Another Member Accidentally Hits You

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Another Member Accidentally Hits You (Requested by Music_FanGurl)


You and the guys were having a mini party at your house. They came often because of your backyard pool. You went out of the pool quickly into your house to get you all some drinks, and by the time you returned they'd started a weird mixture of Marco Polo and volleyball. You placed the drinks on the side of the pool and entered quietly. You swam quietly up to Michael who's back was facing you. As soon as you went to grab his neck his right arm swung to swim backwards, hitting you in the head. He swore, "Y/N?" He turned around quickly and saw you had slipped and hit your head on the side of the pool. Ashton was already out of the pool and running to you. "Y/N? Are you okay?" He asked as you stood back up, rubbing the back of your head. You groaned and he entered the pool beside you. Michael stepped towards you to have a look but Ashton pushed him back. "Don't touch her," he warned, examining where you hit your head. Michael took a step back. "I-I didn't mean to," Michael stuttered. "I don't care," Ashton replied coldly. "Ash, it's okay. I'll just lie down for a bit. It's my fault, I snuck behind him," you tried to prevent a fight. Ashton sighed and looked up to Michael, he looked at him apologetically. "Sorry," he mumbled and Ashton nodded. "Let's get her inside," Ashton said and they both helped you to your house. Michael got some ice and a tea towel and handed it to Ashton. "Thanks man," he said as he pressed it to the back of your head.


You and Calum were walking to the back of the tour bus together. As soon as you went to open the door you saw it flying towards your face. You fell backwards and landed in Calum's arms. "Woah!" Ashton shouted. "You okay?" He asked, closing the door and stepping towards you. Calum helped you stand and turned you so you were facing him. His hands inspected your face, "of course she's not okay, you just slammed the door at her face!" Calum shouted. "I'm sorry, Y/N," Ashton placed a hand on your shoulder but Calum moved it off. "Calum! I'm okay," you assured him. You turned to Ashton. "It's cool, I'm fine," you smiled and he breathed a sigh of relief. "Are you sure?" They both asked in unison and you laughed. "Yeah, c'mon," you walked past Ashton and opened the door again, "shall we watch a movie?"


You were hanging out with the guys at your boyfriend Luke's house for the night. Luke usually sat next to Michael, but since that left no room for you, Luke let you take his spot. Michael, being too engrossed in his video game didn't notice this change. And you being bored to death put in your earphones and watched YouTube. Luke was in the kitchen making some noodles like the adorable little thing he is. "Luke, could you get me a drink?" Michael asked. Luke didn't hear and neither did you. "Luke?" Michael called again. He quickly took a hand off his controller and went to tap what he thought would be Luke's chest. Due to the intense height difference he ended up slapping you in the face as soon as Luke walked in. "Hey, what the hell?" Luke shouted and you were now completely out of your YouTube daze. Michael looked up and was more than confused, "what?" He turned and saw you sitting next to him rubbing your slapped nose. "Oh shit, Y/N?" He put down his controller immediately. "Why the hell did you just hit my girlfriend?" Luke asked angrily as he walked up to you and knelt below you. "I-I thought it was you," Michael tried to explain. "What?" Luke asked, extremely annoyed. "I thought you were sitting next to me and I was talking to you and you didn't reply so I went to tap you but I-" "Maybe you shouldn't be so oblivious," Luke spat. "Hey, hey, I had my earphones in. If they weren't in I would've heard him and it wouldn't have happened, it's just as much my fault," you backed Michael up and he looked at you guiltily. Luke sighed, "fine. But if you hurt her again-" he warned. "Lucas," you said and Michael laughed, "Lucas."


Ashton was practicing on his drums with headphones on. You heard him playing and decided to go and watch since Michael was talking to someone on the phone. You followed the sound and knocked lightly on the door frame when you found him. His headphones drowned all sound so decided to be cheeky and scare him. You tiptoed towards him to his back and giggled before you grabbed his shoulders quickly. He screamed and turned around quickly, hitting you in the eye with his drum stick. "Y/N!" He took off his headphones quickly and stood up to be at your side. He placed both hands on your shoulders and bent down slightly to try and see your eye, which you were covering. Your tried your hardest to hide it hurt but the tears spilt anyway. "Oh gosh, I'm so sorry," he said, trying to pry away your hands to see. "Hey! What did you do to her?" Michael asked from the doorframe. Ashton looked up frightened. "I uhm- hit her-" "What?!" Michael walked up to him and Ashton stepped back. "With the drum stick, it was an accident!" He explained and you nodded. Michael turned to you and removed your hands. He examined your eye and wiped away tears. "Better get it checked just in case," Michael said, grabbing your arm and leading you out the door. "Ashton, be more careful next time, yeah?" He warned and Ashton nodded. "It was my fault, I snuck up behind him and scared him," you explained and Michael sighed. "Silly," he mumbled. "I don't like it when you're hurt."

A/N: sorry mikey and ash did all the hitting haha. continue voting for songs x

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