He Sleeps In Your Bed

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He Sleeps In Your Bed


You and Ashton were having a movie night at your place. These nights were a usual occasion for you two, just watching random cartoons and comedies. You were squished up in a ball sinking into the corner of your couch while Ashton was lying down beside you, half his body hanging off the side and touching the floor. You looked over at your best friend and laughed because he couldn't seem to keep his eyes open. You placed the empty bowl of popcorn on his head and he slapped your leg lightly.You looked at the time. "Ashton, it's 4am." You laughed. "No way!" He lifted his hand to his face and looked at his watch. "I'm gonna fall asleep driving." He mumbled, rolling onto his back and resting his head on your lap. "Wanna stay the night?" You asked. His eyes lit up. "Really? I mean. You sure? I mean, where do I sleep?" He rambled. "On my couch." You laughed. "Your living room is scary in the dark." He whispered. "My floor then." He pouted. "Fine." You set up a mattress next to your bed and threw a bunch of blankets at him. He kicked the mattress with a pout. "This looks uncomfy." He whined. You laughed. "You're a big boy, I'm sure you'll survive." Minutes later, once Ashton was comfortably snuggled in his blankets, you turned your lamp off and closed your eyes. There was complete silence and you were seconds from falling asleep before- "Mmm." Ashton whined, moving restlessly under the blankets. You ignored him. "Mmmm." Whined louder, deliberately making a lot of noise. When you didn't respond, he sighed. You bit your lip trying not to laugh, his plan was adorable. "Fine." You mumbled. You heard him sit up. "What?" He asked innocently. You sat up and lifted your blanket. He smiled, "Yeah?" He asked. "Yeah." You smiled and he instantly slipped under your blankets. You turned to face the other way and his arms slowly wrapped around your waist. "Ashton, what are y-" "Snuggles." He said simply, and you didn't argue.


It was midnight. You were muffling your sobs into your pillow to not wake anyone up. You needed to be up early tomorrow, and you knew you weren't going to get any sleep feeling like that. Through the dark, you reached for your phone and turned it on, the screen momentarily blinding you. You searched frantically for Calum's name in your contacts. 'Cal, need you' you texted simply. You wished so badly for him to reply. Once you saw he'd read the text and not responded, you tucked your phone under your pillow and continued crying. Even he was ignoring you now... Your sobs eventually stopped and you laid there, staring mindlessly at the ceiling. Minutes later, you heard a soft noise from above you. A bird, you thought. The noise repeated, louder. You sat up and almost had a heart attack. Calum's face could barely be recognised through your window, he bit his lip once seeing how much he scared you. You opened the window and let him in. "Are you insane?" You whispered. "You said you needed me!" He replied, kicking off his shoes and lying beside you in your bed. "To text me back." You laughed. His face flushed. "Oh." He pouted. He saw your tear stained cheeks and wiped them lightly with his thumb. "Wanna talk about it or wanna hug?" He asked. "Hug." You said, draping your arm over his stomach and resting your head in the crook of his neck. He moved so you both were lying comfortably under the blanket. "If only everyone cared for me like you do." You whispered. "You have no idea how much you're loved." He whispered back as he kissed your forehead. And with his nose pressed softly into your hair, you fell asleep instantly.


It was a Saturday night, you were in bed on Tumblr and the storm outside sent a chilling breeze through your window. You stood up to close it before you heard your doorbell ring. The alarm clock beside your bed read 3:47am, your brows immediately furrowed. You stepped quietly to your front door and looked through the peephole. Your breath hitched in your throat when you saw Luke in nothing but a tank top and boxers, crying his eyes out and drenched in rain. You opened your door immediately and let him in. As soon as the door closed, he went to bury himself in your arms before he took a step back, remembering he was drenched in freezing rain. Your heart broke at his shivering figure, his arms wrapped around himself and eyes bright red and swollen. You engulfed him in a hug. "The guy is meant to comfort the girl." He said through sobs. "Big boys can cry too." You laughed. He reluctantly wrapped his arms around you, "can I stay the night?" He whispered. "Of course." You replied, leading him straight to your room. As you entered your room, he stopped at the doorway. "C'mon." You assured, lifting the blankets on your bed. "I'm gonna make it wet." He murmured, looking down at his clothes. "I'll hang your shirt out to dry." You suggested. He blushed. "Uhm." He fiddled with the hem of his tank top. You rummaged through your drawers and handed him a towel. He handed you his shirt and began drying his hair with the towel. When you returned after hanging out his top, he was already in your bed with his eyes closed. You switched off your light and tiptoed into your bed beside him. You felt his cold skin. "You're freezing." You mumbled. "Good thing you're so hot." He opened his eyes warily to see your reaction. "You were crying not moments ago, Hemmings." You replied in amusement. "You make me better." He wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you against his chest.


You were running. Running but your feet felt numb. Constantly tripping and falling and unable to pull yourself up. Crawling desperately now with your fingernails digging painfully into the rough ground. "Y/N, Y/N!" Your eyes shot open and were immediately welcomed with the bright yet extremely concerned ones of your boyfriend, Michael. "Just a nightmare, babe." His eyes searched your face to make sure you were okay. He wrapped his arms tighter around you and you buried your face into the crook of his neck. "Thanks for waking me." You mumbled. "Me to the rescue." He laughed lightly. You snuggled closer into his embrace. "I'm so lucky to have you." You told him. "You really think?" He asked incredulously. "Yes." You giggled. "Then I must be the luckiest guy on earth because I have you." He said sweetly. "Too much cheese." "I thought you liked cheese?" "Too much." "But you liked it?" He asked. You paused. "I loved it." "I love you." He said quickly. "I love you more." "Impossible." He argued. "We must be the most annoying couple." You laughed. He kissed your nose and smiled. "I know." Moments later you were asleep again, your mind free from any nightmares.

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