Part 31: It's him

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"Probably a bad time to have an itch, right?"
Anya said as they moved Bucky into the room she was also trapped in.

He didn't respond and he tried to hide a small smile. Even when times where bad and the chips were down Anya was always there. Doing what she does best... after, you know, being a superhero.

"Was it you?" Bucky mumbled, just loud enough for her to hear through the glass cages.

"Naa. You?" She replied with a sigh.

"Nope. Must be a setup." They were surprisingly calm and civilised given the circumstances.

That was all they said to each other before someone entered the room.


"Wanda? What about Wanda?"

"She's fine, she's confined to the compound, currently. Visions keeping her company."

Every time Cap thought Tony had good intentions there was always something that undid all of the saving and goodness.

"Oh, God, Tony. Every time I think you see things the right way."

"It's 100 acres with a lap pool and a screening room. There's worse ways to protect people." It wasn't the way she was captured it was the complete lack of freedom, she deserved to have that, at least.

"That's how you see this? Protection? Is this how you see this? Protection? It's internment, Tony."

"She's not a US citizen!" Tony began to get angry at the Captain, who struggled to see it the way Tony did and vice-versa. "And they don't grant visas to weapons of mass destruction."

"Oh, come on, Tony. She's a kid!" Steve yelled at the billionaire.

"Oh give me a break!" The billionaire retaliated. "I'm doing what has too be done. To stave off something worse."

"You keep telling yourself that." He walked over and placed the pen back into its place besides the second one. "Hate to break up the set." The pens and the set of hero's. He stormed out of the room, leaving Stark with his thoughts, and thought can be dangerous.

"Hello, Mr. Barnes, Mrs. Kozlova. I have been sent by the United Nations to evaluate you. Do you mind if I sit?" It was rhetorical because the answers the captives said wasn't relevant.

The entire room was watching the evaluating from the same room Tony and Steve were going toe to toe.

"Your first name is James? Anya?"

"The receipts for your gear." Sharon said as she handed Wilson, who had now joined them in the glass section of the room.

"Bird costume? Really?"

"I didn't write it." Sam was sat at the table and Steve was stood up watching the screen.

Sharon slyly pressed a button on the communication device in the centre of the table, allowing Steve and Sam to hear the evaluation.

"I'm not here to judge you."

"That is exactly the why your here, to judge us." Anya chuckled. It brought a smile to Steve's and Sam's faces, they shared an amusing look.

"I just want to a ask you a few questions. Do you know where you are, James?"

Natasha was concerned about her fiancé and what would happen if she didn't shit her damn mouth. She looked over her shoulder to Steve.

"My name is Bucky."

Anya didn't know how or why but something felt off about the evaluator. Something was wrong.

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