Part 13: Only time will tell

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Anya was kept in a medical lab at Stark tower whilst she was in her coma. It had been almost a year since she was found in that river bed.

The doctors where amazed she survived. She had a large cut on her forehead that gushed blood and their was enough water in her lungs to kill her. It was a miracle that she he'd survived. They estimated that she hit the water with enough force to knock her out.

They also knew that she pulled herself to land because of the sand under her fingernails.

Natasha visited her everyday. Spoke to her like she would, had she of been able to reply. It mostly consisted of her missions and how tracking down HYDRA was a lengthy task.
She also talked about how she would spend the rest of their lives.

Natasha was certain that when she woke up she would remember her. That 15% was just a way of them telling her that it was extremely unlikely she would. But only Nat knew the real Anya. She knew that all those years they were apart, Anya never forgot her. And Natasha knew that this would be no different.

Stark was throwing a party in celebration of the retrieval of the sceptre that Loki had so kindly left for them.

Everyone was getting dressed up to have a nice time. All of the Avengers were sat around a bar, they were talking and drinking before all of the guests arrived.

"Sir." Jarvis, Tony's UI, who he had made to help him with his suits and other information, spoke through the speakers around the room.

"Not now Jarvis." Tony was enjoying the company he had and didn't appreciate being interrupted whilst not working.

"Sir, it is for all of them to hear and I'm afraid is of extreme importance." His voice was scratchy and metallic, which suited his position as a UI. He had a British accent which stood out from all of the Avengers because of their American accents.

"Go on, what is it?" Tony had a slight quiver in his voice at the announcement from him. They would all stop talking and wait for the words to leave Jarvis's......mouth? But the words Jarvis was about to say would have a huge affect on the outcome of all of their lives.

"Miss Kozlova is awake." All of the talking stopped and they all looked at one another, not really sure what to do. Natasha was the first one to move and began to run towards the medical bay where Anya was sleeping. Despite in heels, she was very fast and had learned to run, jump and fight in heels so it didn't bother her. All of them were following her, wanting to see in what state Anya was in.

When they arrived at the glass room she was gone. The bed was wet and the pillows and blankets were strewn all over the room. The medical equipment was all over the place, some were even broken.

"Jarvis, where is she!" Natasha screamed at the UI in panic. She was stressed out and was worried for the safety of her girlfriend.

All of the Avengers, bar one, were all stood where she was, looking into the mess that was the facility.

"She is currently in the armoury." He replied. Jarvis was incapable of emotions but that didn't stop them from interpreting this as a bad sign.

If Anya woke up and she was indeed herself, she would have waited for them to come to her. But is she was in her HYDRA state or she had the retrograde amnesia that the previous doctors where talking about, she would have immediately gone into defence mode.

All 6 of them sprinted towards the armoury given that they didn't know what she was planning. They barged through the large doors that covered the room on the other side. What they saw was Anya in a corner of the room with a small pistol pointed at no one in particular.

Long Time No See • Natasha Romanoff Where stories live. Discover now