Cute On Camera - Imagine For Emma

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Luke Imagine For Nutellahhh

"Come on, it will be so fun!" Luke was dragging you by your sweater sleeves towards the laptop in his room.

"I'm scared," you whispered but he shook his head, "no need, they were asking for you!" He tried to encourage you but you were still unsure.

Luke was currently doing a twitcam, and over 45,000 people were watching. There was something extremely terrifying knowing that if you entered that room, 45,000 pairs of eyes all around the world would be watching you. "Come on, Emma," he pleaded, raising your hands to his mouth by the sleeves and kissing them sweetly. His puppy dog eyes got the better of you so you calmed your nerves and walked slowly into the room. "She's here!" Luke shouted and you froze standing at the end of the bed as Luke jumped on top of it. You waved awkwardly and Luke couldn't help but giggle. He crawled across the bed to get to you and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you down quickly so you landed laying down beside him, right in front of the camera. You sat up quickly with a blush and crossed your legs, deciding to see the tweets people were writing.

You smiled when they were all positive, saying that you were pretty and adorable as a couple. You blushed when one wrote that things got suddenly hot and steamy, referring to him pulling you onto the bed.

"Well Emma's here, guys," he smiled, wrapping an arm over your shoulder. "Hi," you said awkwardly, fiddling with your fingers. People started commenting about how shy you were, and that you were basically one of them.

"So, what do you want us to do? We can sing or answer random questions," Luke suggested, but a bunch of 'kiss' comments flooded in, making both you and Luke blush furiously. He looked up at you whilst biting nervously on his lip ring. You looked away and laughed quietly, trying to hide your nerves. "Come on," his arm wrapped tighter around you and his free hand moved to rest gently on your cheek. You looked back up with a small smile and forgot that anyone was watching for a moment when his eyes drifted to your lips and back up to your eyes.

He leaned in slowly and you placed a hand on his leg, leaning the rest of the way and kissing him lightly on the lips. He wrapped his arms around you tighter and started leaning over you, signalling that he wanted you to lie down beneath him. You pushed him away quickly and he looked into your eyes, his lips parted slightly. You gestured with your eyes to the laptop and he moved away quickly, seeming to find his way back into reality.

"Sorry guys," he said, turning back to the camera. You hesitantly went to look at the tweets, and couldn't help but laugh.

'Woah there guys', 'thought they were gonna go all the way dammit', 'HOT DAMN', 'geez wasn't expecting that', 'get some lucas' and hundreds more.

He looked back at you sheepishly and you decided to change the subject quickly to avoid any more awkwardness. "So.." You began, "any questions for us?" You asked with a chuckle. Luke scrolled through them a bit before he smiled and pointed one out to you. You leaned in to have a look and the ever present blush on your cheeks somehow reddened some more.

It read, 'luke, are you in love with emma? looks like you are! Jess x'

"Well Jess," he began. "Am in in love with Emma?" He looked back at you, nervously biting on his bottom lip. "I am positively, 100%, hopelessly head over heels in love with Emma," he said, just loudly enough for you and the now 70,000 people watching to hear.

"I'm in love with you too, Luke."

A/N: I hope this is kinda what you wanted! Love ya x
Ps I am 12th when you search 5SOS Preferences... I was like 35th a few weeks ago!

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