receiving another text. "Well, I did it. I think," he placed his phone on the table. "Calum Thomas Hood, did you just say you should marry me?" You asked and moved to sit closer to him. He blushed and nodded. "You better not leave me at the alter, though," you threatened, resting your head on his shoulder. He laughed, "oh, never."


This very moment had been building up for quite some time. Not long after Luke called off his wedding, he proposed to you. Despite the warnings from his friends and family that he was being far too irrational and drastic, he just told them they didn't understand. The only ones who understood were you and Luke. Soon enough everyone saw how in love you two were. The connection was so much more obvious than what he ever had with his previous fiancé. That was probably because she never truly loved him at all... But the moment you were in now, staring into Luke's eyes with hundreds of spectators adoring how beautiful you were together, was absolutely perfect. "You may now kiss the bride," the priest said. You leaned forward to kiss him but he just stayed still. You stepped back and asked what was wrong with your eyes. A few in the audience thought this would be another repeat. "I'm nervous," he whispered, gesturing with his eyes to the hundreds of people watching. You laughed and he blushed, biting on his lip ring. You took his face in your hands and stepped up on your toes to kiss him. His arms wrapped around your waist gently and applause erupted along with a few sighs of relief. He pulled back and took your hand, "let's go."


Once you were outside the church, you both burst out laughing. Which everyone could probably hear because they were still silent in shock. "You're insane," you whispered. "No you are. You should have seen her face when she heard you speak," he laughed. You nodded and took his hand, leading him to your car. "So you love me?" You asked. "Yes. I didn't think you loved me," he admitted. "Of course I love you, you idiot," you opened the car door and stepped inside. "Where are we going?" He asked, buckling in his seat belt. "I have no idea. Away from you-know-who before she comes running out to murder me," you started up the car. "Or you," you added. You were about to reverse out before you heard her screaming from the top of the church steps. "You're not serious, Michael?!" She yelled. He poked his head out the window, "I fell out of love with you ages ago, when I found out who you truly were. You don't deserve me," he answered. "Then again, I don't deserve her," he gestured to you. "But for some reason she loves me back. So we're gonna go with it." He sat back in the car. "This feels like a movie, I feel adrenaline pumping through my veins," he giggled. "Drive," he said. You zoomed out on to the street and drove. You didn't know where, but then again, neither of you really cared.

A/N: these were fun haha. Big thanks to lolaclifford. Also, if you liked it don't forget to comment, vote and request either a pref or imagine x

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