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"I don't think I can do this." Silvie, my beautiful wife, pants. For the tiny pixie that she is, she has an incredible grip. Her delicate golden fingers squeeze my tattooed ones, threatening to break them in half.

Using a cool towel, I wipe away the sweat-slicked hair from her forehead; I remind her that she can and she will. "You are capable of this. Your body was made to do this."

My words come out strong. But even I have to admit, I doubt them. We've taken all the classes, watched all the videos, but looking down at her round belly it's hard to fathom what's about to happen. She's nothing but belly. My child might actually be as big as she is.

All my life, I've been surrounded by nothing but chaos. Life in a Motorcycle Club can be... hectic. Life as its president, even more so. I've seen men die, a few times at my own hands. But nothing compares to this.

Despite the blood and the screams, this is the purest moment of my life. The moment my son enters the world is nothing but clarity. It's pure love and pure creation in an instant.

The nurse tries to hand him to me, but I won't take him. I can't. It feels wrong to rob her of touching him first. My perfect wife, my perfect mate, brought my perfect child into this world. He belongs nowhere if not in her arms first.

His cries are soothed by her touch and like the goddess she is, she instantly knows what to do with him. He latches on to her breast and I watch as her hot tears rain down on him. She looks up at me with eyes so full of love that it makes me forget who I am for a moment.

This dark-haired angel has taken every piece of the man I was and flipped him inside out. She's used me for every bit of her good. It's a debt I will forever try to repay.

"Kingston," she whispers.

My child. My son. Heir to my throne.

KING : Children of Wolves Book 1 - MC Romance Series | Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now