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Halloween (Requested By Natawie_Shaw)

A/N: better late than never? And thank you so much for 5M reads *heart eyes emoji* Also, if you like Adventure Time, you're in luck


"You're actually super scary right now," you looked Ashton up and down. He wore all black with a top hat and cape. You squinted, "did you use my make up?" You smirked. He blushed and looked to the floor, "perhaps." He bit his lip. You watched as his eyes ventured up and down your short, black dress, wings and boots. "You look scary, but in the sexiest way possible," he commented. You scoffed, "I wasn't going for sexy," you mumbled, even though you really were aiming to impress him. He raised his eyebrows and smirked, "You're just naturally sexy, then," he replied with a cheeky smile. A dark fairy was a little cliché, but it worked great with Ashton's costume. He held out his hand and you giggled, "my nail polish, too?" You asked in amusement. "It's cool," he pouted. You walked out hand in hand as the sun was just beginning to set. "I'm so lucky to have a girlfriend willing to go trick-or-treating with me," he said as he looked to the sky. "Willing?" You asked. "I would have dragged you out anyway if you refused," you laughed. "That's why I love you," he said sweetly. It still have you butterflies, even though it was the thousandth time he'd said it. "Love you too," you stepped in front of him and stood on your tiptoes to kiss him on the lips. You pulled back and giggled, "your lips have my black lipstick now," you smiled. "Really? Does it look cool?" He asked, showing off his dimples. "Yes Ash," you took his hand. "Come on, let's go hide in the bushes and scare children," you suggested. He laughed, "another reason why I love you."


"I look silly," you grumbled. "No, it's super cute!" Calum said quickly, trying to hide his disappointment. He'd thought you'd be in love with the couple costumes he planned for you both. "Look at me!" Calum laughed, showing you how silly he looked compared to you. He was dressed as Mario, and he had bought you a Princess Peach costume to match. "We'll be so cute," Calum pleaded. You rolled your eyes, "Michael will tease us," you pouted. "Please, he and Luke are Link and Zelda," he told you, your eyes widening. "Please tell me Michael didn't force Luke to be Zelda," you whispered. Calum nodded and went to stand beside you in front of the full-length mirror. You couldn't help but smile at the way you two looked together. "It's better when you're next to me," you told him. "Of course," he replied. "I can't stop staring at your moustache," you laughed, turning to face him. You cupped his cheeks and pulled him down to kiss you, the moustache tickling you. You pulled away and scrunched your nose. "Never grow a real one," you told him and he blushed. "Got it," he said quickly. "So you like it?" he asked hopefully, referring to the costumes. You looked back at the mirror, "love it." "Come on," he held out his hand. You sighed and took it, smiling again. "Yay!" He cheered, "let's be an annoying Halloween couple now," he dragged you out the door.


Yourself and Luke were the most adorable Cosmo and Wanda. Michael did Luke's hair, with Luke freaking out for an hour thinking the green was permanent. "You go," he whispered, shaking nervously. "I don't get why you're so afraid, it's just a myth," you replied. You both stood at the gate of the scariest house on the street. "I'm scared, let's go," Luke pleaded, taking your hand and pulling you away. "Wait, isn't Halloween meant to be scary?" You argued. "Yeah, doesn't mean we buddy up with Mr. Garter, you know what they say," he mumbled. "Let's see if it's true!" You smiled wickedly. There'd been a myth around your neighbourhood since you were kids that Mr. Garter would invite children into his house on Halloween, and they'd never return. "If he invites us in, we run," Luke said sternly. "Fine," you were at the front door and knocking instantly. Luke stood right behind you, his hand gripping tightly onto your waist. The door creaked open, and a dull eye stared blankly at you through the dark. You gulped, "trick or treat?" You squeaked. The door opened and the old man smiled. "Come in," he croaked. Luke took your hand but you pulled back. "Okay," you smiled, forcing Luke inside. The man hobbled to a chair and motioned to a plate of biscuits on a table. "Please," he offered. You sat down and took a bite, then handed one to Luke, who ate it cautiously. "You two," he begun. "Are the first trick-or-treater's to come to my door for years," he told you. "I've noticed every child avoiding my house, like they were afraid," he continued with a frown. You looked to Luke with a pout, then nudged him. "Mr. Garter, thanks for inviting us in," Luke said finally, causing both you and the man to smile. "My pleasure, but I mustn't take up any more of your night," he stood up and walked to the door. "Enjoy your Halloween," he said, motioning for you to leave. "We can stay, if you like," you offered. "No, no, you lovebirds enjoy your night," he smiled. "Thank you," you walked to door, "If you need anyone to talk to or any help," you told him. "Thank you," he said again before ushering you both out. The door shut quietly behind you. "That wasn't bad," you whispered, gripping Luke's hand and walking down the pathway. "I guess not," Luke said in disbelief. "Wanda, you've just made friends with the man I've been afraid of since primary school," he laughed. "You're amazing," he pulled you in by the waist and kissed lightly on the lips.


A/N: I will specify before anyone else freaks out that I mean Fionna from Adventure Time!

You sat on the sofa in your Fionna the Human costume, waiting for Michael to come out of the bathroom. "Aren't the girls meant to take longer getting ready?" You teased. "So stereotypes only exist when they work in your favour, right?" He replied cockily. "That's right," you giggled. You turned on the television after he still hasn't come out, but were startled when you felt two arms wrap around you from behind and teeth bite into your neck. You squealed and spun around to see his costume. He was Marshall Lee the Vampire King, the paleness working well with the character. "Where's your costume? This is how you look every day," you joked. He huffed, then smiled to show off his fangs. "You're adorable," you cooed, turning his pale cheeks a light pink. "Can you even talk with those?" You picked up your green back pack and Cake plushie before heading towards the front door. "No," he laughed. "Loser," you joked. "Good little girl, always picking a fight with me," he sung. "You're not bad, and I'm not spending the night with you," you replied with a wink. He bit his lip watching how the thin, blue shirt and skirt hugged your figure. "Oh Fionna," he sighed as you opened the door. His arm reached over you to pull it back shut. "Wha-" you began before he placed a finger over your lips. He pushed you up against the door, and you felt his warm breath down your neck. "What shall I do with you, my little adventurer?" His lips were instantly leaving sweet kisses all over your jawline and neck, the fangs then grazing down towards your collar bone. You placed your hands on his cheeks and looked him in his green eyes. "You make such a good vampire," you breathed. He blushed again and shook his head. "Let's go," he glanced at his watch and took your hand. "It's adventure time."

A/N: In my mind Marshall and Michael are the same being also I'm listening to Four and Stockholm Syndrome is my jam

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