Part 53: Shes Not Alone

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A/N: Just a little heads up. There will be one ending to this book, and it will continue with that storyline. However, I will do multiple endings where we see the outcomes when the decisions the hero's make are different.

I know this is a little later than normal so don't scold me. I have been watching the new part of Money Heist ( Le Casa De Papel) so that's where I've been. I've also been publishing the Lizzie story so go and give that some love will ya? X

When the fight finally started it was the craziest thing that Anya had ever experienced. Even in New York, when Anya was new to the alien race, the tension and stakes were not as high as they are right now.

The opposition was also much more difficult to kill this time around. Everyone was struggling, the sheer numbers that they had was enough to overwhelm them. Anya was quickly forced to use the blades attached to her back, because bullets weren't doing much, and she soon ran out.

It didn't help that they were fighting on an uneaven terrain either, but Anya and Natasha were used to fighting in heels and all sorts of shoes and surfaces, so it didn't bother them that the battle was on sand, or in the little stream that ran directly through the fight.

Anya and Natasha were practically useless when it came to the larger goal. Staying alive, for the time being, was easy and they would both get through this, but in terms of the larger goal and defeating Thanos, that would prove to be more difficult.

The people doing the most damage were either Banner in the hulkbuster suit, or Rhodes in his War Machine suit. All the weapons and explosives at their disposable was really coming in handy.

The longer the fight raged on, the more trouble Anya found herself in. They were all over her. Three of the four legged beasts were clawing and gnawing away at her legs and arms as she threw rogue slashes with the blades, all while covering her head.

"Natasha! Anyone! A little hand here!" She yells, hoping someone would answer her, or come and get all of the animals off her. But there wasn't a reply, although everyone with the link could hear her, there was no reply. Natasha wanted nothing more in the world to get them off her fiancé, and to keep her safe, but right now she was having the same difficulties.

There was a couple of grunt and a loud thud from someone's earpiece before the voice of Bruce filled her right ear. "There's too many of them!" He screams.

As if on cue a large, rainbow coloured light beamed down from the sky and plummeted to the floor, pushing all of the beasts in its impact radius away and killing them with the sheer force. Then out of the light came and object. Anya could see the light from the corner of her eye and knew exactly what it was. She'd never had the pleasure of seeing the phenomena but now she had, she was really happy. Not only was it beautiful to look at, but the Bifrost only meant one thing. And Anya had the suspicion that it was a certain Agardian, and that the spinning object was a newly formed weapon.

Then when the glowing blue axe flew roared towards her, she shielded her head and prepared for some sort of impact, but when it didn't and the clawing and chewing of her limbs stopped, she loosened her grip on the back of her head and looked up at the Bifrost mark. She watched as the axe flew around, it flew over Natasha, Steve ans Bruce before plating itself back into the right hand of Thor. He was back and Anya has never been so happy to see the Asgardian man before. But she noticed he wasn't alone, he looked to be standing next to some sort of tree and... what looked to be a raccoon holding a gun. How long have I been asleep? Anya thought to herself.

Natasha skimmed the battlefield looking for her fiancé, she panicked for a moment before she caught sight of her standing up from behind a small lump in the terrain. She smiled automatically when she looked at her, she seemed so happy. She tracked her line of sight to Thor and his guardians, not that he needed them, it was the other way around actually.

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