You Wear His Tank Top

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You Wear His Tank Top


You'd slept over at Ashton's. When you woke up you secretly decided to steal his Captain America tank top and wear it, hiding yours under his bed. You were hiding out in the living room waiting for him to wake up. A few minutes of watching TV passed before you heard him groan. "Y/N, get back and snuggle." He whined. "No, get up!" You giggled. He groaned again, rolling off the bed and onto the floor. You heard him open his drawers. A short pause. "Babe, have you seen my Captain America tank top? I swear I put it in the 'wear tomorrow' section." You lost it. "You have a 'wear tomorrow' section?" You laughed. "Shut up." He mumbled, walking into the living room shirtless with adorably fluffy hair. He rubbed his eyes as he walked blindly towards you. His eyes adjusted to the light and he saw you sitting on the couch. A smirk formed on his lips as he sat down beside you, wrapping his bare arms around your stomach and shoulders. "You're sneaky." He mumbled into your neck. You laughed. "Ok, I'll take it off now." You surrendered. "As much as I'd love to see that, it looks sexy on you." You blushed as he kissed lazily from your jawline down to your collar bone. "Keep it." He mumbled against your skin.


After waking up in Calum's bed alone, you instantly stood up to go and find him. You were about to go to the living room before you heard multiple voices talking and laughing. "Congrats Cal." You heard Ashton laugh. "On what?" He asked. "On last night." You could hear the smirk in his voice. "Oh shut up, she might hear you!" He whispered. "She's still here?" Michael asked in surprise. "Yeah so shut up." "Y/N, was he good?" Ashton shouted. "Oh my god." Calum mumbled. You wanted to walk out, but you couldn't in your pyjamas. So you put on the first thing you could find, which was Calum's NASA shirt. You gained the courage to walk out in confidence. All eyes turned to you and Calum smiled once he saw what you were wearing. "Clothes got switched in the dark, ay?" Michael mused. You blushed furiously and Calum immediately ran to your side. "Stop embarrassing her." Looking back at the three of them. Ashton laughed. "Don't be embarrassed babe, still haven't answered our question though." He taunted. "Better than you'll ever be." You smirked. "OOOOH." Michael and Luke exclaimed. "You should wear my clothes more often." Calum whispered in your ear.


After showering at Luke's place, you realised in absolute horror that you hadn't brought an extra shirt. Luke, unfortunately, had splashed you with water before you changed into your bikini, causing it to have to be washed. "Luke!" You shouted from inside the shower. "Yeah?" He shouted back. "I have nothing to wear." You told him. "Oh yeah, sorry." He laughed, running to his room and taking out a Nirvana tank top. He knocked on the bathroom door. "Come in." You said. He hesitated before he opened the door to find you wrapped in a towel. He bit his lip as his eyes travelled up and down your body. "Stop staring." You said as you snatched the top from his hands. "You're beautiful." He mumbled shyly. You simply stared into his bright, blue eyes. He laughed, "I won't watch you change." He said as he turned around and closed the door. "Although I'd like to." He added quietly. After drying your hair and changing into his clothes, you cuddled with him on the couch about to watch a horror movie. "It looks way better on you than on me you know." He smiled. "No way." You argued. "Yes way, you're gorgeous." He kissed you lightly on the lips.


You and Michael were on a date at your favourite smoothie place. You'd ordered your favourite smoothie and of course bought the same for Michael to make him try it. He watched you with a smile as you walked from the counter carrying two large smoothies in each hand. One was slipping but as Michael went to get up to go and help you, a mother chasing her child ran straight into you. The drinks exploded all over your shirt. Everyone turned to look at you and your face flushed in embarrassment. The lady apologised profusely, both she and Michael running to get napkins for you. "I am so sorry, miss." The lady apologised. "It's ok, uhm. Michael, I'm going to the toilets." You said as you took the napkins and ran from the countless eyes staring at you. The drinks were seeping through your thin shirt making you feel sticky and disgusting. After minutes of trying to clean up as much as you could, you walked out to the worried eyes of Michael who was holding even more napkins. "It's seeping to my skin." You laughed. Michael bit his lip and handed you the napkins. He went to take off his Rolling Stones tank top. "Are you crazy?" You laughed even harder. "I know you hate it when food gets on you." He said as he took it off and handed it to you. "You are insane." You walked back into the toilets and changed into his top. You walked out and did a twirl. "Hot." He winked at you. You rolled your eyes and took his hand. "We'll get smoothies another time."

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