How He Proposes

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How He Proposes (Requested by MissMeganBiersack and many others)

A/N: hope you had a wonderful Christmas! If you don't celebrate it I hope you had a wonderful past few days.


It was yours and Ashton's three year anniversary, and you sat, completely devastated, on the sofa near the front of the tour bus. It seemed that with the band's busy schedule the date had slipped Ashton's mind. You told Michael you were too tired to go out to lunch with them, instead choosing to stay in the bus feeling miserable alone. They'd left only a few minutes ago, and you were surprised when Ashton was back and knocking frantically at the door. "Y/N! Come out! The guys want to show you something!" He shouted. You glared at the door. "Not in the mood, Ash," you replied. "I'm serious, you won't regret it!" He said. "I hope," you heard him add quietly to himself. You stood and dragged your feet towards the door before opening it and being forced out. "Hey!" You yelled, only to be dragged quicker by the hand around the corner. "Ashton, what's happening?" You asked. "Okay, close your eyes," he said, turning to you with a bright smile. You sighed, but did as he said. A few moments passed before his voice said 'open' from behind you. When you did, you saw Michael, Calum and Luke standing in front of you, holding signs that read 'Y/N,' 'Will' and 'You.' You blinked once, "w-what?" You felt a light tap on your shoulder. Remembering Ashton was behind you, you spun around and saw him holding a small post-it note that read 'Marry Me?' You stared wide-eyed at the writing, and Ashton's excited expression quickly turned into one of worry. His eyes searched yours, and were not totally sure about the tears that begun pooling in them. He got down on one knee, pulled out a small box from his pocket and opened it. You stared, still in shock, at the gorgeous ring inside. "Y/N, will you be mine?" He asked. A smile finally made it's way to your face, and Ashton bit his lip in excitement. You nodded, "yes," you said through tears. The ring fit your finger perfectly, and Ashton's smile and eyes were brighter than the diamond itself. His arms wrapped around your waist and lips captured yours for the first kiss as an engaged couple. Michael cheered from behind you, and moments later all the guys had joined in for a group hug.


You sat staring at the planes departing and arriving through the window. Nothing could stop your overwhelming feelings of anticipation and excitement. Calum was arriving home after three months of touring, and your fingers were fiddling madly knowing they'd be threading themselves through his hair in less than an hour. The wait was torture, but seeing his bright eyes find yours instantly upon walking through the terminal made it all worth it. It was a typical movie scene, running towards each other in what seemed to be slow motion and the embrace that combined three hug-less months into mere seconds. The guys were applauding in the background, and seemed to be watching you both attentively. "Y/N." Calum's eyes focused on yours, and he took a deep breath. "I know we've been apart for a while, but it's only made it clearer to me how much I really love you," he told you. You smiled, "I love you too, you can never leave me like that again, it was torture," you laughed. He nodded. "Which is why... So I.. Uh-" Ashton coughed in the background, and you looked up to see that Michael was recording you both. "Wait." When you looked back to Calum, he was already getting down on one knee. Your hands immediately flew to your mouth. He looked up at you, pulled a small box from his pocket, revealed a ring and took another deep breath. "The feeling of being away from you made me realise there is no one and never will be anyone else I want to spend the rest of my life with but you. You're my second half, and I can't handle one more moment without calling you truly, completely, utterly mine. Y/F/N, will you marry me?" You managed to nod, and although tears clouded your vision, you felt clearly the ring fitting your finger, and Calum's arms around your waist perfectly.


"I can't believe it, it looks exactly the same." Luke and yourself decided to visit the lookout you'd frequently went to together when you were younger. You'd stepped out of the car and sat on the rocky ground, looking out into the dark city, illuminated my the moon and streetlights. "Even though everything in my life has changed, this has stayed the same," Luke thought aloud. "What's been your favourite change?" You asked him. "Well, you being my girlfriend is a pretty good one," he chuckled. "You have no idea how often I'd wanted to just grab you and kiss you out here," he admitted. "Why didn't you?" You asked seriously. "Because I'd turn into a nervous wreck whenever I tried," he blushed. You shuffled closer to him and rested your head on his shoulder. A few moments passed before you felt Luke turn to look down at you. "Y/N?" He spoke quietly. "Mm?" You looked up. "You know how.. I asked you to be my girlfriend up here?" He asked. "Of course," you smiled at the memory. "Well, I'd like to ask you another question," he said, biting his lip directly after. "What is it?" You asked. "Stand up for me?" You raised an eyebrow, but did as he asked. Instead of standing up with you, however, he took your hand and kneeled on one knee. "Luke?" You called softly, and he looked you in the eyes with an expression of both worry and hope. One hand reached into his jacket and your heart began thumping wildly. You saw a ring glistening beautifully under the moonlight. "Y/F/N, I'm eternally thankful each day to be able to call you mine. I'd love nothing more but to be thankful for the rest of my life. So make me the happiest guy on earth and marry me?" The hand holding yours was shaking, and you could no longer hear clearly due to your heart thumping loudly in your ears. "Yes," you answered, and his lips were instantly on yours.


The band's final concert of the tour was coming to an end, and you stood looking on from the side of the stage cheering them on. They were leaving for the break before their encore, and you were about to give Michael a hug before you were blindfolded from behind. "Hey, what the hell?" You shouted. "Shh," Ashton giggled. You were led backstage and had headphones placed over your ears, unable to hear a thing. It was around five minutes before these were taken off, and you were greeted with absolute silence. "What's happening?" You asked, though the only reply were two hands placed on your shoulders, leading you back to the direction of the stage. "Ashton? Is that you?" You asked, still no reply. By this point you realised you were being walked onto the stage, and your heart rate picked up. The person stopped suddenly, and the blindfold was taken off quickly. It took a moment before your eyes adjusted to the lighting, though when they did your jaw dropped. You stared awestruck into a silent crowd, thousands of phones pointed at your direction. You turned slightly, and that's when you noticed Michael staring up at you smiling, on one knee and holding a ring in his hands. You froze, and could barely comprehend the words he said next. "Y/F/N, you are my world, and without you my happiness couldn't exist. You make me smile everyday, and there are truly no words to explain how much you mean to me. Will you marry me?" He asked. The arena remained completely silent waiting for your response. You barely had the senses to say 'yes,' but it seemed that you managed, as the crowd erupted into thunderous applause and Michael was up and spinning you in circles in a matter of seconds.


its-georgihemmings: Marry me?


AshtonsEyesKillMe: What did you get for Christmas?

New phone, Docs, The 1975 tickets/merch, iTunes card!

ShayleeHemmings: Do you have LiveSOS yet? If so what's your favourite song?

Yes, Disconnected, purely for the 'just, be-mICHAEL CLIFFORD *cute guitar solo*' part.

Fluffycockatoos: What has been your favourite preference?

Probably the nerdy ones, I just like imagining them in glasses and bow ties don't look at me

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