Part 35: *Tilts head*

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A/N: A lot goes on here so I'll try my best to make it all make sense, and you try your best to keep up.

"Ah great... there's two on the parking deck. One of them is Maximoff I'm gonna grab her. You wanna take cap?" He asked Rhodey who was also scanning the area.

"Got three in the terminal, Wilson, Barnes and Kozlova."


"They are mine." T'Challa said as he raced off to where he saw the trio.
Steve threw the shield at the king as he sprinted towards the terminal. The got him in a head lock and threw him over his shoulder onto the tarmac behind.

"Move, Captain. I won't ask a second time." He pleaded with his thick Wakandan accent. They both engaged for a second time, this time the Black Panther was the aggressor.


"Look, I really don't want to hurt you." Scott said to Natasha, who shook her head at the optimism of the suited man, he wouldn't hurt a hair in her head.

"I wouldn't stress about it." Natasha said smugly. She kneed him in the plums and wrapped his arm behind his back. He did his...ant thing....again and went all small. He flipped her onto the floor and rolled her onto her stomach.

He twisted her arm behind her back and she simply used her widow collar to fling him off her.


"What the hell is that?" Bucky asked as they al ran towards the quinjet on the other side of the runway.

"Everyones got a gimmick now." Sam said as he ran alongside Buck and Anya. He was struggling to keep up, all those morning runs were helping, just not next to these two.

Spider-Man flung himself through the window and booted Sam across the floor, Buck and Anya slowing down to stop the red kid.

Bucky launched a vicious punch at the kid who just caught it like it was nothing, which shocked Anya, of all their time together she'd never seen anyone do that.

"You have a metal arm?" He said enthusiastically, genuinely fascinated. "That is awesome dude." Sam had gotten back up and was now tangling with the kid in the air.


Clint and Wanda were running side by side on their way to the quinjet when Tony sprayed a barrage of small rockets to cut off their path.


Rhodey wanted the Captain also.

"This isn't gonna kill you cap, but it ain't gonna tickle either." He pulled a large metallic stick from his back, it had an orange glow around the centre of the staff. T'Challa kicked tiger to the floor and Rhodey flew at cap with the staff in had, cap defended the blow with the frisbee.


"Wanda, I think you hurt Vision's feelings." Tony said as he hovered mid air to interact with the Avengers.

"You locked me in my room." She snarled at the red suit.

"Okay, first, that's an exaggeration. Second, I did it to protect you." Wanda tilted her head to the right, this was always a telling sign you was gonna get your ass beat.

"Hey Clint."

"Hey man." He responded quickly, never being one for small talk.

"Clearly, retirement doesn't suit you." He still had his mask on so they couldn't see the emotion behind the man, who clearly used comedy as a defends mechanism to his real feelings. "You got tired of shooting golf?"

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