Growing Up

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Noah is 10 months old

Jen was having a girls afternoon with Amanda. They were watching Rosie play with Maple and Franny in the backyard.

"She seems to have turned into a teenager since starting school" Amanda said.

"I know. I watch her with Noah and it's like she's a fully grown adult. I can't believe how quick she's growing"

"It flies by doesn't it?!" Amanda smiled softly from the kids to Jen. "How're you finding it with both of them?"

"Easier than I thought. I remember talking with you and I was so scared I wouldn't love them equally or that they'd get on.. but they're the best of friends. He adores her and she's obsessed with him" Jen smiled, proud of her babies.

"Your hormones have treated you a lot better this time" Amanda teased.

"I know right" she laughed "I really thought I'd struggle more this time around but if anything, my hormones were worse during my pregnancy"

"I guess because you had such a tough pregnancy, the aftermath has been a little lighter for you"

"Yeah I guess you're right. I know Justin was worried I wouldn't cope, he still asks me now if I'm really okay or need a break. I never realised how emotional I was last time, it must have been awful for him to deal with"

"He loves and understands you.. that's all you can ask for. He's just worried you're covering up what's really going on" she gave Jen a weak smile "You are okay though, aren't you?" Amanda questioned.

Jen sighed and smiled "Honestly honey.. I'm shocked myself at how I've been since Noah. His pregnancy really took it out of me but I'm so happy and I love them so much that any negative thought or feeling that comes my way.. I'm much stronger now and able to handle it. And I know if needs be.. I've got Justin and you girls that I can ask for help."

"You've been on quite a journey Jen but you've never changed how strong you are"

"Thank you honey" Jen leant over and hugged her.

Jason came walking over carrying a giggling Noah.

"You guys have gotta hear this" Jason bounced Noah in his arms, joining the girls on the chairs.

Jen and Amanda smiled watching them both.

"DA...DA" Noah babbled in between his giggles.

"Oh my god" Jen whispered in shock.

"DAAAA...DAA" he repeated.

"Oh baby" Jen reached across taking Noah and stood him on her lap "You're so clever" she kissed his face all over, beaming with pride.

"Okay are you just going to ignore the fact he called me dada" Jason joked and they all laughed.

"I think we all know you're in the friend zone honey" Jen teased back.

"Da da" Noah kept babbling as Jen clutched him tightly, smiling.

"Dada's going to be so happy" Jen spoke softly.

"I gotta film this" Amanda smiled grabbing her phone.

Jen encouraged Noah to say it to the camera and smiled proudly.

"Ugh I just love you" she hugged him close, kissing him all over.

"Why are your kids so clever and mine did nothing till after they were 1?!" Jason teased.

"I can't take credit for that one I'm afraid" Jen said, hinting about Justin.

"That's true" Jason laughed.

I've got you babe - Jennifer and Justin (Justifer)Where stories live. Discover now