Part 49: Her Best Defender

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Our story picks up when Wanda, an injured Vision, Sam, Steve and Nat visit Rhodey. He was holding down the fort since the big break up.

Wanda and Vision were now something of an item. They wanted some peace and quite ever since they grew closer so they moved to Edinburgh, Scotland. It wasn't the most beautiful of places but nobody knew their real identity's.

Their stay was short lived when they were attacked by two of 'Thanos's children'. They were also known as the Black Order, and their orders were to retrieve the mind stone from The Visions body.

Corvus Glave and Proxima Midnight closed in on the scared Sokovian as she guarded the injured AI. Steve, Natasha and Sam were able to injure Corvus Glave with his own staff, causing Proxima to retreat with her fallen Allie.

Steve had grown his hair longer, he also had a longer beard. It may have even looked better than before. Nat had cut her hair shorter, falling just above her shoulders. The parting separates the small, white, bangs.

She knew Anya would have hated the disappearance of the red hair, but she would have to deal with it for the time being.

Sam looked identical, maybe a little more facial hair. Notably, Wanda's hair was now a fiery red, similar to Natasha's when they dealt with HYDRA, or rather SHIELD as it turned out.

They all made their way back to the old compound where Rhodes was talking to a hologram to the council of some sort.

And Ross was there.

"Still no word from Vision?" Ross asked the colonel.

"Satellites lost him somewhere over Edinburgh." James had leg braces with a similar pattern as the War Machine suit. After his accident with Vision he was left with spinal damage but was thankfully, with the aid of his best friend Tony Stark, he was able to walk and fight again.

"On a stolen quinjet with four of the worlds most wanted criminals." He was sat at a desk surrounded by other men, no women.

"You know, they're only criminals because you've chosen to call them that, right, sir?" James responded back with a sight aggressive tone.

"My god Rhodes. Your talent for horseshit rivals my own." No, it doesn't.

"If it weren't for those Accords, Vision would have been right here." Ross stood up from the table and approached him, still as his hologram.

"I remember your signature on those papers, Colonel." It was as if this man was born to piss people off, if so he was fulfilling his worthless destiny.

"That's right." The black man replied. "And I'm pretty sure I paid for that." He was hinting at the condition of his legs.

"You have second thoughts?" The suited man asked.

"Not anymore." A door to Rhodey's left and Ross's right slid open and the group of fighters marched towards them.

"Mr. Secretary." Steve said as they halted just before stepping into the glass room. Nat had so emotions apart from rage for this man. What he caused, the damage.

"You've got some nerve." Said as the hologram waltzed towards the group. "I'll give you that."

Had he been there in person Nat might have just knocked him out, or worse.

"You could use some of that right now." The new blonde said to the blue figure. "Your lucky she's not here." Anya would unleash hell if she even saw this man again.

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