Part 8: Jam donuts

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It had been a long time since New York. Anya was now working at shield with the help of Natasha, Clint and Fury. Agent Kozlova. No matter how many times she had heard it, it still didn't get old. Natasha and her had grown closer since the battle. She didn't see her at the start of the process because she had to let her arm heal. Part of it was also the fact that she wasn't allowed on any high profile cases. She had to earn their trust, it wasn't ideal but she knew that it would take time.

She did develop feelings for the Russian. Anybody could see that she meant more to her than just a friend. After she came back from missions, Anya was the one to greet her when she stepped into the facility. They began sleeping together sometimes. Anya suffered from some nightmares, mostly about things from the past and her childhood. So sleeping with somebody she was comfortable with helped a lot.

All she wanted to do was become Rhodes first female firefighter. No. The world was much crueler to her than most people. Her parents decided to move to Russia to live a better life. Anya hated Russia and always planned to move back to Rhodes. Her parents were killed in the battle of Stalingrad. She was handed over to the Black Widow program. Then once they found out about her and Natalia, they sold her to HYDRA.

It was a warm night, when Anya found herself in the kitchen of the building. This was the only place with vending machines. Not that the food was bad.......but the food was bad. She didn't do this often as she liked to stay clean and healthy. But jam donuts where her weak spot. She loved jam donuts. Ever since she was a kid and her Papa would bring them back on his way home.

She was sat at a counter, her legs swinging back and forth whilst she munched on a jam donut. She snuck out of bed, leaving Natasha on her own. She knew if she woke up she would panic about where she had disappeared to.

"They are not good for you, you know." The redhead said standing in the doorway. Anya kicked up her legs and swung them around so she was facing the woman.

"My Mama said I could eat all of the donuts I wanted." This came out more depressed than what she was aiming for. She meant for it to be a joke. Nat noticed this and walked over to the woman slowly.

"Hey." Nat tilted her face up to meet hers. They locked eyes for a moment. Anya's where sad, but they still looked stunning to her. "I know it hurts." She said. This was a thing people normally said to make people feel better. But Natasha could relate more than anyone in the world to what she was going through. She was just better at hiding it than she was.

She pulled the woman into an embrace. Anya's leg lowered slightly around Natasha's waist. Anya planted her head in the crease in her shoulder, in between her head and shoulder. She slowly started whimpering into her shoulder. It was all coming to her, the pain, the stress and grief, the memories and the feelings.

They just stayed there. Hugging one another until Anya had stopped crying. Nat didn't mind, as long as it made her feel better.

"How many did you eat?" She asked, eying the pack of jam donuts behind the brunette.

"5." She managed to get out between inhales and her sobs. Nat looked at her, clearly worried for the state she was in.

"Hey, it's ok I'm here." It must have been a bad nightmare if it had an assassin, who literally killed people for a living, to be balling her eyes out.

This is when something clicked for Anya. How she didn't see this before amazed her and she didn't know how or what made it click, maybe it was this situation and her being with her. Her head snapped back and she stood up, looking at the scared Russian. She was scared by the sudden snap of movement.

"Be my girlfriend." She demanded, but not aggressively. She didn't want to force her into something that she didn't want. They just stared at one onto her for a moment. Natalia was so stunned at the remark she froze. "Don't worry, I knew it was stupid. I should ha......"

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