Part 47: Severing The Nerve

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"Is this your plan?" Dreykov asks without a care in the world as to why Natasha is actually stood in front of him.

This is the moment she'd been waiting for all these years. They hurt her, her sister, her fiancé, her mother, her father and millions of families around the world and she was going to kill him.

"I'm here to kill you." She said calmly, a scary smile plastered on her face as she looks the man dead in the eye.

"I'm alive." He says in the same low Russian tone that he always does, not higher nor lower. He's banking on the fact that she can't hurt him. "So what do we do now?" He asks the redhead.

"What was my mothers name?" She asks and he looks up at the ceiling for a moment while he thinks about his answer, although he doesn't need to.

"Ahh, where we buried her it was a tree, um a pink blossom. Beautiful. And um there was a tombstone with her name on it. What was her name?" He asks himself jokingly while he stabs at her heart verbally. "Un.....Known."

Natasha shakes her head slightly at the ruthlessness of the man stood before her. Natasha wasn't a good person, she had red in her ledger, just like Loki once said, but she had a heart. And because of Anya and because of SHIELD she found her heart.

"You don't feel anything," she mutters with a shaking voice, her tears on her eyes threatening to spill over. "You feel anything when I killed your daughter?" She stabs, trying her best to rial the man, because of a deeper plan that her and her mother had plotted beforehand.

"Is this your haunted past? Really?" He looks down at his wooden floor and slaps his knees. He lets out a manic chuckle that made Natasha slightly nervous. But this whole situation nerved her, there wasn't a way she could harm him and even if she could she'd have to fight the Taskmaster too. "Thank you Natasha."

He stands up from the position against the desk and walks over to the assassin in the corner of the room, who'd watched this whole conversation unfold.

"You gave me my greatest weapon." He says as he walks over to the Taskmaster and places his hand on the rib section of the combatant. Natasha looks on in both fear and confusion as the leader says: "say hello,"

The Taskmaster takes his right arm and taps a button on the metal of the armour, he then slides the finger across some sort of pad and the helmet unclamps, revealing a woman stood there in the blue armour.

It was Dreykov's daughter the whole time.

"When your bomb exploded it almost killed my Antonia, I had to put a chip in the back of her neck. Look at her. You find it difficult to look at her. I do too. She, she watches everything. She's a perfect mimic and she fights just like all of your friends." He rambles on as he walks behind his daughter and then back around Natasha's back.

Dreykov is right. Her face isn't that easy to look at, not that shes ugly but her face is visibly scarred and her skin is distorted and wrinkly, probably because of the fire the bomb caused that day in Budapest.

Natasha looks her dead in the eyes and can see the pain and suffering she is hiding behind her facial expressions. It breaks her heart to see her like this, she didn't regret much but having to give the order to blow up that building was one of the hardest decisions of her entire life.

Natasha didn't feel the same urge to kill her as she did her father. She was dimly a chess piece that her father could use at will to kill and steal. Her father was a monster and a hideous man who showed no remorse when doing bad things.

"Can she hear me?" Natasha asks, not breaking eye contact with her as they stand their motionless, just understanding one another.

"What? You want to make her feel better?" Dreykov asks, getting close to Natasha's ear and she can feel his breathe run up and down the skin on her neck. "You want to tell her your sorry? Well you should have thought of that before you blew her face off."

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