Your Kid Hears You 'At it' & Calls One Of The Boys

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Your Kid Hears You 'At It' & Calls One Of The Boys (Requested By NiallerzPrincezzz)


You were on a small road trip with your husband, Ashton and his friends. You brought your 4 year old daughter along and everyone seemed to love her. Everyone was outside the bus eating and Calum, your daughter's favourite was entertaining her. That's when Ashton decided to discreetly leave the group and take you inside the bus to your's and his bed. You told him numerous times it was a bad idea, but he wanted you and wanted you now. Your daughter looked around for you, wanting to show you a new trick Calum taught her. She searched everyone's faces before running into the bus to find you. After walking up to the door to the bedrooms, she heard you both. She then reached up to the doorknob only to find it locked. Your daughter immediately ran out of the bus into Calum's arms. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Mummy and daddy are in trouble." She cried. "W-what's happening?" He asked, walking with her as she dragged him into the bus. "They're stuck in the room and scared." She whimpered. He walked up to the door as she stayed behind him. "Hey, guys are you-" he started before he heard you. "Oh." He laughed quietly. "What?" She cried again. "They're uhm.. They uhm. Okay, you wait outside and I'll check on them." He said, trying to hide his smile. She ran outside and he waited a minute trying to block out the sounds you were making before returning to her and saying you guys were alright and will be out soon. When you guys returned to the group, she run up to your and Ashton's arm. "Calum saved you from the room!" She cheered. You both looked at Calum with wide eyes. He smirked. "You so owe me."


Luke being the third wheel most of the time around you and Calum, and being the kind of guy who'd do anything for you, was the perfect candidate to babysit your 5 year old son on your anniversary. The romantic evening was going perfectly without the constant interruptions of your son. After an extravagant dinner Calum completely messed up on, you two ordered pizzas and watched old family videos. As cheesy as that was, (literally) you loved every single moment. Especially when you were sent upstairs to find a blue beribboned box on your bed. You rolled your eyes as you put on the fancy lingerie and called his name. Meanwhile, Luke was pulling his hair out and was seconds from locking your son in a closet before he got a call from his mum. After finding out she needed help, Luke didn't hesitate to use this excuse to give back your son. "Wasn't I gonna sleep over?" He asked Luke from the backseat of his car. "Yeah." "Then why am-" "Please shush." It was getting harder and harder to keep his composure. Once your front door was open, your son ran straight up the stairs to greet you two. Luke waited at the door to explain his reasons before your son ran down the stairs in tears. "Wait, what's wr-" Luke began. "Mummy and daddy are in trouble." He dragged Luke by his pants up the stairs and to your room. "Listen." The five year old whispered. He pressed his ear up against the door. Once Luke understood, he hid his face in his hands. "Look ok, uhm." Luke whispered. "Help them." He pleaded in tears. Luke took a deep breath. "GUYS!" He screamed, banging on the door. "OH SHIT." Calum shouted. Luke couldn't contain his laughter. Calum opened the door moments later in his jeans and the whole situation seemed to leave him blushy and flustered. "What?" He asked angrily, to hide his embarrassment. "My mum needs my help, take back your devil child. Please don't make another one."

A/N: this was originally just Ash and Cal but here is Luke requested by Rinostyles!


You, Luke, your daughter and Michael were currently watching some Barbie movie. She was with you guys on tour and somehow managed to convince you all to put on this movie. By Luke's thoughts though, 'watching' in this case was synonymous with 'torture'. Luke kept giving you pleading looks, nodding his head towards the bedroom. How could you say no to those eyes? You convinced your daughter she should go to bed, and as soon as her head hit the pillow in the main bedroom, Luke was dragging you to the spare one that you two immediately reserved. "So eager." You giggled quietly and he smirked. "I just needed you now." He pushed you straight onto the bed without closing the door, which would soon be realised as a huge mistake. With both of you a little preoccupied, no one noticed your daughter standing frightened in the doorway. "Mummy? Daddy?" She called quietly. Luke rolled off you and covered you both with the blanket. Before he could say anything she was running, "uncle Michael!" "Oh god," Luke mumbled. There was no time to get dressed, because your daughter was already back hand in hand with a smirking Michael. "Go back to bed!" Luke yelled. "Can't sleep. I'm scared." She whimpered. Michael pulled her closer to him. "Little busy, huh?" He was taking full advantage of this situation. Luke mentally slapped himself for yelling at his daughter, "go back to bed and I'll be there to sing you to sleep, okay?" He asked her and she nodded, running back to her room. "And Michael, don't you even," Luke warned him. Michael raised his hands. "Not saying anything, except I can't believe you didn't close the door," he mumbled as he walked away. You couldn't help but laugh quietly, "I hope she doesn't remember this when she's older." Luke turned to you as he put on the clothes that were thrown on the ground. "Poor girl was traumatised."

A/N: and then how could I leave Mikey out? Michael girls ftw. Dedicated to courageofacoward x


Your daughter Maya and Luke's son Liam had become best friends in the matter of three days. It was Friday night, and Luke had invited himself, well, Liam had invited himself over just so he could play with Maya again. There was currently a game of hide and seek, and you and Michael decided to hide in the laundry together. "Come on," he whispered in your ear. "You're not serious," you laughed and pulled back, searching his eyes for an answer. Yes, he was serious. "Luke and the kids could walk in any second," you scolded him. He dismissed your words with a kiss on the lips and fingers running slowly up your skirt. Meanwhile, Liam had found Maya quickly, and the two were now searching the house for you, Michael and Luke. Maya crawled across the kitchen floor towards the laundry, being careful not to make a sound. By this point you were doing the same, biting down hard above Michael's shoulder with his nails digging painfully into your hips. Maya peeked through the crack of the door, and was scrambling away immediately. "Uncle Luke!" She shouted, in a tone that'd have Luke knowing something really was wrong. "Oh god," you muttered. Michael was fixing your clothes as fast as he could, but the laundry door was flung open by a worried Luke with Maya and Liam behind him in a matter of seconds. With your shirt on inside out and Michael's hair messier than his usual mess, Luke's jaw dropped. It wasn't a surprise he was blushing more than you. His wide eyes blinked once before he closed the door slowly. "They're fine Maya, knock next time..."

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