You Catch Your Child With Another Member's Child

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You Catch Your Child With Another Member's Child (Requested By HipsterSmilez)

A/N: I congratulate myself for surviving the first three weeks of Year 12. I thank you all for over 4M reads, that's 57% the population of New South Wales. I ask you to follow me on Twitter / Tumblr so we can be awesome together - @skyunderstyles / mixtape-muke

Decided to name the kids Adrian, Cassie, Liam and Maya


"Adrian?" You entered the house with Ashton following close behind. "Please let the house be clean, please let the house be clean," Ashton chanted, and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw everything was in place. You both then heard music blaring from his room upstairs. You huffed and made your way up the stairs to check on him. "Adrian," you called again, with still no reply. You opened the door of his room and regretted it immediately. "Mum?!" He draped his blanket over himself and a girl laying next to him. Ashton joined you, his jaw dropping once he processed the scene before him. "Please get out!" He yelled over the music. You and Ashton slowly backed out and shut the door, staring wide eyed at each other. "Did that just-" "yes, and I'm forever scarred." Ashton couldn't help but smile at the situation. "Why the hell are you smiling?" You scolded. He bit his lip, "he must be so embarrassed," "as he should be!" Ashton giggled, "did you see who it was?" He whispered. "All I saw was black hair," you muttered. "Black hair, black hair... Cassie?" He asked. Your eyes widened, "no way." He shrugged. "Adrian, can we come in? You're not in trouble," you asked him when you heard the music switch off. "Yeah, we just wanna see who you're ba-" you cut him off by placing your hand over his mouth. The door slowly creaked open, a blushing Adrian hesitated for a moment before letting you inside. The girl looked up and you recognised her as Cassie instantly. "I'm sorry Mr. and Mrs. Irwin," she apologised quietly. "Does your dad know you're here?" Ashton asked and she shook her head. "I think it's best we take you home," you said, and she nodded, not wanting to cause any more trouble. She stood up and and shuffled quickly between you both, wanting to escape the scene as soon as possible. "Going to have a word with you later," you told Adrian, causing him to groan. "Calum's going to freak," Ashton whispered in your ear.


"You know how Cassie's been acting weird lately?" Calum mumbled. "Yeah?" Calum emerged from the kitchen with his eyebrows furrowed. "I think I know why, you know how she said she was going to Aisha's?" He asked, sitting down beside you. You nodded. "She's lying," he admitted. "How do you know?" You asked. He smirked, "don't freak out, I put that tracking app on her phone," he admitted. "You didn't! what if she finds out?" You argued. "Shh," he turned on his phone and showed you where she was. "What? Ashton's house?" Calum nodded. "Isn't he away?" He nodded again. "No," your eyes widened. "Possibly," he then, without hesitation, decided to call Ashton's house. Adrian answered on the third ring. "Hello?" "Hey Adrian, we know Cassie's there," Calum told him casually. You swore you heard his jaw drop. "U-uhm," he stuttered. "Cassie?" You heard him whisper. "Your dad knows you're here!" You couldn't help but laugh at how terrified he sounded. "What?!" She whispered harshly. "First of all, I'm telling your dad," Calum said. "No! Don-" "secondly, tell Cassie she's grounded for a week for lying," he finished and hung up, not allowing an explanation. "Woah," you huffed, making him squint at you, "what?" "Strict for once," you teased. "Only when it comes to boys, no way is my baby girl going to be hanging out with Ashton's devil child."


"Liam, what are you doing there?" You asked your son upon hearing unusual noises coming from his room. "N-nothing!" You heard him laugh and something hit the floor loudly. Luke looked in the direction of his room suspiciously before looking up at you. You sighed and stood up, deciding to check if everything was okay. "Liam," you warned and knocked on his door before opening it. You looked inside and saw him lying on his bed, cheeks flushed and hair messy. "What the hell are you doing in-" and you were cut off by a sneeze. Liam squeezed his eyes shut. "Is someone in here?" You yelled, and a girl with bright red hair emerged from underneath his bed. "Maya?" Luke appeared behind you, wide eyed upon seeing his best friend's daughter wearing nothing but a crop top and short shorts next to his son. "Well uhm," Luke stuttered. "Guess I'll see you later, Liam," Maya snatched her shirt from the bed sheets before leaning down onto the bed, kissing Liam shamelessly in front of you. She strutted out, pushing past you, with a ring instead of the usual stud in her nose. "Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Hemmings," she called sarcastically as you heard the front door shut. Liam crawled up into a ball, staring up at you shyly. "Well I'll need a moment to process this," Luke walked away, leaving you staring blankly into space. "Same here," you shut Liam's door.


Maya had been in her room all day, which wasn't unusual. The strange thing, though, was the fact you couldn't hear any video games, as well as the fact she didn't emerge from her cave upon smelling the scent of her favourite pizza. Michael and yourself decided to sneak up to her room, making sure not to make any sound climbing the stairs. You crawled stealthily towards the door and placed your ear silently against it. Over the quiet music of Blink-182 Michael trained her to listen to, you heard another voice. "So uhm, you probably know I like you a lot by now," you heard a familiar voice say nervously. Your eyes widened. "What?" Michael whispered, and you placed a finger over his lips. "I like you too, Liam," and that shocked you so much that you lost balance and fell against the door. You heard a squeal and the door fling open, then were met with fiery, red hair and piercing, green eyes staring down at you. "Seriously?" She stared at the two of you crouched together at the foot of her door. "You didn't come for pizza," you mumbled. "There's pizza?" She stepped over the two of you and sprinted down the stairs. You stood up and watched as Luke's son sat up from Maya's bed shyly. "Sorry," he mumbled, "I shouldn't be here without your permission," he apologised. "But Maya made you, right?" Michael asked, and he nodded reluctantly. You sighed, "well if there's any boy we'd want Maya hanging out with, it'd be you," you smiled. "R-really?" His blue eyes seemed to glow at those words. "Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Clifford, I'll take good care of her," he promised. "Where's the damn pizza?" You heard Maya yell.

A/N: I feel like Maya is who I want to be

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