Part 50: Unstable Chick Who's Horny

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A/N: Huge time jump incoming...

Wakanda. That's where they were going to get the stone out of Visions head. The plan had holes but it was the best plan they had that didn't involve killing vision or Thanos wiping out half of existence with the snap of his fingers.

Sam was flying the jet into the secluded African nation. A lot of people on board hadn't seen Wakanda. The only ones to see it where Bucky and Anya, because they were healed there, and Steve and Natasha. Banner, Rhodey, Maximoff, Vis and Wilson were the ones questioning this plan, or the fact it was even here.

Natasha had butterflies in her stomach just thinking about seeing her fiancé again. It's all she could think about when she wasn't taking down an organisation that kidnapped little girls and forced them to be assassins against their will.

They still had a lot to do. They had to get married yet, they had to have a child (if that's what they wanted) and they wanted to die the way they planned. Together.

Natasha had died her hair blonde while she was on the run from that shitbag of a human, Ross. She knew Anya would hate that the red hair was gone put it wasn't permanent, and once they'd one and this was all over she'd go back to the vibrant orange.

"Drop to 2600, heading 0-3-0." Steve says as he puts his hand on the back of the pilots seat, where Sam is carefully navigating the fog and forest trees.

"I hope your right about this." Sam replies in his low and monotone voice. "Or we're gonna land a lot faster than you want to." He says and pushed the throttle forwards and the jet picks up speed immediately.

He aims the nose of the jet straight at the mountainside but as they would come into contact, they fly through a blue barrier and come out over a huge blue lake. In the distance is the closed off nation of Wakanda. It looks a lot like Asgard in the sense that the tech is very developed, although it's a lot less gold.

On the floor the king marches to the designated landing spot off the jet, his Dora Milaje in tow. "Whene you said we were going to open Wakanda to the rest of the world, this is not what I imagined." Ayo says as they walk to the landing zone.

"And what did you imagine?" T'Challa asks, his heavy African accent giving him a uniqueness that matches his personality to a T.

"The Olympics." She says causally. "Maybe even a Starbucks." She jokes and the quinjet deploys it's landing gear and folds up the ends of the wing tips so it lands softly on the tarmac.

The rear ramp opens and a serious Steve and a smiling Natasha step off the ramp and go to greet the royalties. Just being here, where Anya is is making Natasha happy, and she hates it.

"Should we bow?" Bruce asks Rhodey while pulling on his blazer. They too walk down the ramp towards the help.

"Yeah, he's a king." James says and Bruce nods, unaware that they actually don't do that here.

"Seems I'm always thanking you for something." Steve jokes as they get within talking distance. Natasha isn't the only one sporting a new look. Steve had grown out his hair and slicked it back neatly. But by far the most notice feature is the addition of a very large beard.

Bruce clears his throat and claps his hands together before her bows before the man in the black robe. "What are you doing?" Rhodey asks like he's the older sibling and Bruce is embarrassing him, however Rhodey is the one who told him to bow.

"Uh, we don't do that here." T'Challa says as he waves his hands out in front of himself to stop the action taken by the scientist. "So how big an assault should we expect?" T'Challa asks as they all walk away to begin preparations.

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