Part 19: No Jesko for you

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"What do you got, Stark?" The Captain asked. He was asking Tony and FRIDAY if there's was a way to lower the flying city without killing millions of people.

"Huh? Nothing great. Maybe a way to blow up the city. That'll keep it from impacting the surface, if you guys can get clear." His tone was sad and desperate, he didn't see a way out of this for everyone.

"I asked for a solution, not an escape plan." The man responded.

"Impact radius is getting bigger every second. We're gonna have to make a choice."

"Cap, these people are going nowhere. If Stark finds a way to blow this rock..." Natasha barely finished before Cap cut her off.

"Not till everyone is safe."

"Everyone up here versus everyone down there? There's no math there." She argued. She was right, the numbers didn't lie, but he Captain always felt like he could always save everyone, but the reality was that he couldn't. And that was hard to accept for him.

"I'm not leaving this rock with one civilian on it."

"I didn't say we should leave." Natasha said, implying that they could stay on the rock whilst it blew. "There's worse ways to go." She nodded. "Just wanted to say goodbye to her, you know." The lowered her chin to look at the floor. She was coming to grips with the fact this might be the end.

"Where else am I gonna get a view like this?" The redhead said as she looked at the blue and white that surrounded her.

"Glad you like the view, Romanoff. It's about to get better." Fury said over the coms. It was a surprise to hear his voice.

As he finished a huge SHIELD ship came rising out of the sky and Into the view of the hero's.

"Nice right? Pulled her out off mothballs with a couple of old friends." Fury said again. It's was as a dramatic entry and could not be more emphasised. "She's dusty but- she'll do."

"Fury you son of a bitch." Captain responded over the coms system.

"Ooh hoo! You kiss your mother with that mouth?" He joked.

"Altitude is 18,000 and climbing." Hill informed the Director.


"This is the drill, if Ultron gets a hand on the core... we loose."Stark said to Romanoff but the whole squad heard the orders.

"Is that the best you can do?" Thor yelled at the metal man, who simply raised his arms and summoned hundreds maybe thousands of robots to attack them.

"You had ta ask." Cap said sarcastically to the God.

"All of you versus all of me. How do you possibly plan to stop me?" The AI asked.

"Well, like the old man said...Together." Stark said referring to the speech he gave before Vision was created. The Hulk let out a roar that signifies the start of the fight.

It was intense and the battle raged for quite a while until Vision, Tony and Thor began to wittle down Ultron's vibranium body.

"With the benefit of hindsight..." he couldn't finish before the big green guy punched the vibranium man which sent him flying backwards.

All of the Avengers began to go back to the boats so they could evacuate the city. Wanda agreed to guard the core whilst the rest got to safety. "It's my job." She said before everyone left.

Clint just set foot on the raft when he spotted a child in the shop on the rock. He went to his aid and on his way back, Ultron made a strafing run with his ship firing bullets into the path of Clint. He ducked and protected the child with his body. It flew overhead and past them. He was surprised to remain unhurt until he looked up at the sight of Pietro who was riddled with bullet holes.

Long Time No See • Natasha Romanoff Where stories live. Discover now