He Makes You Insecure

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He Makes You Insecure (Requested by Caughtinafantasy)

A/N: I really enjoyed writing this love! Hope you like x


You were going dress shopping. And who better a person to go dress shopping with than your completely unwilling and extremely resistant boyfriend, Ashton. "I'll come, only to see how beautiful you are. But please don't do the girlfriend stuff like asking questions and taking hours?" He pleaded with you as you dragged him across the shopping centre to your favourite clothing store. "Sure, sure." You waved him off. An hour had passed and Ashton's response to every dress you showed him had been the same, "beautiful, babe." He smiled and you sighed. "You say that to every dress!" You raised your arms and began to get really frustrated with him. "That's because you make every dress pretty." He smiled and stared at you with puppy dog eyes. You rolled your own and turned back to racks of many amazing dresses. Your eyes caught an extreme red in the corner of your eye. You picked out the dress and smiled. It was strapless, low-cut, short, and sure to force a different response out of Ashton. You giggled as you ran into the dressing room and put it on, happy to find that it fit absolutely perfectly. Ashton was slouching with his face in his phone, but once he saw you he did a double take and sat up straight. You spun around and smiled at him. "How about this one?" You asked innocently. His lips parted and his eyes darted all over your body. "Uhm..I don't like this one." He said quickly. You froze. "Yeah uhm. It doesn't suit you. At all." He shook his head and returned to his phone. You turned around quickly and ran back into the stall. The confidence you had in how you looked in this dress was now completely gone. Imperfections screamed out at you everywhere you looked. The fact that Ashton saw these too brought you to tears. A while had passed and Ashton realised you hadn't left the stall. He walked up to it and knocked lightly. "Y/N, you in there?" He asked. "Go away, Ash," you said. "What? Y/N, what's happened?" He asked. When there was no reply he realised. "It's what I said isn't it? Oh my god, I am so sorry Y/N. Please let me explain. Let me in," he pleaded. You sighed and unlocked the door. He squeezed in and hugged you immediately. "Y/N, I am such an idiot. I'm so selfish. You look absolutely stunning in this dress. Absolutely gorgeous. It's stupid but I just didn't want anyone, especially the guys, to see you looking this damn sexy." He smiled. "Sexy?" You asked, now smiling back up at him. "Yes, and I'm so sorry I made you think otherwise. You deserve to know that you're gorgeous." He kissed you lightly on the lips. "I'm so buying this for you." He said as his eyes trailed down your body again.


Calum said he and the guys were just hanging out at his place, but notifications on Twitter were saying that your boyfriend's band was doing a twitcam in half an hour. Thinking it would be super fun, you got dressed quickly and made your way to Calum's house. When you knocked on his front door, rushed footsteps scurried to open it for you. The door swung open and Calum looked at you with wide eyes. "Oh! Y/N.. Uhm, what are you doing here?" He scratched the back of his neck. You blinked twice, confused as you thought he'd be delighted to see you. "I thought joining you guys would be fun.." You took a step back, suddenly feeling extremely insecure. He sighed, "come in." He took your hand and led you inside. When the twitcam started, you were in the background not saying a word. You were so quiet that Ashton even turned around and asked if you were okay. When you nodded, he pulled you by the shoulders and flipped you so you were sitting closer and directly in front of the webcam. Calum immediately took your hand, stood up and led you away from the guys. He slowly started pushing you out of the room but you pushed back. "Calum what the hell? Are you ashamed for your fans to see me? Are you embarrassed? Do I embarrass you?" You whispered to him harshly. His jaw dropped. When he said nothing, you stormed out of the room and went for the front door. "Y/N! No that's not it. That's not it at all, darling." He gripped your wrist again and turned you around. "I'd love nothing more than to show off my beautiful, perfect girlfriend to the world. But the world isn't always nice.. I don't want that for you. I don't want anything bad said about you. I wouldn't want you taking stupid comments seriously and start believing them.. Because that's what can happen." He pulled you into his chest. "I just want you to be happy. I'm sorry." He hugged you tighter and kissed the top of your forehead. "It's okay, I think I'm strong enough though." You looked up at him with hopeful eyes. He bit his lip. "Fine, I'll introduce you."


