Part 36: Masters at work

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"We gotta go. That guy's probably in Serbia by now." Bucky said to his old friend.

"We need to mate out the fliers." Steve said, referring to Tony, Rhodes and Vision. "I'll take vision you get to the jet."

"No! You get to the jet!" Sam called out from the sky, he was struggling the most out of 'team Cap' because almost all of them could get to him. "Both of you! The rest aren't getting out of here. The rest of us aren't getting out of here."

"As much as I hate to admit it...." Clint added as he notched another arrow.

"If we're gonna win this one, some of us are gonna have to loose it." Sam clarified.


"Move out of my way Natalia." She said, cold as ice.

"No! Not the full name, no. I refuse to accept this is the only way." As of late, Anya only pulled the full name card when the end was threatening.


"No Anya, I'm not letting you go. Not this time." Anya was fed up, she made it clear there was only one way. She reached behind her back and pulled out some staffs, she pulled her chest back and breathed a heavy sigh, something she did before each fight.

"No. Stop, Anya!" She brought her feet together and took a bow. Nat accepted there was only one way to resolve this. She reached behind her and pulled out identical staffs. She brought her feet together and bowed her head down to a waiting Anya.

They corrected their stance and prepared for a battle they both hated. All eyes turned to the girls briefly, all of them feeling the pressure on the two of them. This was only going to end one way. As it did when they were younger.

"You're watching masters at work." Bucky said as they stood up from then bow.

They began, for a few moments they circled around each other until Anya made the first move. She went for her legs, take out the trunk and the entire tree falls.

She managed to swipe her legs and caught Natasha off guard. She always knew Anya's style, she must have changed old habits because she was unpredictable.

She jumped at her opportunity to pin Nat to the floor, she climbed on top of her fiancé.

Not like that, get your mind out the gutter.

Natasha had to think fast, she knew that she needed to change her approach if she was to beat her. She kneed her in the rib cage and rolled her over into a headlock. She wrapped her legs around hers so she couldn't get out, her arm clenched tightly around her neck.

"Anya....please don't make me do this." A tear rolling down her cheeks, to hurt her made her heart ache. Anya resisted the strain on her breath, her mind floating away gradually, Nat could feel her body giving way.

"Anya! Stop it...please baby." She was hanging in, her mind slowly drifting into blackness. Nat was now full on crying. All the war and fighting seemed to stop momentarily as Anya gave in to the blackness.

Natasha released her limp body as her arms and legs fell to the floor.

"I'm so sorry baby, please forgive me." She cried as she collapsed on top of the unconscious body. Wishing none of what just happened happened. She just sobbed, ignoring what was going on around her. It also hurt her to know they all had to witness this.

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