You Tell Him You're Pregnant

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You Tell Him You're Pregnant (Requested by Teaghantweedly)


Today was the day you were going to finally tell Ashton you were pregnant. Earlier that day when Ashton went to buy some cereal you snuck out secretly and bought a tiny green onesie with 'baby' printed on the front. You got home just in time and planted it amongst the clothes in his basket he had to put away. Not wanting to give him any sort of clue that anything was up, you kept quiet the entire day waiting patiently for the moment he'd finally find out. It wasn't until 10:00PM that night when he decided to join you in the bedroom. He groaned when he saw the pile of clothes he had to put away but he started folding them instantly. You saw him stop for a moment before he picked up the onesie. You stood up slowly as he turned to face you holding it in his hands. "Y/N, what is this?" He asked with his eyebrows raised. You bit your lip and raised your hands to your stomach. "Never know when we might need it," you said. He stood still for a moment with his eyes darting from the onesie to you until his eyes fell to your stomach. "No way." You nodded and laughed. He ran to you and picked you up a lot more carefully than he usually would. "We're having a baby?" He asked as he set you down. "Yeah, Ash." You said as you wiped a tear from your eye. His smile was the widest you'd ever seen it. "I can't believe it. This is the best day of my life." He wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you.


You ran to Calum's house at night and banged frantically on his door. He opened it startled to see tears streaming down your face. "Y/N, baby what's wrong?" He led you in immediately and closed the door behind you. You didn't let go of him, crying into his chest and gripping the back of his shirt. "Y/N, tell me what's wrong and I'll fix it." He said, trying to pull you off and see your face. "You can't, Calum." He stepped back and placed both hands on your cheeks, wiping away the tears with his thumbs. "Come on, just tell me." He pleaded. "Calum," you took a deep breath. "I'm pregnant." He froze for a second before he placed a hand on your stomach and smiled. "You're pregnant?" He asked in disbelief. You nodded, slightly confused as you thought he'd be freaking out like you. "You're serious? We're having a baby?!" He asked again to make sure. "Yes." You stared into his eyes that seemed to only be filled with happiness. "You're not going to leave?" You asked. His eyebrows furrowed and he shook his head. "What, why on earth would I leave you?" He wrapped his arms tightly around you. You cried into his chest again, but this time with tears of happiness. "We'll get through this, Y/N. We can do this. We can do anything and I'll be with you every step of the way."


You were sitting in the corner of your bathroom floor with a pregnancy test in your hands. It was the fifth time now and every test said positive. You were in absolute shock, thoughts screaming and running madly through your mind. They were so loud that you didn't even notice Luke calling your name or walking in and running to your side. "Y/N, are you okay?" He asked. His hands on your shoulders shook you out of your thoughts and you quickly turned to face him. "Luke," you said. His eyes searched your face for any clear emotion that could tell him what was happening. When his eyes caught the test in your hand he took it off you gently and stared at it. "You're pregnant?" He asked in shock. You nodded. "With a baby?" He took your hand. You laughed, "no, with an alien." He smiled and his grip on your hand tightened. "I don't believe it," he said. "Me neither." You laughed and went on your knees to hug him. "I mean, oh my god this is crazy. Are you okay?" He said. "I'm shocked, Luke. We're gonna be parents." He cupped your face with his hands, "I better ask you to marry me then."


You returned from the doctors with the hugest smile on your face. Although you'd love to tell Michael this in person, there was no way you could wait the two and half weeks it would take for him to return home from tour. You ran inside the house, sat yourself on the sofa and went to video call him immediately. You sat impatiently waiting for him to pick up. When he did you noticed that he had been asleep. "What's up, babe?" He asked still rubbing his eyes. "Michael, sit up." You instructed. He squinted at the bright screen and smiled, "okay.." You took a deep breath. "Ok, listen carefully because I have good news." You said. "What is it?" He laughed. "I am with child." You blurted out. His eyes widened and his jaw was practically on the ground. "Did I just hear you right?" He asked in disbelief. "We're having a baby!" You shouted over the phone. "We're going to be a family?" He asked with his eyes brimming with tears. "Yeah, we're gonna be parents." You said, tears forming in your own eyes. "If I could kiss your tummy right now I could." He laughed. "Am I hearing this right?" You heard a sleepy Ashton ask in the background. "Y/N's pregnant!" Michael shouted to the tour bus. "Holy!" Calum screamed and went to alert the entire bus. Moments later you heard everyone applauding. "You're gonna be a great mum Y/N, but I'm not sure about him." Ashton commented. "Hey, I'm gonna be a great dad, aren't I Y/N?" He looked to you hopefully. "The best." You smiled.

A/N: I wanted to make this cuter but hopefully you still like it! Vote if you did and please comment because comments literally do make my day

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