Cuddles On A Rainy Day

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Cuddles On A Rainy Day (Requested By Bandsduh999)

A/N: here comes the fluff.


The light pitter patter of rain was sounding outside, a soothing rhythm reverberating through your walls. You crawled up into a ball to conserve heat, too lazy to retrieve a blanket from upstairs. The sun was just setting and you were only moments from sleep before you were startled awake by something that sounded like a tribal yell. You sat up and saw Ashton almost tumbling down the stairs with a heavy blanket wrapped over his shoulders like a cape. He ended up tripping over said blanket and landing on the sofa beside you, immediately engulfing you with it. "You were shivering," he mumbled, wrapping the blanket tightly around you whilst draping it over himself also. You smiled and sunk deeper into the sofa, trying to get more comfortable. "No," he protested, snaking an arm around your waist, "you're gonna be here." He pulled you into his chest, making you sigh when he started writing random messages over your back. The rain picked up slightly, and Ashton placed his chin over your head. "Are you comfortable?" He asked quietly. You nodded into his chest and he kissed your forehead. "Now you can sleep," he laughed. It was him who ended up asleep first. You heard his light snores over the rain and smiled into his chest.


"It's really hot," Calum warned, handing you a mug of hot chocolate. "Just like you," he winked. "Really?" You raised your eyebrows. He nodded and chuckled before he took a seat beside you. "You look really pretty with your hair like that." He played absentmindedly with a loose strand that had come out. Not a second passed before his lips were on your jawline. "Hey! Let me put it down," you muttered, reaching forward to place the cup on the table in front of you. He whined, pulling you back by your waist impatiently. "Calum," you sung his name playfully. "Come here," he mumbled against your neck before peppering it with kisses. Then the light sprinkling of rain sounded on the trees outside. He pulled you even closer to him by your waist, and after placing one more kiss just below your earlobe, he rested his chin in the crook of your neck. Not seven seconds later, his lips were on your jawline again. "Calum!" You laughed. "Sorry, I can't stop kissing you," he mumbled over your skin.


It was raining cats and dogs outside, meaning it took a while before you realised there was someone knocking at your door. You opened it quickly, and your jaw dropped when you saw Luke standing there, drenched with even more drenched flowers in his hands. "Luke, what the hell?" You let him in and ran to the bathroom to get him a towel. "I decided to surprise you, but then the rain decided to surprise me," he chuckled through his shivers. "Luke," you cooed as he dried himself off and you ran to retrieve the hoodie he keeps at your place. It wasn't long before the drenched flowers were in a makeshift vase and Luke was in his hoodie and boxers, holding onto you under a pile of blankets you took out for him. He wanted as much of him to be touching you as possible, planning to take full advantage of your body heat. "Babe, you're crushing me," you said not long after he'd wrapped his leg over your waist. He whined before taking it off you, "you're so comfy and warm," he mumbled into you hair. Your hand rubbed over the bare skin of his thighs, and he flinched under your touch. He sighed in content before letting his eyes close.


"So much for a nice walk in the park," you slammed your front door behind you. "The one day I convince you it'd be nice to visit the outernet and it rains as soon as we step foot out the door," you frown at the sky. Michael, meanwhile, was smiling. You scoffed, "of course, things always go your way," you grumble. "Oh, come on," he laughed. Stepping towards you, his arms picking you up with ease and carrying you to the bedroom. "It's so much more fun indoors," he argued as he placed you on the bed. You both kicked your shoes off, and he was pulling you under the covers before you had chance to take your jacket off. He draped his arm over your waist and intertwined your legs with his. You thought for once that this time he'd be content with just a cuddle, but it didn't take long for him to get restless. His hand snuck underneath your jacket and shirt, and his lips were kissing yours agonisingly slowly. "I hate you," you mumbled before you took your jacket off and rolled over so you were straddling him. He blushed, "love you," he smiled sweetly. You rolled your eyes before leaning down to kiss him again. He bit your bottom lip and wrapped his arm around you, pulling you by your waist so your chest would meet his. He pulled back slightly. "Isn't indoors fun?" He taunted, so you shut him up with another kiss.

A/N: 6M reads. Never did I ever think that was possible. Ever. I kiss you all. In a platonic way, that is. But you know, we can be more, if you want.

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