Part 24: A page out of Barton's book

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Anya was attending the opening ceremony of her new company. It was almost 6 months after the construction of the building began, the structure was huge and she was shocked it was finished so quickly.

A&N Group. Natasha wasn't really concerned about the name of the company, she only really cared about what Anya was doing and how she could help her. The company defends people, from all over America, who don't have lawyers or do but they only have their interests at heart. 

Tony had agreed to fund the program and the building of the company. He offered to help his best friend run the company but she insisted she could run it on her own. Anya made her gratitude known to Tony but he didn't mind as she found something she wanted to do that helped people. For him it was a no brainer.

The building was red and the lettering on the logo was white. The interior was modern and crisp with marble floors and clean wooden walls. The reception was wide and open with a circular desk in the centre.

Employing people wasn't hard, applications flew in at the chance of working for an two Avengers. Wages would also be funded by the profits they would soon make when they started running.

It was a warm day for the opening. Neither of the girls liked the big scene or attention, they just wanted to help people who needed it.  The sun was out in full force and their was a slight breeze that cooled the air down. Anya wore a black dress that was tight around her waist, it stopped around her shins and was wide at the bottom. She part of the waist was white and was wrapped around her hips as a bow. Her neck was covered by a white collar that was attached to the neck of the dress. She wore black heels that showed her ankles and feet.

Anya was perched on a step behind the stage. She was nervous about what people would say about her. How would the public react? She questioned wether she was doing this for herself or for people who actually needed her.

"Hey baby." Natasha said as she sat next to her girlfriend. "Don't be nervous." She was glad that Nat encouraged and helped out all of this together.

"Yeah...." She wasn't confident and didn't like public speaking.

"Hey," Nat said, pulling her chin up to see her eyes. "They'll love you. I know they will."

"How do you know?" Anya questioned the optimism in her sentence.

"Because you're doing the right thing. There will be a small minority of people that hate you but you can't let that stop you." She smiled.

"I love you." Was all the Greek said in reply. She was thankful for the reassurance.

"I love you too. Now go get em' tiger." They shared a kiss before someone on the stage announced her name.

"The founder of the company, Anya Kozlova!" The brunette put on a smile and stepped out from behind the board. She was greeted by a wave of questions and sea of flashing cameras. She stepped up for the podium.

"Good afternoon everyone. Thanks for joining me for the opening ceremony. I'm sure your all wondering why I started this company and I'm here to answer that. I'm sure you heard the rumours about me being apprehended by the police. And it is true."

The media and people stood below her went crazy. Everyone was shouting and screaming questions as the Greek. It was all a bit overwhelming and her breathing increased. She looked over at her girlfriend in need of help.

Natasha saw the look of panic in her face and walked up to her, putting her arm round her and slowly walking backstage. Anya was having a panic attack. She was sweating and her breathing was quick and heavy. Her arms felt like they weighed tonnes.

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