Someone Thinks You're A Couple

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Someone Thinks You're A Couple


Your best friend Ashton somehow convinced you to accompany him and his band on their latest tour. "I'm glad I came with you," you said. "It's actually really fun with you guys!" You walked up to Ashton from behind and hugged him. "I knew you'd like it." He smiled. "Wanna go out and see some fans?" He turned around to ask you. "No, no, no, what if they don't like me?" You worried. "What's not to like." He grabbed your hand and started dragging you out the tour bus where a small group of fans were waiting. As soon as the door opened there were deafening screams. "Hey girls!" He laughed, instantly signing things and taking photos. Everything was going well until someone shouted at the top of their lungs, "Is she your girlfriend?!" Both your jaws dropped. "Yeah, is she?", "I saw them hug in there!", "They were holding hands when they came out!", "They're together, I feel it." Ashton blushed furiously at these comments but you couldn't help but laugh. "I'm his best friend!" You shouted. "Yeah right, then why is he blushing?" A girl next to you asked. "Why are you blushing, Ash?" Another girl giggled. "I..uhm. Gotta go." He ran back inside the bus without you. "Ashton!" You shouted. "He likes you," "so lucky," "he's in love," "what's your name?" "can I have a photo?" You were completely overwhelmed. "Uhm, Y/N. And sure." You started taking photos with the crowd. "I just got a photo with Ashton's girlfriend!" You heard someone say. After a few more minutes your phone rung with the ringtone you gave Ashton's contact. "I'm sorry, I gotta go back." You started walking back to the bus. "Go get some!" A voice shouted.


You decided to attend and watch an interview your friend Calum and his band were having at a local radio station. You were in another room but you could see and hear Calum through a wall of glass that separated you both. You watched and laughed as the guys did a hilarious challenge involving water and balloons. When they all sat back down, the interviewer turned to Calum. "So Calum, I'm proud to be the first one asking about how you met your girlfriend?" He asked. "Girlfriend?" Calum blushed and shook his head. Ashton laughed loudly, "Yeah Calum, how'd you meet your girlfriend?" Calum sighed. "She's my friend." Michael scoffed, "friend." Calum turned to him and facepalmed. "They're teasing me, she's just my friend." He said calmly. "My apologies." Said the interviewer. "The photo of you two on the band's Twitter account led me to believe otherwise." He said smugly. "What photo?" Calum's eyes widened. Ashton completely lost it. "What photo?!" You immediately turned on your phone and went on Twitter to see a million mentions about how cute you and Calum were. You checked the band's account and saw, "@Calum5SOS and @Y/T/N being snuggle buddies ;-)" with a photo of you two together on a sofa. "I'm gonna kill you guys." Calum said once he was shown the photo. He turned to you. 'Sorry,' he mouthed. "You two are quite cute though." The interviewer said. "Shut up." He hid his face in his hands.


Your mum came home to see you and your friend Luke asleep together on the sofa. The sound of the door closing woke you up but Luke was still asleep. Your mum smiled and you gave her a small wave. "What time is it?" You asked her. She looked at her watch, "10:00pm." You buried your face back into Luke's chest. "K." You were beginning to fall asleep again before your mum asked you a question. "How are you and Luke going?" You furrowed your brows. "Good." You replied. "Good? Is there anything more you want to tell me?" You sat up and saw her staring down at you. "What? What do you mean?" You asked sleepily. She smiled. "Details! Like when you got together.." "Wait, what?" You were fully awake now. "Oh, you can tell me when you're ready." She went to walk away. "Mum, we're friends." You said slowly. She rose her eyebrows. "But you two..." She pointed to the two of you together. "Are close." You finished the sentence for her. She rose her hands in defence. "Okay, whatever you say." She walked away into the kitchen. You lay back down awkwardly, hoping Luke was still asleep. "How awkward." He whispered. "Oh my god." You whispered back.


You spent yesterday night watching movies with Michael and managed to fall asleep together on the sofa with popcorn and lollies surrounding you. You both awoke at the sound of someone knocking at the door. Michael got up in his singlet, boxers and messy hair and opened the door. Ashton waltzed in with a smirk on his face. "Wild night, I see," he said pleasantly. "What?" Michael asked him, still half asleep. "Wild night. I see." He repeated, darting his eyes between you and Michael. His eyes widened. "What. No." He shook his head furiously. Ashton looked to you for reassurance. You nodded. "She says 'yes' to 'wild night'" Ashton giggled. Michael turned to you with his jaw dropped. "No! I was saying I agreed with Michael who was saying 'No'!" You argued. "Of course. Don't worry Y/N, I get it." Ashton bit his tongue trying not to laugh. "Get what? We're friends!" You shouted. "With benefits." Ashton mumbled. "Dude." You and Michael were now blushing badly. "We just fell asleep watching movies last night!" You tried to explain. "The fact you guys are defending yourselves this much just proves that either you actually are together, or you like each other." He said whilst folding his arms. "Ashton, go." Michael pointed to the front door. "Fine, I'll leave you two lovebirds alone." Ashton walked to the door with a smile. "Go!" Michael opened the door and pushed him out. "I hate him." Michael whispered.

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