Part 12: 15% Chance

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Anya had made her way back to where they were keeping her and Silver. They was repairing his arm from the fight they had earlier. Enyo never said a word. Not to anyone but the boss at HYDRA. She only spoke when they required an answer. Her actions spoke volumes however. She was praised by the boss for shooting the woman.

She, like Bucky recognised the redhead from their encounter earlier. But decided after Silver had his mind put in a blender, she would not like to suffer the same fate.


Enyo was on the third of the three helicarriers when the hero's made their charge. She was with TWS when the Captain and the bird man came flying in. He tucked her behind him as they waited to poach the two of them. Like the predators stalking their prey.

They made their move. Silver pushed Cap off the side, likely failing to the earth, whilst Enyo took care of the Winged man. He was difficult to fight as he was always at range. Thankfully the years in the Red Room gave her something that she could use as she manoeuvred and danced her way around like a ballerina.  She use a hook to grab the wing and pulled him towards her. When she was in striking range she planted a fist in his face and threw him off the side of the floating ship, the same way TWS did to Steve.

The pair where waiting for Steve at the data point. He was stood face to face with Steve and she was stood offset to Silver.

"People are gonna die Buck." The captain was trying to get him to snap out of it. He knew there was a slim chance it would work but it was worth a shot. "I can't let that happen." They stood perfectly still. To many the duo would have been intimidating enough to scare of the mightiest fighters. But Steve was never one to back down. "Please don't make me do this." He pleaded one last time before deciding her was beyond saving.

Cap threw his shield at the man. The fight had begun. The duo was fighting perfectly. All of there moves were clean and precise and matched the fighting style of the other. Steve was struggling and knew he couldn't take them both so he went for the weaker one. Anya. He slammed her face with the shield and she fell back off the railing and onto the glass below.

Anya had broken her arm or dislocated her shoulder, which one she didn't know but she lost all feeling in her right arm as she landed with such force that the bones crushed under the weight.

She was struggling to stand and her head was spinning like a record. She lost all her balance and fell back onto the glass. She laid next to Silver who had passed out from the captains choke. He also seemed to have a broken arm in some capacity. He fired at the man with the card as he made his way to the card slot.

The next thing Anya knew was that the ship was going through a building and that a large piece of metal had her foot pinned to the floor.

It hurt like crazy and it could have been much worse. Although the pain was pretty unbearable as it was. Steve was helping Silver with a piece of ship that trapped him. It was of a larger scale and covered his torso.

He released Silver from the metal that lined him down. And as soon as he got up he started to smash Steve with his metal arm.

"Sliver! Silver! Help me!" He definitely heard her because she was screaming at the top of her lungs. He just chose to ignore her and decided that finishing the mission was of greater importance than her life.  

Neither of the two responded to the woman's pleads.

"Help me! I'm begging you! Please!" She was afraid to die. She wanted to live the rest of her life. Her life that had been so mean to her for most of it so far. After what felt like and eternity. She eyed a gun that sat to her side. Her survival instincts immediately kicked and and she grabbed the gun. Aimed it at the glass floor. And shot through the glass.

Her body went flying through the glass and into the fresh, cold air. She flew hundreds of feet through the air and into the water below. She was barely able to swim to the surface because of her injuries to her arm, leg and head. The land was nearby and she was able to pull herself to where she wasn't going to drown. As soon as she reached the shore she passed out from all of the injuries and activity's her body had been through in the last 24 hours.


"I'm afraid I have bad news." The doctor entered  the room where Anya was being held. She was strapped to a bed. Most of her limbs were in cast and she had a huge bandage wrapped around her head.

"What is it?" The Russian asked. She sounded panicked at the revelation of the doctor.

"Well as you know, she has a shattered collar bone that will require surgery. Her ankle was bent backwards and her muscles in her calf were torn." It just kept getting worse and worse. Natasha felt at fault for all this damage. If she was able to help her in that dammed bunker, none of this would have happened.

"But the worst part is......" he paused, he was contemplating what the least dramatic way to say this was. "She is in a coma." Natasha was pretty sure her heart stopped beating.
"And we are afraid that she will wake up in the HYDRA state........ or she will wake up normally but there is a high chance she will wake up with retrograde amnesia." Just when she thought that she had her Anya back, she was once again ripped away from her.

This world was so cruel to the two of them and she wished that she could live a normal life. They would have a house and get married. They would have kids and a nice big lawn that they could play on all day. They would have a goat that Anya so desperately wanted.

"What are the odds?" She asked the doctors who just stood their waiting for the questions.

"We'll because of anoxia...."

"What are the odds?" She repeated.

"85%" Natasha thought this was it. She thought that her world was over. There was a 15% chance she would see the live of her life again and she would recognise her. Natasha couldn't live knowing that she loved Anya with all her heart and Anya didn't love her back. If she woke up and she didn't know who she was, she didn't know what she would do.

AN: woohoo, Winter Soldier is finished and Age of Ultron is next up.

If anyone is actually following this book I thank you soo much.

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