Part 2: A place of worship

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Ayna was a peaceful person who wanted nothing more than for all humans to live in harmony. Which was ironic because she was trained to do the opposite. She was bred to be a killing machine, meant to feel nothing but the recoil of the gun. That's why ever since her escape she has wanted to become a better person and do right for all those wrongs. She knows however there are a lot of things that are unforgivable, and things that she knows should never be done.

So she began at a place that meant so much to her as she was born and grew up in Greece before her parents wanted to move to Russia. She loved her mum. She was a mummy's girl and it was very rare to see her without her mother. This was before her adolescence was stripped from her and she was forced to work for those monsters.

Anya was never a very religious person but believed that there was always a plan for people and she drew the short end of the straw. She was expecting the arrival of SHIELD as she knew that they would want her apprehended as soon as she reared her head. Today was that day.

It was a warm day and the sun was out in full pride. Not a single cloud in the clear blue sky. She was dressed in white with loose clothes so she didn't get too hot and white trainers to match her outfit.  White was her favourite colour as she felt it matched her name that her parents had given her. She was fascinated that her name meant 'Grace' and was of a Russian origin, it made her feel a sense of elegance that she would carry over into her adult life, continuing ballet from when she was small.

That was when they arrived. Nat knew that she was inside and waited their arrival and was comfortable going in peacefully and not wanting anything to happen. Much to Clint's disgust he allowed it.

"Remember Nat, she is a worldwide criminal and is wanted in at least 40 countries." He said, concerned for his partner.

"I know, and I know she doesn't want to harm anyone, she has a good heart and we need to give her a second chance. Just like you did for me, remember?"

"Yeah but there's no way your going in there alone, not a chance" He spoke with a slight hint of anger in his voice. Despite noticing this Natasha kept her voice calm and accepted his proposal.

"Fine but I go in first and you give us some space to talk.....ok?"

Clint simply replied "ok" admitting defeat.
The task force was prepared for any outcome, however, and would not hesitate to incapacitate the criminal if she made any move that they didn't like. 

The Russian opened the doors to the church and much to their surprise, Anya was just sitting there with her legs crossed in front of a statue. Nat felt a flood of emotion hit her like she was experiencing a tsunami of emotions and memories.

"Είναι αγενές να διακόπτει τους ανθρώπους σε ένα χώρο λατρείας."
"It's rude to interrupt people in a place of worship"

Upon hearing her voice Natasha had lower her walls and with it, her gun. She had remembered that Anya's first language was in fact Greek but learned to speak many other languages, those included: Russian, English, Latin, Spanish, French and German, to name a few.

Her voice hadn't changed much since they were young girls/teenagers. It brought a sense of comfort to Natasha that she didn't know that she needed. Conversely, you could hear all of the pain and suffering through her voice. Whilst it made her comfortable around her it also made her shiver as she knew some of the stories that made her feel that way.

Natasha wasn't familiar with the Greek language. She was barley able to make out what she had said to her.
Everybody in the church was now on edge, knowing that this next series of events could determine wether they trust her or not.

"Это было давно, Аня"
"It's been a long time, Anya"

Natasha said, switching to Russian, a language that was much more familiar to her and she knew that Anya could also understand her as she spoke Russian fluently as if she was born in Russia.

"Действительно, Наталья"
"It has indeed, Natalia"

"Пожалуйста, не усложняй нам"
"Please don't make this hard for us."

"I'm tired of running." Anya stated, still not moving a muscle just sat there peacefully. Her accent was perfect and there was no way you would have guessed that she was Greek. Her accent was completely gone. This was one of the things that assassins had to adapt to when they were undercover, to make themselves fit in at all costs and to remain hidden from those who hunted them.

Clint motioned for the force to move forward and apprehend the criminal, with no objections from Natasha or Anya they left the church and strapped her into a straightjacket and put an electric collar around her neck to ensure there was no way the Assassin could escape. Natasha was against the idea of a straightjacket but was told by the task force and Anya that it was ok.

The plane journey back to SHIELD HQ was a long and tedious flight. With nobody talking and a small level of chatter between the members of the task force. Natasha was co-piloting the plane and was constantly looking over her shoulder at Anya to see if she was uncomfortable or needed something. But the result was always the same. She was sat there staring into nothing, invested in her own thoughts.

When the flight was over the crew was greeted by another task force with Fury at the head waiting for them to step off of the plane. Anya was handed over to the Directors squad and was sent of to an interrogation room.
"She say anything?"Fury asked with a slight whisper as if it was top secret information.

" No, she literally said noting the whole flight back." Clint responded, whispering in the same manner that fury did. He was confused as to why, because all of the agents at SHIELD knew of her arrival and knew the type of work she did.

"Ok we got some work on our hands" Fury said, eager to start the process of working her down.

"You wouldn't stand a chance" Natasha said as she walked past the two on her way to the interrogation room and following her old acquaintance.

"Like I said, she's the best of the best!" Nat shouted not even looking back to talk to them, leaving them on the platform where the plane had landed. They quickly caught up to Natasha and began a march for the interrogation room.

The hallways were slim. There were guards posted at the elevators, presumably there for her. The elevator was glass and was voice controlled.
"Interrogation" Fury said, the AI didn't respond, he just took them to their requested level. Nat looked at Fury as if to say 'don't be mean.' It was if a daughter brought her boyfriend home and the dad was testing the boy, the girl pleading to stop.

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