He Holds Your Baby

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He Holds Your Baby (Requested by Nxallhemmo)

A/N: hope it's what you wanted love! x this was so cute to write..


After an excruciating 5 hours, your first baby girl was in your arms. "She's so beautiful." You whispered. Her nose was so tiny and her fingernails were the size of a half grain of rice. Ashton was crouching beside you staring at his daughter in awe. "She looks like you. Oh my god she actually looks like you." He laughed. "But that's your nose." You tapped your daughter's nose lightly. "No but the facial structure." He argued. After the two of you stared at your baby girl for who knows how long, Ashton looked up at you. "Can I hold her?" He asked. "Of course." He stood up and held his arms out. "I don't want to hurt her." He took her and held her gently in his arms. "Baby girl." You watched as his bright eyes stared at her in complete disbelief. "Our baby girl."


As soon as Calum heard you had gone into labour a month early he took the first plane to see you and your newborn son. It was 8 hours after you gave birth when Calum ran in to see you. When he saw his baby boy in your arms he froze in the doorway and his eyes brimmed with tears. He walked to you slowly and pulled the chair up right to your bed. You lifted the baby so Calum could see his face. "He's so tiny." He raised his hand and with his thumb gently stroked his cheek. "But he's healthy. We just have to keep him here a bit longer." You explained. "I'm so glad he's okay." Calum smiled. "Hold him." You shifted so Calum could take the baby. "Aww, so, so tiny." Calum smiled as he gently rocked from side to side. "I'm so sorry I couldn't be here to help you through it. How'd it go?" He asked you. "Don't even ask."


Luke gently took your newborn baby boy out of your arms and held him. "How did we get to be so lucky?" He asked you. You laughed. "He's beautiful, isn't he?" You watched Luke's eyes try and take in every detail of your baby's face. "Gorgeous," he said. "And handsome, like you." You lifted your arm and squeezed Luke's. He looked up and smiled. "No, but look! Those are totally your lips." He lifted the baby's face to show you. "Really?" You asked, lifting your finger to your bottom lip. "Definitely." He gently kissed the top of his forehead. "We have a baby, how did this even happen?" He asked. You rolled your eyes. "You know exactly how it happened, and don't do it again because those were the 4 most painful hours of my life."


"I can't believe it, we have the most beautiful baby girl." You told Michael. She was in your arms and you both were just completely mesmerised by her. "Well stop hogging her, let me hold her!" He held out his arms. You gave him your baby girl and he moved the blanket from her face to see her better. "I can't believe you're a mum." He looked up and smiled at you. "And you're a dad." You smiled back. "Oh shit, yeah," he said. "Don't swear in front of her! It's probably gonna be her first word because of you." You laughed. "Sorry. I just can't believe we're parents. We're a family, Y/N. We have a baby." He looked back at your baby girl and started speaking in baby talk. "You're our baby girl. I'm your daddy and that's your mummy. And we're going to teach you how to walk, and speak, tie your shoelaces, order pizza, make you listen to good music-" your laughter made Michael silent. "What?" He laughed nervously. "We are either going to be the best or worst parents, aren't we?" You asked. "We're going to raise this baby girl to be the confident, beautiful young lady I know she's going to be."

A/N: Facts About The Author - ok so my mum was in labour with me for 24 hours and that is the story of why I'm an only child
(PS comment if you got my song reference!)

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