Part 27: 93 year old supersoldier

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The bomb went off, but thankfully and much to the gratitude of the people and the Captain, Wanda was able to trap the explosion in her powers.

She chose the correct and logical option, to send the explosion in the air. She wasn't able to constant the power of the blast and it went off. A nearby building felt the blast as the bomb went off.

Wanda was devastated. She covered her mouth and was mortified that she could have killed innocent people. It wasn't her fault, but the world wouldn't see it that way.

"Sam, I need immediate fire and rescue on the south side of the building. We gotta get up there."

Wanda was in her knees, speechless about what she had done. Anya comforted her, putting her arm around the girl and turning her away from the fire.


Tony was at a conference at a school. He was granting all of the projects that the students were working on would be cost free to them and would be covered by the foundation.

On his way out he ran into a black woman waiting outside of an elevator.

"That was nice, what you did for those young people."

"Ah, they deserve it." He was resting up against the wall as he waited for the elevator.
"Plus it helps ease my conscience."

"They say there is a correlation between generosity and guilt. But is you've got enough money... break as many eggs as you like." He quoted that as he left the stage. "Right?"

He could sense there was more it this woman than meets the eye. Something sketchy, something off.

He realised the button wasn't actually pressed and she was just stood outside the elevator, for it to never come. He pushed the up button.

"You going up?" The billionaire questioned.

"I'm right where I want to be." She reached her hand into her purse. Given that he was a very disliked man in the yes of some, he reached for her hand and stopped her taking out whatever was in there.

"Sorry, it's an occupational hazard." He release her wrist from his vice-like grip.

"I work for the state department. Human Resources. I know it's boring...but it enabled me to raise a son. I'm very proud of what he grew up to be." She slammed a picture of the boy onto his chest. "His name was Charlie Spencer. You murdered him. In Sokovia. Not that that matters in the least to you. You think you fight for us? You just fight for yourselves. Who's going to avenge my son, Stark? He's dead... and I blame you."

She left, ignoring the lift. Tony was stunned. He finally realised that he wasn't as perfect as he thought. There was people that relied on him and he let them down. His eyes were finally opened.


"11 Wakandans were among those killed during a confrontation between the Avengers and a group of mercenaries in Lagos, Nigeria last month. The traditionally reclusive Wakandans were on an outreach mission in Lagos when the attack occurred."

King Tachaka.

"Our people's blood is spilled on foreign soil not only because of the actions of criminals but the indifference of those pledged to stop them. Victory at the expense of the innocent is no victory at all."

"The Wakandan king went on to..."Anya turned off the TV but could still hear the noise from the next room. Wanda's. She opened the door and Wanda was sat there, watching the news talk about her like she was some monster. She used the remote of turn the television off.

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