Your Child Wets The Bed

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Your Child Wets The Bed (Requested By urnotashton)


10:00PM on a Friday night and you and Ashton were catching up on your favourite TV shows. "Do we have to watch this one now?" He groaned, "yes, need to find out about Bethany and her connection to Mrs. D," you argued seriously. He giggled quietly and slumped back against the couch, "only if you cuddle me," he held his arms open and you moved to rest comfortably against his chest. Just as you were to hit play you heard your son's tiny voice beside the television. You sat up immediately and looked at the clock, "why aren't you asleep?" You asked. He hid behind his teddy bear and mumbled something into the fur. "Hmm?" You stood up and knelt in front of him, moving the bear from his face. "Are you okay?" You asked him and you noticed tears brimming his eyes. "I-" he started before he looked down in what seemed to be embarrassment. That's when you noticed the dark stain in his light blue pyjama pants. "Oh, you peed?" You asked with a laugh, trying to lighten the mood and make him more confident. "That's no problem, Ashton can change you and I can go fix your bed, is that okay?" You asked and he nodded, running over to Ashton who was now sitting up on the couch. "Sorry daddy," you heard your son apologise as you walked into his room. "Don't be, I pee the bed all the time."


You and Calum had just gone to bed with your daughter fast asleep in the next room. Within a few minutes Calum was snoring, which you couldn't help but envy. How could one fall asleep so instantly? As your eyes closed and your mind eventually quietened down enough for a possibility of sleep, you heard a light knock on your open door. You sat up immediately with Calum still snoring and saw your daughter with her messy long hair standing quietly at the door. You mumbled something that sounded like 'what's wrong?' She walked in quietly and stood in the middle of the room. "I wet the bed," she told you quietly and you managed to roll out from under the covers, but woke Calum up in the process. "Babe?" He called quietly and you shushed him. "She wet the bed," you informed him and he sat up. "Come here, honey," he motioned for her to walk to him and she waddled across the carpet adorably. "I can clean your bed and mummy can change you, yeah?" He asked her and you were delighted that he was helping you with this upon just waking up. "Okay, thank you," she mumbled and he walked to her room as you took her to the bathroom to clean her. "I wet Snuffles," she said sadly and you couldn't help but laugh. "Daddy will give Snuffles a bath and he'll be all clean by the morning," you assured her. She nodded before you both heard Calum from her room, "damn it, you wet Snuffles!"


Your son had a little problem with wetting the bed. The funny thing though was the fact that only you knew about it. He'd begged you on numerous occasions to keep it a secret from Luke. You guessed it was because he looked up to his father so much, and wanted him to be proud. The poor thing was embarrassed about it, and you were doing everything you could to help him with it. One night though, a stay at a friend's became really late, and Luke put your son to bed before you arrived home. Luke was laying down on the sofa waiting for your arrival when he heard tiny footsteps entering the living room. He sat up and saw his son standing with his fingers fiddling and messy blonde hair covering his face. "What's up, buddy?" Luke asked, a little worried. He shuffled nervously on his feet, "I made a mess," he mumbled and Luke stood up. "What mess?" He asked and your son sniffled, too embarrassed to admit. That's when Luke noticed the stain on his pants, and he sighed. "There's no need to be embarrassed," Luke assured him as he knelt down to his level. Your son looked up through his blue eyes and pouted. "You're not angry?" He asked and Luke's jaw dropped. "Why would I be angry?" Luke asked in confusion and your son focused on his feet again. "Because big boys don't wet the bed," he mumbled. Luke shook his head, "it's perfectly fine, buddy. Come on, you can go find some new clothes and I'll fix your bed for you," Luke stood up and walked to his room, with your little boy following closely behind.


Your little girl tiptoed through the halls and snuck into yours and Michael's bed in the late hours of the night. She had a nightmare, and would not be going back to sleep for a while without the company and comfort of you both. She crawled under the covers in between you both, not causing much of a stir. You'd fallen asleep shortly after and were in the middle of a dream when you were startled awake by Michael shouting. "Is the water bed leaking?! We don't have a water bed!" A completely flustered and just-woken dazed Michael was frantically pulling at the covers to see what was wrong. "Mm?" You groaned and you noticed your daughter crawled up in a ball beside you. "Sweetie?" You mumbled. "What is happening?" Michael asked and you shushed him, wanting to hear your daughter. He froze, and moments later you both heard quiet sobs coming from her. Her long brown hair was covering her face. Michael was immediately moving the hair and trying to get her to look up. "Are you alright?" He asked quietly and she looked up at both of you, tears streaming down from her green eyes. "I wet your bed," she cried and hid again, ashamed of herself. "It's okay honey," you laughed and stroked her hair gently. "There's no need to cry, we'll just clean it up and you can change pyjamas," Michael added. "I'm sorry," she choked out through her tears and you looked to Michael in disbelief. "You don't need to be sorry!" You told her and she looked up with a quivering bottom lip. "Mummy's right, Luke wets the bed all the time," Michael said and a smile spread across her lips. "There's that beautiful smile, just like your mummy's," Michael wiped the tears from her cheeks.

A/N: this was too cute to write. I swear as soon as a I get a request involving children I have to prepare myself mentally

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