When I Was Your Man

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When I Was Your Man (Song Preference Requested By 5SOS_Obsession)


Ever since you left Ashton a month ago, he'd been trapped alone in an emotional ball of despair inside his bedroom. You, however, weren't going to let this break up ruin your amazing friendship with the rest of the guys. Unfortunately there was no possible way Ashton could hang out with them with you there, which was 95% of the time. He'd debated it, his plan was to ignore you and pretend you weren't even there. But he knows the moment he'd sees your face he'd break down. For goodness sake, he couldn't even stare at your picture on his phone wallpaper for more than three seconds without his vision clouding up. The worst part of it all was that he knew it was his fault. He knew he could've done so much more to make your relationship perfect, but he didn't. He knows why you left, and it hurts him like hell knowing he could've so easily kept you if he just showed how much he cared. He knows he should've tried his best to treat you how you deserved to be treated. But it was too late now.


Your room on a Friday night usually consisted of both you and Calum watching random movies from your bed. But ever since you left him, you've been spending these Friday nights alone. Why'd you leave him? Well, ever since a month ago he'd been acting strangely distant from you. When you confronted him about it, he went insane and started blaming it on you. So you made a rash decision and ended it despite his numerous apologies. One Friday night a few weeks after this incident, you heard a knock at your door. You looked through the peephole and saw Calum standing there, looking at the door hopefully. You slowly started stepping away before you heard him knock again, "I can hear your footsteps, Y/N. Listen, I just need to give you something. Because you deserve it. And then I'll leave you alone..." He trailed off sadly. You sighed, opened the door and stood leaning against the frame. He had to stop himself from stepping forward and kissing you, because god, that's all he really wanted to do. He looked down at his fumbling feet and pulled a small bouquet of flowers from behind his back. "What kind of boyfriend doesn't get his girlfriend flowers?" He asked and you opened your mouth before he cut you off, "I know I'm not your boyfriend anymore. But you deserve these at least, for being the best girlfriend ever for staying with me so long. I should've done so much more for you, and I'm an idiot for not doing what ever I could to make the most extraordinary girl in the world feel loved. I'm sorry," he held out the flowers and you took them. You couldn't help but smile as you stared at them. He took a deep breath waiting for your next words. But there were none. You surprised him by standing on your tiptoes and wrapping your arms around his neck. "I feel loved right now, Calum," you whispered and his arms instantly wrapped around your waist tightly. "As you should, because I love you a lot."


There he was. Standing in a dark corner of your school hall during the end of year dance. After your recent split with Luke, a popular guy at school decided to ask you to the dance. Luke, being forever hopeful, decided to go anyway not knowing about your new date. He thought he could make it up to you on the night in a heroic movie-like scenario and get back together with him. But unfortunately for him, you didn't even know he was there. So all he was doing now was torturing himself by watching you dance with this other man. He saw you smile, but he knew it wasn't your real smile, he'd seen your real smile a million times. And after a while, of course, it came to the point where he couldn't take it anymore. So he walked up with feet that felt like lead and a heart beating dangerously fast. As soon as you saw him you smiled, but hid it immediately upon remembering why you left him. "Y/N," he said as he stood in front of you and your date. He looked Luke up and down, "what do you want?" He asked and Luke stepped back quickly. "I uhm... Y/N," he looked back to you to calm himself. "I need you to know that I can treat you better than he ever could," he said nervously and you rolled your eyes. "You know why I lef-" "Yes," he cut you off, "but I'd never do that again. I know how much you deserve. And I know I should've done so much more when I had the chance. I should've bought you flowers, and held your hand, but give me another chance to show you how much I love you," he pleaded. By this point, most people on the dance floor were listening in and watching. Luke's face flushed and he went to turn away before you gripped his shoulder. "Okay Luke," you smiled and he couldn't stop himself from kissing you then and there, in front of everyone.


You'd just ran into Michael, your ex-boyfriend, out shopping. And since you'd ignored every plea from him to talk to you for three months now, there was no way he was going to let you go without you hearing what he had to say. "Y/N please, why won't you listen to me?" He asked as he walked behind you trying to keep up. "If I wanted to talk I would've taken your calls," you said coldly and he sighed. "Do you know how much that's hurt me?" He asked and you scoffed, "do you know how much you hurt me? When we were together?" You turned around and he crashed into you, causing you to stumble back and him to grasp onto your shoulders to keep you from falling. "Yes I do," he said seriously. "And I understand why you don't want to be with me, but I can't move on until you hear what I have to say," he said and you crossed your arms. "I'm listening," you mumbled and he took a deep breath, his arms falling back to his sides. "I'm too young and I was too dumb to realise what I was doing," he begun. "And it just haunts me every time I close my eyes because... Every time I do, I see everything I could've done for you. Everything you deserve. You mean the world to me, and I wish I showed my world how important she was. And is. We accept the love we think we deserve," he quoted. "Give me the chance to show you the love you're entitled to." He breathed out and looked at you hopefully. "Entitled to?" You asked and he smiled. "You have the right to all the love in the world. I can't give you that, but I can give you all the love I have." You noticed tears pooling in his eyes and his breaths becoming shaky. As soon as his lock on your eyes broke, you could tell he thought there was no chance. So you needed to tell him otherwise, and there was nothing left to do but kiss him.

A/N: it is necessary and oh so important you check out AshtonPetal's fanfic 'A Matter Of Love' because it is awesome. Also thanks for sticking through my hiatus which will be ongoing due to school stuff.

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