Part 15: And what if I fail?

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"He also said he skilled somebody." They all stopped for a moment.

"There wasn't anyone else in the building?"Maria was picking some glass out of her foot that she had stood on during the fight.

"Yes their was." Tony said. There was panic in his voice and his words came out with a worried tone to them. "There was two people."

It took a moment to catch on to what Tony was saying.

"Anya!" The Russian screamed. All of them started running towards the med bay. When they got there there was a huge whole in the wall about 3 meters in diameter. It was large enough to fit a human size cryo container through. She was gone. Ultron had taken her. Natasha fell to her knees despite all of the rubble that she landed on.

If felt like the universe held a huge grudge for the pair, like they had done something to piss the universe off.

No one said a word whilst the redhead let the tears flow. She was releasing all of the emotion and sadness she had bottled up for so long.


When she woke up she felt numb. Anya was being kept in a warm incubator? It was similar to the ones where they would put little eggs in the warmth and wait for them to hatch.

"What am I doing here?" She asked the giant. A small smile spread across his face at the sight of her wake.

"You are going to kill the Avengers." He responded in his villainous laugh. She simply smiled, a smile as if to say: 'yeah baby, where back in business.'


"Talk. And if your wasting our time th-"She was cut off by Ultron before she could finish the sentence.

"Did you know that this church is at the exact centre of the city? The elders decreed it so that everyone could be equally close it God. I like that. The geometry of belief. Your wondering why you can't look inside my head." He fished his speech by questioning the female twin.

"Sometimes it's hard." She put on a fake and hard voice, but Anya knew she was soft and kind at heart. "But sooner or later, every man shows himself." She had a strong Sokovian accent, it sounded very much like a Russian accent.

The metal giant stood up, revealing his full form for the two of them to see. They stepped back upon seeing the size of the AI.

"I would like you to meet Anya." He said to the twins. Both of their eyes locked onto the woman standing behind the giant.

She was now wearing a black combat jacket. On the outside was a large black vest witch covered a black sweater that crawled up her neck. Similar to that of a turtleneck. She was wearing matching combat trousers and black boots. She had a pistol nestled into the holster that lay in her upper thigh.

"She is very important to me." His voice was low and intimidating. But Anya wasn't fazed by this and stood tall with her hands crossed in front of her body. "Say hello Anya." He encouraged her to interact with the twins. She just stood their and assessed the twins. The boy was more scared than the girl. She was more bold, and you could tell that she was more powerful than he was.

"She doesn't speak much. Hahahah." He laughed at his own little joke. Anya remained cold as a stone and didn't move a muscle.

"Everyone creates the thing they dread. Men of peace create engines of war. Invaders create the Avengers. People make..... smaller people? Uh..." he looked at Anya for her to help him out. She didn't need to as he found the word before she spoke.

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