Part 42: Thank Anya

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"We rigged bombs." Nat began. She hated this story but it was time to come clean, and besides, she needed answers because as far as she was concerned it was already taken down.

"Who's we." Yelena asked aggressively but with intrigue, she'd never heard this story and she was living proof that the red room still existed.

"Clint Barton. Killing Dreykov was the final task in my defection to SHIELD." Not too in depth but Nat didn't want to go down this path.

She'd spent a lot of time trying to forget this part of her life but it still haunted her to this day. Because not everyone was as lucky as Nat and Anya, although lucky isn't the right word.

"So it's that easy?" Yelena said, she didn't believe it. Killing Dreykov and taking down the Red Room wasn't as easy as she made it seem.

"Yeah. Easy. That's what I'd call imploding a 5 story building and shooting it out with the Hungarian special forces." Nat said as she was walked back into the kitchen and away from the guns in the locker/ room thingy. "Took ten days in hiding before we could even get out of Budapest."

Natasha poured the bottle of vodka into the shot glass and necked it while Yelena spoke again.

"Did you check the bodies? Confirm the kill?" Nat heisted while she processed the shot and the question before answering.

"There was no body left to check." And she walked off, leaving Yelena by herself. I'm starting to see a theme occurring here.

"Your forgetting Dreykov's daughter." Oh. About that. Before Nat could answer there was loud footsteps above them and a large explosion from the roof where they fought.

Yelena grabbed the viles and Nat headed for an escape route. Since she'd hid here with Clint the area was quite familiar with only a few changes.

Two Widows jumped down the hole caused by the explosion and the smoke concealed their identities while they stalked for their pray. The red lasers flicking all over the room.

Yelena made a run for cover and grabbed Nat. They saw her and fired shots immediately. Thankfully none of them hit Nat nor Yelena and she flipped a switch, causing all of the lights in the apartment to explode in white and orange.

They quickly took them down before making it onto a balcony where they spotted more Widows outside, again with heavy weaponry.

They fired up at their targets through the railing, again missing the mark as they took cover just in time.

Yelena shouted that they needed to get to the east side of the building to make their escape. They ran through the building and they counties getting shot at through coloured glass as they did so.

The sniper on the roof missed her shot and therefore jumped down to peruse them on foot, or rather on the roof as they was where they were headed.

The sisters slid down the side of the roof and onto another part, closer to the east side of the large structure. The widow not far behind.

They jumped onto a large cylinder that tower the building. They cut the link holding it to the side of their building.

The widow jumped with them and grabbed Natasha's hand. Natasha intended to save her by holding her and doing what she could to make her human again.

She pulled out a knife and started slashing at her until she lost her grip. She fell all the way down to the floor, at least 6 story's and into a shallow puddle on the concrete.

Nat slipped as the cylinder fell towards the other side of the building and she also fell. A couple of objects slowed her fall, probably saving her life but that didn't mean it was painless.

Long Time No See • Natasha Romanoff Where stories live. Discover now