Part 25: Russians Expertise

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A couple months after the opening of the company Natasha demanded that Anya took a break. She was working herself to hard. She knew but didn't want to stop, people needed her help and she promised to be there for the people.

Eventually Anya did stop and came to watch a movie with her. It was a good break and Natasha and Anya could finally spend some quality time together after months of hard work.

They decided to go to a cinema. Anya had never been before so was excited to go. When Nat heard she had never been she was adamant that they go. It made Nat quite sad to hear she had never been, everyone should have watched a movie in a cinema as a kid,
but Anya didn't have the time or the freedom to.

The cinema was quite and there was hardly any people watching the same movie. It was the called The Maze Runner. It came out in 2014 but neither of the girls had seen it so decided it was worth a watch.

They bought sweets and drinks. It made them feel like they were young. Not in their childhood but they were happy. Seeing Anya revel over all the sweets and drinks and movie screens made Natasha so proud but also sad at the same time. Anya deserved better.

Anya bought salty popcorn and a Fanta. Nat had a pack of haribo's and a coke. They walked to the screen and found the designated seats.

They would later go out for dinner also. This was Anya's idea. Because what Natasha didn't know was that today Anya would propose to her. They would become engaged today.

Anya loved the movie. The screen was huge and the speakers around her made her feel like she was really there, in the maze. The left the theatre and went home until it was time for their meal.

When they left, Anya was diving her car. Anya wore a slim black dress that ended at her shins. She stuffed the ring in her bra because she had no pockets where she could keep it. She wore black heels that revealed her ankles. Natasha wore a maroon dress that revealed her shoulders and neck. It was shorter and ended half way down her thighs.
Anya was amazed at how hot she looked. She loved the colour, and she loved the person wearing it.

The restaurant was elegant and nice. It wasn't too posh because neither of the women, apart form the cars, liked expensive things. They were happy and more or less money wouldn't change that.

Anya ordered lobster and Nat ordered mussels. It didn't really matter because the two of them shared most of the food anyway. Natasha, being herself ate ridiculously quickly so she finished her dinner before Anya.

They bought a bottle of wine that only Natasha drank because Anya was driving.

"Your gonna hurt yourself." Anya said, referring to the speed at which she ate.

"No! You eat so slowly, I could fall asleep!" She laughed at the audacity of her girlfriend.

"You inhale your food. That's wrong, enjoy it, take it slow."

"Slow? You?really? Should I talk about your driving." She raised her eyebrow, Anya's driving was far from slow. Nat joked about it but being in a car with Anya was the equivalent of being strapped to the side of a rocket in a car seat.

"Ok but what's the point of driving if you don't go fast?"

"You drive to get places quicker..." she realised she chose the wrong choice of words as soon as they left her mouth.

"Exactly! Quicker." She was vigilant and caught the slip up from her love.

On the surface she was happy and confident but on the inside she was shifting herself. She was planning the proposal for months  and after all that she still couldn't prepare herself for the moment she would do it.

They left the restaurant and Anya drove the two of them to a bridge overlooking a beautiful river. The sun was setting and the sky was a mixture of orange and pink. The light reflected off the crystal water and bounced onto the redheads eyes, making them glow like diamonds. Natasha stood up against the railing of the bridge with Anya by her side.

The setting was picturesque, it was truly magnificent.

"Wow Anya, I didn't take you for the romantic type, even when we were kids."

When there was no answer she turned her torso to see what she was doing.

Before her, on one knee was Anya. A beautiful diamond ring in her hand. Tears dripping from her gorgeous brown eyes.

Nat's breath was completely taken, she was the best at reading people and her girlfriend was the only one to ever surprise her. This was it.

"Anyah.." he voice trembled at the sight of her beloved girlfriend on her knee. She was overwhelmed with emotions.

"Natalia Alnianovna Romanoff I have never felt so passionately towards someone. You make me happy and I want to live the rest of my life with you. will you marry me?" Her voice was shaken too, no amount of time could prepare anyone for this feeling.

"Yes. Yes." She smiled and cried at the same time. Anya slipped the ring in her finger carefully. It fit perfectly and was the most valuable thing in the world to Natasha.

They embraced and sobbed into one another's shoulders. Cries of joy and warmth. They loved each other and now they would become wives.

"I love you so much." The brunette uttered.

"Not as much I love you...wife." That would never get old. They couldn't be separated. This love would last until their final breaths. And even then their love will live in others.

They sat out on the bridge until the sun was no longer visible and it started to get chilly. Anya drove them home. Nat couldn't stop staring at the ring on her finger.

It was a beautiful light blue diamond with a silver body. It must have cost a fair bit, but it was now priceless to Natasha.

They got home, changed into suitable beds wear and curled up in one another's arms. They were truly inseparable.


After a few months of the proposal they invited the entire squad to a lunch where they unveiled the news. They were all so happy for the two, most of them wondering why it took so long. Anya. She couldn't muster up the courage, was the answer.

Tony and Wanda were the most supportive of the marriage, being two of their best friends. Thor was constantly mocking Anya for waiting so long but he was happy and he made sure Anya and Natasha knew that.

Cap was pleased, being from a different time period when people like them weren't accepted made it sort of awkward between them but he was happy they were happy.

In those months the girls discussed that the wedding would be small. They didn't really have anybody. No parents, no family, only friends.

Anya invited Tony and Wanda and Natasha invited Clint and Laura, being the oldest of friends. Even before Anya reappeared in Red's life.

It was mind blowing to think of the story between the two.

Both of their parents were killed or taken, they both entered the Black Widow Program. Anya only spoke to Natasha. They sort of had a thing when they were separated. They were sterilised and Anya was sold to the highest bidder, being the more skilled of the two. After all those years apart, not knowing one another existed, they were reunited. Now. They were going to be one another's wives.

They divided a plan for the wedding but that had to be cut short because of a mission. It was in Lagos and it needed the Russians expertise. Being undercover. Something they did superbly.

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