Your Child Isn't Straight

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Your Child Isn't Straight (Requested by fewfandoms)

A/N: hope you like it babe x


Yours and Ashton's 16 year old son had been distant from you guys for the past week. You and Ashton were sitting on the couch watching a reality TV show with a disturbing silence amongst you. "I really want to know what's up," Ashton whispered to you suddenly. You nodded. "Same here, has he talked to you at all?" You asked and he shook his head, "you?" He asked and you pouted. "He seems... anxious?" Ashton suggested. "Yeah, but about what?" You asked. "Mum? Dad?" He called from behind the sofa and you both turned around, feeling a little busted. "Yeah honey?" You asked. "I need to tell you guys something," he mumbled. You motioned for him to sit beside you both on the sofa. His messy, curly hair bounced slightly as he took careful steps to where you wanted him to sit. You both turned to face him and you sat up on the couch with your legs crossed, hoping it would make it seem less formal and more casual. "I'm just going to say it, okay? But it will take me a while. Just wait," he told you. He closed his eyes and you and Ashton tried to hide your nerves as best as you could. Ashton gripped your shoulder as you watched him take a deep breath to speak. "I have a boyfriend," he said quickly, opening one eye slowly to see your reactions. Ashton's grip weakened and he smiled. "What's his name?" Ashton asked. He bit his lip, "James," he said shyly. "How long have you been together?" He continued asking simple questions. "A month. We decided to tell our parents on the same night, so he's telling his now." He fiddled with his fingers. "I'm glad you trusted us enough to tell us," Ashton reached over you and placed a hand on his shoulder. "You shouldn't have been so nervous to. We'll accept whoever you want to be and support any decisions you make," Ashton said sweetly. "Except drugs. Don't do drugs," Ashton joked. Your son laughed, "I better go see how his conversation went. Thank you." He walked back to his room with a huge smile on his face. "Wow," you breathed. "You handled that so well. What the hell?" You laughed. "Whereas, you just sat there," he teased. "I didn't want to interrupt your fabulous work, Ash," you defended. Your son ran out with his phone in his hand and an even bigger smile on his face. "His parents are happy too!"


Your husband was out with his friends and so was your daughter. Or so you thought. So you were stuck home alone watching a chick flick by yourself. You were almost asleep before you heard your daughter's text message alert go off. You were surprised because she never forgets her phone. She seemed pretty stressed and rushed to get to her friend's tonight though, so you left it at that. You thought it could be Calum trying to get a hold of her so you went to have a look at the message. It read, 'where r u? Better not be late for our 3 month anniversary date! - your love, Taylor.' Your eyes widened. She was in a relationship? You freaked out. You obviously had to call Calum straight away and tell him the news. "What really?" He asked over the phone. "She told me in the car when I was dropping her off to pick her up from the movies at 8, so I guess we'll just wait until then and then grill her," Calum planned. "Okay," you said, unsure of how you'd spend these few hours in intense suspense. Soon enough Calum and your daughter were walking through the door. "Hey mum, dad said we needed to talk, is everything okay?" She asked. You paused, "you left your phone at home tonight." She sighed, "I know, I won't forget it again. Thanks," she went to go to her room. "Honey," you called her. "Sit down," you motioned for her to sit next to you and Calum sat down on the floor in front of the sofa. You couldn't help but notice the expression of worry on her face as she sat down. "I saw a message," you started. "Mum!" "I thought it could've been dad trying to reach you. It's not because I didn't trust you. But I saw a message from a guy named Taylor, saying tonight was your three month anniversary date?" You asked carefully. She looked down and fiddled with her fingers. "We just wanted to know why you didn't tell us you had a boyfriend for so long, you're not in trouble," Calum tried to comfort her. "Taylor isn't my boyfriend," she said slowly. You and Calum looked at each other in confusion before turning back to her for an explanation. She took a deep breath, "Taylor is my girlfriend." Both yours and Calum's jaws dropped. Tears pooled in her eyes. "No, no don't cry," you pulled her into a hug and Calum sat beside her, hugging her from behind. "You have no reason to be sad, it's wonderful," Calum said. "We're so happy for you. You should have told us sooner!" You smiled at her. She flopped onto the back of the couch a breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm so glad you guys are okay with it. She told her parents and they went crazy so I was so afraid," she admitted. "No, you can tell us anything," Calum assured her. "Thank you guys, so much," she wiped tears from her eyes. "I have to tell her," she went to get her phone. "We'd like to meet her," Calum called. She nodded, "I'll tell her that, too."


You were out with your friends when you got a call from Luke. "Hello?" You answered. "Y/N, I think you should come home," he said. "Why, what's wrong?" Your friends immediately noticed something was up so they started to help you pack your things. You mouthed 'thank you' as you walked out to get to your car. "Uhm, so I got home a little earlier and Alisa didn't hear me come in.." He started. "And?" You asked, numerous amounts of terrible scenarios coming to mind. "Well, she wasn't alone," he said carefully. "Who was there?" You asked, now very worried. "Lina," he responded. "What's wrong with that?" You asked, Lina was a good friend of your daughter. "They were uhm.. In bed together," he told you. You froze. "What did you do?" You asked. "I sent her home and now I have Alisa sitting in the living room waiting for you. I want to talk to her together," he said and you agreed. "On my way." You drove home and found Luke sitting with your crying daughter on the couch. "Hey honey," you walked up to her and kneeled in front of her. "I didn't want you to find out this way," she said to the both of you. "It's okay," you took her hand and Luke wrapped an arm around her. "You know you didn't have to hide it," Luke explained. "I thought you wouldn't let us be together," she mumbled as Luke wiped tears from her cheeks. "Never. Of course we would have, and we will. We love Lina. And we love her even more now that she makes you this happy," Luke replied quickly and you agreed. "You're the best parents ever, you know?" She said sweetly. "You're the best daughter ever," you and Luke said in unison.


Yours and Michael's son had just summoned you both into his room. He said he had something really important to tell you, and that he was afraid of how you would react. He sat on his bed and you and Michael took a seat on either side of him. "Okay guys, please don't freak out," he said through a shaky breath. "It's okay, I promise it's okay," Michael reassured him and you nodded. He looked between the both of you for a few moments before he looked down at his lap, "I can't." He shook his head. "Shh," Michael cooed, "sure you can," you added. He looked up again at both of you and bit his lip. He hid under his black fringe and sighed. "I'm gay," he mumbled. You and Michael looked to each other deciding who was going to say something next. Michael decided he should. "Thank you for telling us. We're really proud of you," he said with a smile. He flicked the hair out of his eyes, "really?" He asked in shock. You nodded. "Uhm," he smiled. "I have a boyfriend," he said sheepishly. Your jaw dropped. "Shut up! That's amazing!" You basically shouted and he laughed. "What's his name?" Michael asked excitedly. Your son bit his lip. "It's Aaron," he said, excited to see your reaction. "Wait, Aaron, as in, Luke's son?" Michael asked in shock. He nodded happily. "No way," you said happily, squeezing his hand. "Way." He nodded. "He's telling his dad soon, so don't say anything yet," he asked of you. "I just can't believe it," you said, almost in tears. "Please don't cry," he said, a little embarrassed. "We're just so happy for you."

A/N: really loved writing this, equality! The title says 'isn't straight' because the kids could be either gay or bi here.

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