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Pranks (Requested by _5seconds_of_feels_)

A/N: Hai my lovelies, I've returned! I have gotten so many requests for personal imagines, but I am unfortunately not accepting them anymore. I shall only accept preferences, please send me more of your lovely ideas!


Your boyfriend had gone to a lot of trouble setting up this particular prank. He'd in fact been preparing for it for over a month. You see, you'd thought he'd be returning home at the end of the month, when in fact the plans had been changed without your knowledge. He'd contacted your best friend, who'd been dragged into the prank, and found out when you'd be out of the apartment. Whilst this friend was keeping you busy at her house, Ashton spent his time hiding all his luggage, making sure you wouldn't notice when you returned. His heart was like a hummingbird's when your friend had texted him warning him of your arrival. He tied up his hair and placed the cut up beanie over his face, running in fits of giggles to the bathroom. He hid himself behind the door and bit on his bottom lip nervously. The sound of the door unlocking and you humming quietly to yourself made him smile. He had to resist the urge to run out and hug you then and there, but he composed himself and waited. Luckily for him, you headed straight towards the bathroom. You continued humming as you walked up to the mirror, but froze when the door began closing behind you. You looked up and saw the masked figure standing behind you in your reflection. You screamed, and within a second your hairdryer was pulled from the wall and sent flying towards Ashton's face. You managed to climb up onto the sink and sent anything on the countertop hurtling towards his body at great speeds. "Y/N!" He shouted, gripping onto the hairdryer by its cord. "It's me!" He ripped off the beanie, and you weren't sure what emotion you were feeling. "I hate you," you said as you leaped off the sink and kissed him. "My heart stopped, you idiot," you continued as you wrapped your arms around his waist. His free arm pulled you closer towards him. "I'll never forgive you," you mumbled, burying your face in his chest. He giggled at the contrast between your words and actions. "I love you so much, I'm so happy I'm back, here with you," he kissed the top of your head lightly. "I'm not."


Your boyfriend Calum was over, sitting on the sofa in your living room as you stood in the bathroom straightening your hair. He stepped inside, and you smiled at his reflection. "You need help?" He asked. You raised your eyebrows, "why do you want to help?" He shrugged. "It looks fun," he replied. You handed him the straightener. "Don't mess up," you warned him. You watched his expression of concentration as he took a strand of your hair and held the straightener still. "You're supposed to move it, you know," you said quickly. "I am," he replied. "I mean down, don't hold it there!" That's when you noticed his jaw drop. "Calum, what did-" and you saw him holding a loose strand of hair above your head. You spun around and stared at him in shock. "What the hell?" You shouted, snatching the straightener from his hand and spinning to try and asses the damage in the mirror. Calum, meanwhile, had burst out laughing. You glared at him, "why the hell are you laughing? What is wrong with you?" You continued shouting. He tried to speak, but it seemed he could barely breathe. "What's so funny about this?" You yelled. "It's fake," he managed to say. "Look," he handed the strand to you, and you realised it in fact was not your hair. You looked up and squinted at him. "Why?" You asked simply. "Because it's hilarious," he continued laughing. You couldn't help but smile yourself. "I hate you," you tackled him in a hug, causing you to both end up on the carpet just outside the door of the bathroom. He peppered you with kisses. "Love. You. Very. Much," he said between each kiss. "I'm getting you back, Calum."


Luke didn't want to do this. Luke was dreading this, but the guys, unfortunately, wouldn't let him chicken out. "She's going to cry," Luke told them, trying his best to make them change their mind. "It'll be hilarious, come on," Calum urged, stirring the fake blood they'd made. "What if she breaks up with me?" He asked. Ashton laughed, "dude, relax." You, meanwhile, had just turned into the driveway. "Shit, quick!" Michael pushed Luke towards the kitchen. "This is sick, you guys," he muttered. "Shut up, she's here," he pushed Luke down onto the white tiles as Calum and Ashton spread the fake blood on his face and over the tiles. "I hate you guys," he said in defeat. The sound of your keys sent them scampering to the living room behind the sofa. Michael had to cover Ashton's mouth to keep him from giggling. You entered the room with numerous bags, "Luke," you called, placing the keys down on the kitchen counter. That's when you saw the red pooling over the tiles. You dropped the bags and fell to your knees beside him. "Luke?" Your voice was barely audible, and you fell to the ground beside him with a thump. "Y/N?" Luke sat up, shaking your shoulder this time. "Guys!" He yelled, and Calum, Ashton and Michael emerged from behind the sofa. "What happened?" Ashton asked, running to your side. "She fainted or something!" Luke replied and Michael lost it. "What? Is she breathing? What did we do?" Calum kneeled down near your feet as Ashton pulled his phone out of his pocket. "Quick," Luke pleaded as he placed his ear over your chest. Ashton's hands were shaking uncontrollably as he struggled to dial triple zero. "Is she breathing?!" Michael repeated but Luke only replied in sobs. A moment later, you launched yourself off the ground and tackled Ashton. Michael almost had a heart attack and Calum fell backwards onto the floor in shock. Luke, meanwhile, was on the floor giggling like a schoolgirl. "That's for trying to get Luke to prank me!" You shouted as you stood back up and raised your hands in victory. Luke joined you, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind. "D-dude, you betrayed us?" Calum asked, his eyes still wide in shock. "We pranked the pranksters," you replied. "You do realise this means war, right?" Michael smiled. "Bring it on," you smirked.


Your best friend Michael came over uninvited. He sat sulking on your sofa as you were in your room trying to put an outfit together for your date. You heard a light knock on the door before two arms wrapped around your waist from behind. "I can't believe you're giving that douche a second chance," he mumbled. "I'm not, really. Look, he pleaded for me to hear him out, it's the least I could do," you replied. "Why are you going to so much effort?" he asked, observing you search for the perfect outfit. You sighed, "it's a restaurant," was your response. He bit his lip and grumbled before letting you go and leaving the room. After your outfit was sorted, you had a shower. Fifteen minutes later, you stepped out and reached for the hairdryer. The moment it was turned on, you were suffocated by what seemed like a white mist. You screamed before coughing and turning the dryer off. It took you a moment to realise Michael must have put powder in the hairdryer when you were deciding your outfit. You stormed back to the living room and glared at Michael, who stared at you nervously on the sofa. "What the hell?" You yelled at him. He shrugged, "I pranked you?" He bit his lip. You looked at the clock and knew there was no possible way you could get ready in time now. You hid your face in your hands. "Why would you do this to me?" He was up and embracing you immediately. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he apologised, but you pushed him away. "Seriously?" You glared at him. "I-I just didn't want you seeing him again! You shouldn't give him a second chance. Not after what he did..." He explained. "Bu-" "you deserve way better," he cut you off. "Maybe, perhaps, someone with red hair and pale skin who thinks you're gorgeous even covered in powder?" He asked, staring down and fiddling with his fingers. "Michael? What are yo-" "I like you a lot, Y/N. I couldn't let you talk to him again. Not when I know I could treat you so much better," he mumbled. You smiled. "So instead of telling me this, you turned me into a scary mime?" You laughed. "I think you look pretty cute," he smiled. You wrapped your arms around his torso. "Thank you," you said. "No problem," he laughed. "No, I mean, for stopping me from going. I kind of like you too," you admitted quietly. He pulled away and smiled at you. "I might kiss you if you clean up the powder." "I hate you so much."

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