"Hey, I'm-" "This is my girlfriend, Y/N." Luke interrupted you. You held out your hand to Michael. He shook it with a bright smile. "Nice to finally meet you!" He exclaimed. Today was the day you'd been nervous for for a week. Your boyfriend's band were recording a new song and he had invited you along to listen and meet the guys. Once you'd shook all their hands, Ashton asked you, "So where are you from?" You opened your mouth to speak before Luke again answered for you. "Dude why are you speaking for her?" Calum laughed. You looked up to see his response. "Oh, she's the shyest person ever. Doesn't talk a lot." He said casually. You furrowed your brows. "Oh, ok then. Well Luke it's your turn to record." Ashton said. Your boyfriend went into the studio and you crawled up in a ball in the corner of a sofa. You felt like you had to act on what Luke said, he obviously said it for a reason, right? But what reason? You sat there thinking. You were overall a little shy when it came to meeting and talking to new people, but he made it seem like you were a silent mute. After staring into space for who knows how long, Calum called to you from across the room. "Mousey, can you speak?" He laughed. Your face flushed and the rest of the boys laughed. Not wanting to be laughed at any longer you stood up and left the room in a rush. Luke's singing immediately ceased. Moments after you took a seat against the wall beside the studio, Luke was running to find you. As soon as he saw you he dropped to the ground and held your face in his hands. "Hey, did they tease you? What did they do?" He asked quickly. "Not them Luke, you. You made me sound like a freak! Am I really that shy and awkward?" You mumbled your last question. "What?" His eyes widened. "No, no! I just didn't want them to bother you or freak you out. They can be a bit much." He laughed. "Plus I could tell you were really nervous before we came, I thought I was helping. I'm so sorry." He hugged you and you immediately hugged back. "Just go in there and be yourself okay? Because you're perfect." He smiled. "Thanks Luke."


You'd been building this event up for weeks now. Weeks. And tonight was the night. Michael was on his way over and you couldn't be any more nervous about the event that would soon take place. He was going to eat your first home-cooked meal. So far you'd burnt it every single time, and now only had enough left for a small plate for him. If you messed this one up, it was over. Your doorbell rang and you composed yourself immediately. You opened the door to find Michael in a suit. All the stress you had completely melted into laughter. "A suit?" You managed to ask. He shrugged. "It is a momentous occasion, isn't it? I'm going to eat the first beautiful dinner cooked by my amazing girlfriend." He picked you up in your apron and all and spun you around. "Well, take a seat sir. Your meal should arrive shortly." He smiled and took a seat at the dining room table you'd already decorated so beautifully. You walked back into the kitchen and checked the oven. You decided it'd be better to take it out now rather than risk burning it again. After making sure it was cooked and dressing the plate, you walked out with shaky hands to your boyfriend who was playing with a flower you had placed on the table. He put it down and stared eagerly at the plate. You placed it down and went to sit on the other side of the table. "Where's yours?" He asked. You blushed and shook your head. "Ok, here goes." He took his first bite and chewed slowly. You stared at him intently, analysing his every move. He swallowed. "Well?" You were on the edge of your seat. "Uhm.. Yeah. It's good Y/N." He slowly went to take another bite. You noticed he hesitated this time. "You hate it." You leaned back in your seat. He chewed quickly and swallowed. "No, no I-" "It's terrible." You cut him off. He looked down at the plate and looked back up with guilt ridden in his face. "A bit." He admitted. You stood up and walked to your room. He stood up and ran after you. "Y/N, get back here," he called sympathetically. You turned around and tried to keep the tears from falling down your cheeks. "I just spent hours and I still couldn't do it. I couldn't even do this. I'm pathetic." You hid your face in your hands. "No babe, no, no, no. You're beyond perfect. Just because you messed up this one dinner doesn't mean anything. You are so talented at so many things. And you never give up. Keep trying and I'm sure you'll do it. I should've just eaten it." He laughed. "I'm sorry." He hugged you. You laughed with him. "No, I wouldn't want you to torture yourself. Thanks for being brave enough to go for the second bite." You kissed his cheek. "No problem." You two smiled and stared at each other for a moment both knowing the decision about to be made. "Pizza?" You both asked in unison.

Votes, comments and requests make me a happy bunny so doooo it! x plus it's like 2am and I have an exam tomorrow. The least you could do is vote ;)

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