Part 1: Im sorry....what?

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"Agent Romanoff, Director Fury would like to see you in his office please." The agent spoke softly, knowing of the stories the Russian carries with her.

"Tell him I'll be there in a minute." Nat responded with a hint of frustration in her voice.

The female agent took a gulp, not wanting to anger her even more. "He told me that you would say that, and that you might want to see this."

Without turning her head Natasha replied, " I'll be right there."

Ending the conversation, the redhead turned on her heels and made her way to the elevator. Upon calling the elevator, She felt a familiar presence.

"I wonder what this is all about" Agent Barton said, breaking the comfortable silence that the two had grown accustomed to over the many years they were partners.

"I don't know" She responded, slightly annoyed that the director had pulled her away from her time of rest, which rarely came for Natasha nowadays, her work being her priority. Clint sensed this and didn't say anything from there on out.

Once the elevator reached Fury's office, the agents were greeted by a smug face that neither of them wanted to see. This was none other than Agent Rumlow. A smug and arrogant agent that constantly antagonised the two.

"Agent Romanoff, long time no see" he said the smile not once faltering, even though both Natasha and Clint could easily beat him in hand to hand combat.

"Not long enough" She said calmly, not letting his comments affect her. Romanoff stepped off the elevator unfazed by his presence, pushing past him on her way to the directors office with Clint close behind her. Rumlow then entered the elevator the two had just left, winking back at the male agent as the doors closed.

"What a dick" Barton said as he knocked on the door of the director.

"Enter" Fury said almost instantly after he knocked at the door. Both of the agents entered the office side by side.

"Glad to see you could make the time Romanoff "
Agent Fury said reminded of the fact he had interrupted her free time. She just had shot him a look that would make anyone crumble, However, he just sat there and sniggered to himself finding it quite amusing.

"I'm sure your wondering why I've called you both, here's your answer" He promptly threw a file in the direction of the redhead. She picked up the file with the words 'Threat Level: A' in bold red writing. Natasha was surprised, as the duo very rarely encountered a threat level: A. But that look of surprise on her face grew exponentially once she had opened the file. There she was, staring at her like she was looking into her soul. Fury and Barton had picked up on this and shared a confused glance. You could hear a pin drop in the office. Clint, without saying anything snatched the file from her hands intrigued as to what had shocked his colleague so badly.

She just stood there, traumatised by the picture in the file. So many memories that she had suppressed deep in her mind had surface. As if they were sea animals coming up for air.
But one in particular. Anya was dancing in a white ballet outfit, twirling elegantly and gracefully, like she was a swan dancing and gliding across the floor. She was a rather pretty girl, average height for a female, slim, beautiful brown hair and a gorgeous smile.

Barton finally broke the silence by asking: "Do we know who she is, or where she comes from?"

"No, she's a ghost" fury replied, still on edge after seeing a normally heartless Natasha Romanoff, turn into a frozen figure.

"I know her" Natasha had finally realised she had been in deep thought for too long, thinking back to a time she never wanted to think about, let alone revisit.

"How, who is she?" Clint asked, still struggling to comprehend why a file with a single picture in it, containing no information whatsoever, had his closest friend and partner so mesmerised.

"She was my girlfriend."

You could hear both the men's jaws hit the floor. It was safe to say that this revelation from the agent was one of the most surprising pieces of news they had heard when it came down to Natasha. She had never spoken about her past in much detail with either of the agents she shared a room with at this moment.

Both of the male agents where somewhat aware of the sort of things that a young Nat had to endure, but had no idea what sort of affect it had on the Russian.

"Im sorry....what?" Someone said, she wasn't sure who, as she was so deep into the visions of the young woman that she had completely ignored the question from the pair. So many happy memories entered her mind, she recalled that she was incredibly talented at drawing, all she would do when she was given rest or wasn't chained to a bed was draw. She was quite and very kind if you was fortunate enough not to be on her bad side. Nat knew all to well what Anya was capable of. One time she witnessed Anya take of 5 men at once, emerging victorious with only a minuscule cut in her lip. She never really knew why Anya had a soft spot for her but she was to afraid to loose one of the few friendships she had as a child.

"Ok..... I'm gonna need you to explain Nat" Clint said softly, not wanting to startle her whilst she was recalling such a fragile time of her life. The assassin snapped back into the room and stood up from her chair, pacing the room as she began to, in as little detail as possible, lay out exactly what she meant by that statement.

"Her name was Anya Kozlova" she said, the pain in her voice was evident and Fury and Barton knew that they needed to keep their distance and not push her.

"She was in the red room, she was one of the children who were put through the same tasks I was......she was beautiful, but her pretty face and muscular body was that of a weapon"

The pain in Nats eyes were visible and neither of the Director or Clint needed, nor wanted to hear anything further.

The director simply said "Well, don't get too nostalgic because you two are going to find her."

"What!" Natasha replied quickly which made the men jump. She was clearly hurt by this order and didn't want anything from her past to enter the new life that she had made for herself. All of the wrongs she had made in her life she was working towards making them right, and that started with leaving everything that Natalia had and starting fresh as Natasha.

"You said it yourself that she's a ghost. How are we supposed to find her?" Clint asked, much to the dismay of Nat who sent him a glare that said she didn't want to go down this path.

"She's the best of the best, if she doesn't want to be found you won't find her" she said looking at her feet. Clint could tell that Anya and Natasha were close, but he wanted to peruse whatever fury had for them.

"Well then she clearly wants to be found, because she was spotted outside of a Catholic Church in Rhodes, Greece."

"She always said she wanted to go back to Greece, she loved it there" Nat was clearly deep into her memories with Anya and the two were interested in knowing but didn't want to push her, knowing that it was a sensitive topic and if she wanted to talk about it she would when she wanted to.

"We'll pack your bags...... your going to Greece" Nick said, this was the cue that they were dismissed and that his decision was final. They would both fly out to Rhodes within the next couple of days. A sizeable task force was dedicated to this mission. Nat hated the thought of her previous girlfriend being dangerous enough to need a whole task force but there was nothing that she could do about it.

Hey this is the Author, if anyone makes it this far I thank you for reading and hope you enjoyed the first chapter.
I'm new on Wattpad and am a big marvel fan so..... yeah here I am.

Long Time No See • Natasha Romanoff Where stories live. Discover now