Part 38: Where it all started

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Ohio, 1995

A small girl was riding her bike around her small neighbourhood. It was a particularly warm day where they lived. The trees casting shadows and the lighting dipped and weaves between the leaves trees.

The girl a pretty small but at least around 10 years old. She wore some shorts and a plain white t-shirt with yellow sleeves. Her hair was blue but transferred into a golden red at the roots, it was clear this child was ginger beneath all the dye.

She waved at three other kids that she'd know in the area, they were swinging on a tire that they had suspended to a tree with a large piece of rope.

Not too long after that she found her destination. Home. The drive was long and the house was slightly above average size. The girl didn't actually go into the house, rather to the garden.

As she stepped into the trees surrounding their back yard, she whistled. It was high pitched and seemed like one half to a tune. Another whistle came out from a set of monkey- arms and a swing, where a smaller, blonde girl was playing.

She arched her back and walked in all fours while still being upside-down, her long, frizzy curls dangling to the floor. The girl with the blue hair joined her, taking the exact stance she was.

"We're both upside down." The blonde girl states while remaining on all fours.

"And I bet you're gonna fall first." The second girl replied in a playful tone, challenging her to stay there as long as she could.

"No, you will." She giggled back at her, all of the blood rushing to that pretty little face of hers. The smaller one tried edging closer but when the other girl stuck out her tongue, she collapsed and rolled over onto her front.

"You fell down first! I told you!" The blue haired girl called out as they both ran off, the blonde girl chasing the bigger girl.

As they ran into a clearing the little one tripped on something protruding out of the ground and onto her knees. "Mummy!" She calls out in pain. The older girl, her sister, come to tend to her, she wraps her arm around her shoulder until their mom comes out and kneels down next to the blonde girl.

"What happened?" She asked a little dryly, she was speaking to the older girl and could only be beard through the sobs of the smaller child.

"She fell on her knee." The blue haired girl clears up while the blonde girl scurries out of her sisters arms and into her mother's.

"You bump your knee, awe. Kiss it better, mwau, is that better?" She asks as the other girl runs off to the play set where her sister was playing not too long ago. "Shshshsh." Her mother says as she wipes the tears out of her eyes. "Awe, come on little one. Get up, you're ok. Come on your a babe girl."

She took her hand and began to lead her back into their house. "Your pain only makes you stronger. Right, you?" She asked her other daughter while she swung back and forth on the swing.

"Look!" The blonde girl cry's as she points up at the trees, diverting both of their attention to the small flickering orange near the trees. "Forest stars."

"Yeah, you know what, those are actually part of the Lampyridae family. And the glow, the glow that you see, that come from a chemical reaction you called, bioluminescence. Come on time for dinner." And she leaves to return back to the house for dinner.

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