Part 54: The Snap

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A/N: 😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️

She swivels the staff and her body, so now her bodyweight is bearing down on Anya. And as strong and versatile she might be, her strength is no match for the alien woman. She kicks Anya in the leg and the Greeks body cripples under the force, moving her into one knee while the blades are still locked.

Anya pushes back with all her force, screaming for her own blades to break through hers. But it doesn't budge, the woman gives her a smile, presumably finding it funny that no matter how hard she tries she's not going to overpower her, before punching her in the face and into the dirt.

By this time Natasha has stood back up and is ready to die for Anya, because watching her struggle, and her body wanting not to get up, broke her heart. She detaches her staff into two and blocks a jab from the taller woman. Anya is reeling from the dizziness that she feels from the punch, while Okoye struggles to find her footing. Natasha blocks a few more punches before the reindeer woman breaks through and lands a solid straight to Natasha's nose, sending her to the floor.

She extends a blade that must have been concealed in her forearms armour and jabs it straight at Natashas face. She used her blades to push the blade to the side of her head, but the woman pushed further and further into her neck. Just as the pressure begins to mount, Wanda rejoins the fight and lifts the attacker up into the air using her red wisps. Perhaps strategically, or even just lucky, a huge wheel spins straight over the ditch and rips the reindeer woman to pieces, and Anya is thankful she's gone for good. She found it very off-putting to look at.

Anya sits up with Wanda and looks over at a panting, blue splattered face before she speaks. "That was really gross." She said, still catching her breath.

"Guys, I hate to poop on the parade. But we need to get to Vision. Last I heard Cap was over there..." Anya says and gets to her feet, the rest follow suit and make their way over to the more secluded part of the battlefield.

Wanda was the first to get to Visions side, due to her telekinesis she was able to lift herself there. A trick the assassins weren't able to teach her, but she learned by herself. Anya and Natasha and Okoye made their way on foot, keeping a steady pace as the battle is really fatiguing them, and the biggest fight is still yet to come. They arrived at the log were Vision's slumped up against in time for the trees to sway in an ominous wind, it was enough to make the hairs on the Greeks arm to stand on end.

"Everyone on my position. We have incoming." Cap says over the coms. As instructed, the rest come over. Bucky, Sam, Rhodes, Bruce, T'Challa are all present.

"What the hell?" Natasha mumbles, taking the words right out of her fiancé's mouth. Anya feels a slight feeling in the bottom of her stomach. One that she's never felt before, and it's currently making her nervous, and Anya doesn't get nervous easily. But I guess having the universes existence on your shoulders will go that to you.

Natasha has been constantly looking over at her fiancé, looking at her eyes mostly, that and her posture are her most obvious signs when it comes to how she feels. Natasha has become so close to Anya that she can tell how she's feeling, or what she's thinking by the look in those vast brown eyes.

Then Bruce, or rather the gold/ red suit turns around and a big black and greyish cloud opens up in the small clearing at the opposite end of the dense woodland. When a large purple man with a golden glove and a blue fabric and golden around chest-plate, steps out the feeling in Anya's stomach amplifies.

"Cap. That's him." Bruce mumbles, and even over the coms he sounds intimidated. I would too if I found out he beat the living crap out of the hulk. The atmosphere is heavy and fearsome, and everyone is prepared to throw everything they have at this fight. But was it enough?

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