Part 22: Angry, Russian, overprotective girlfriend.

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"Put your hands on your head." He said, not once taking his hand of off his weapon. She complied and placed her hands on her head slowly.

He walked up behind her and handcuffed both hands.

"Hey what's going on?!" The woman sound panicked at what she was witnessing. Anya had just possibly saved her son and now she was being treated like a criminal. "She saved me?"

"She's not cooperating and was rude to a police officer." He said to the panicked woman.

Anya looked at her stunned face, "Its going to be ok." He led her over to the police car and placed her into the back of the second police vehicle.

"Do you not know who she is?!" His partner asked.

"No and I don't care." Was all he had to say on her. They left for the police station and left the hypercar in the parking lot.

Once at the police station they took all of her stuff and placed it all onto a tray. It consisted of her purse, phone and the car keys. There was about 11 missed calls from Natasha who was saved as: 'Red' with a couple of hearts next to it. All eyes were fixed in the hero as they booked her. She didn't say anything at all to the police, even when they asked her things.

Her lawyer was going to have a field day with the small station. The lawyer? Tony Stark. They placed her into a small interrogation room, similar to the one she was at when she arrived at SHIELD for the first time.

They read her rights and waited for the lawyer to arrive.


"Hello, ah yes I have a client of yours, Miss Kozlova?" The officer on the other line said, she had no idea that an Avenger was in custody and that she was on the phone to Tony Stark.

"What!" What did she do?!" He almost jumped out of his seat he was so shocked. He was eating lunch with pepper when he got the call. She shot him a confused and angry look that her lunch was interrupted.

"She was brought in for disobeying a police officer and is accused of driving a stolen vehicle." The caller said.

"I'll be right there." Pepper looked betrayed that she was being abandoned.

"Anya was arrested." He explained, her look of anger soon turned into a look of surprise. She gasped.

"What did she do?!"

"They said that she disobeyed a direct request and she might be driving a stolen vehicle." They were both as flabbergasted as one another. "I'm gonna call Nat otherwise she'll kill me."

He left the room and scrolled his contact list to find the redheads number.

"Hey Nat, what did Anya do?!" He was panicked and didn't really know how to handle this.

"What! What did she do, I don't know, I can't reach her. Where is she?!" She sounded scared for her girlfriend.

"She was arrested." He was nervous of the reaction she would give and he had every right to be.

"WHAT! WHAT STATION?!" She yelled over the phone, Tony flinched away at the deafening sound emitted by the Russian.

"20th precinct. But wait until I get there or this could get much worse for her, please."

"I'll wait but I am gonna go ape shit!" She demanded I've the phone and without another word, hung up the phone and stormed to the second car that was parked on the drive. It was Natasha's car and was a Chevrolet and was much less expensive than Anya's.


Nat was waiting outside, doing as Tony told her. She stood up and prepared for all hell to break loose.

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