Romeo & Juliet - Imagine For Laura

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Luke Imagine for Thecurlycupcake

A/N: inspired by will's amazing play but not following the exact plot woo. Also the song Luke sings is 'Check Yes Juliet' by We The Kings

Growing up, you were taught to not associate yourself with the kids across the street. You weren't even sure why, you just knew that your parents hated their parents and vice versa. Whatever the dramatic back story, there was always an unbearable tension when your family saw them in the supermarket or at a school event, but you found it sort of amusing. What kind of terrible past could yours and their parents have for them to be acting so immaturely? Whatever it was, you were banned. Banned from speaking to any of their kids, especially Luke, because, well, you can imagine. This ban had just recently become a whole lot more difficult, considering the fact that you two were paired up together for a biology assignment. How did that go again?

"And Laura... You are pairing up with..." You crossed your fingers. "Luke Hemmings." The teacher smiled. Great. How awkward would this be? Luke's eyes widened and he reluctantly turned around to face you. You shrugged and he bit his lip. "Are you deaf? Luke, go sit next to Laura and get started." Luke eyed the empty seat beside you before he gathered his things and sat next to you carefully, chewing nervously on his lip ring. "Hey, Luke." This was the first time you spoke to him. "Laura," he said slowly, testing how your name sounded on his lips. "It's definitely best we not tell our parents about this," you laughed. He smiled, suddenly more relaxed, "I think you're right. We can meet up at the library for this, yeah?" He asked. "Sounds good."

But little did you two know that these frequent library afternoons would become the norm, even long after the biology assignment was done. You felt rebellious, obviously. Telling your parents you decided the library was the best place to study, whereas, in reality you and Luke just hung out in the back and talked, being told to be quiet by the librarian more than once.

Luke had always been fascinated with the beautiful, dirty blonde-haired, blue-eyed, out-of-bounds girl across the street. But now since he's gotten to know you, it's become a little more than mere fascination. You also found yourself becoming a little more than fascinated with those blue eyes and that stupid lip bite and how he always blushed and that giggle of his, oh man. You were basically in love in the time span of three weeks, narrowly missing out on Romeo and Juliet's record of one night.

A month after you were put into a pair, on a rainy weekend evening, you were sitting in your room studying with earphones in your ears. You were in the middle of working out this equation before you heard something outside your window. After taking out an earphone, you heard what sounded to be a guitar playing in the light rain. You stood up quickly and walked outside onto your balcony, and what you saw both caused major stress and melted your heart. Luke was staring up at you with his wet hair sticking to his forehead and a nervous smile on his face. "Are you insane?!" You whisper-screamed. He laughed and nodded before he started singing, "check yes Juliet, are you with me? Rain is falling down on the sidewalk. I won't go, until you come outside." You could not believe this was happening. "My parents are going to kill you!" You exclaimed, but you couldn't stop the smile plastered on your face, too. "Check yes Juliet, kill the limbo. I'll keep tossing rocks at your wind-" and then your mother burst out the front door. You leaned over your balcony for a better view. "Luke, what are you doing here?" The guitar playing ceased, and Luke turned to face her with a pose and stance that looked all too rehearsed. "Mrs. Y/L/N, I am in lo-" "Luke?!" His mother called from across the road. "Get back here right now!" She yelled. "No, listen, okay? I am in lo-" "Laura? Why is Luke in our front yard?" Your dad walked out the door as well. "With a guitar?" He added. "Guys, please listen to Luke!" You yelled. Both of your parents now turned to Luke for an explanation, his mum with her hands on her hips. He took a deep breath. "Laura, I am in love with you. And if you love me too, there's nothing our families can do to keep us apart," he said, looking only at you. "I'm in love with you too, Luke," you said over the rain. Your's and his parents stared at both you two and each other in shock. "And I'd like to take you out on a date," he added. "An actual date. In public. Not hiding. And it would be amazing if our parents would be happy for us," he said, now turning to his parents. His dad suddenly took his mum's hand and led her across the road to where your parents were standing. He froze for a moment before extending his hand, "I think the fact that our children are acting more maturely than us says a lot. How about we bury this feud for them?" He offered. Your dad took his hand immediately, "deal." Luke looked up to you and winked, you just simply mouthed back, 'thank you.'

A/N: this is the longest thing I've written. ALSO MAJOR THANK YOU'S TO: HemmingsForTheWin, Alannah_6 and StarlaOfficial for just being the best x

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