Part 37: Wanda is a bad bitch

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"Because you broke the law, yeah. I didn't make you." Not literally bu in some sense he is the one responsible for creating this fight. "You read it, you broke it."

"La la la la." He said in a childish tone, showing he had nothing left to say to the man.

"Your all grown up, you got a wife and kids. I don't understand, why didn't you think about them before you chose the wrong side." And he walked away from his cell to talk to the others.

"You gotta watch your back with this guy." He slammed his palms against the metal as Tony walked off. "Chance he's gonna break it."

The next cell on the tour was Lang, who was in the same position as Barton, his hands leading in the metal supporting his weight.

"Hank Pym always said you never can trust a Stark." Tony simly grazed over the walkway and moved onto the next person.

"Who are you?" He asked sarcastically, pretending he didn't know him.....or he did I don't know.

"Come on, man." He sounded dejected, which is fair enough I mean he is in a prison in the middle of the ocean.

The person in the next scared him, he didn't want this conversation to come as soon as it did but it was time to face the music.


"No Tony, I get you've done a lot for me....but when you proposed this idea did you think about anyone else, any of us?" She sat crossed legged on her bed, similar to when Natasha and Clint first encountered the criminal.

Not much has changed since them in terms of how the world and the government viewed her.

"I had no idea what would happen to us, we hurt people when we go of and do superhero....things." He really was sorry for the way things worked out. But they sort of did this to themselves.

"I'm not going to sit here and rehash old fights, it's over, now please leave me alone." Anya was a very optimistic person, but when things weren't perfect or the way she wanted it to she got easily annoyed.

"Anya don't be like this, you did this to yourself, you should have signed, we could have stayed a family."

"Tony, you made a deal with people like them? Look at what they did to Wanda for fucks sake!" He left her alone with his tail tucked between his legs, a small defeat in an ocean of conflict.

He walked over to Wilson's 'cage' and talked to him about being wrong and how he needed to know where they were going so he could put an end to Zemo's plan. He gave Anya one last look of sorrow before leaving the room and then the raft.


Tony came back a while later, she wasn't sure how long he left them. He seemed angry as the door opened and marched over to the Greeks cell.

"Did you know...?!" He wanted answers and Anya feared giving them to him.

"Tony....don't do this." She figured what happened with Steve didn't go so well given he was here, all mashed up, yelling at her.

"Did you know?!" He said with equal fury.

"I didn't, I worked it out soon enough."

"And you didn't tell me?!" He slammed the bars covering the glass in her cell door.

"I couldn't, I was being moved to a max security prison! There wasn't really a great time to tell you I know who killed your parents!" She was stood up at the door facing him, it caught the eye of the guards in the CCTV room but didn't want to interfere.

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